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Where can I find MechJeb 2.0?


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I know this seems like a stupid question but I've looked everywhere - searched the forums, looked on spaceport - I can't find it anywhere. I know it's out there because I just watched Scott Manley's video on it. Has it been updated to 0.20.2 yet? If so, where can I find it? Thanks in advance!

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Hmmm. Okay, I think I need some more help here. I downloaded and put the folders in their rightful place, but there are no mechjeb parts that appear in my VAB. Am I doing something wrong here? What I'm doing:

1) I went to http://jenkins.mumech.com/job/MechJeb2/66/ to download dev version #66

2) Downloaded the .zip file, and extracted it into my designated downloads folder.

3) I then copied the required folders, Parts and Plugins into my main KSP folder.

4) Started the game, and went to the VAB.

I noticed there are only 3 files in Parts\MechJeb2_AR202: model.mu, model000.mbm, and Part.cfg does that sound about right?

oh, and I've already tried installing them to the GameData folder under GameData/MechJeb2, and still nothing.

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You indeed have to install it under GameData/MechJeb2. Mine works fine though, there's only the files you listed above. The AR202 case should be in the command and control tab with the ASAS units, look carefully! Else, try going out of the VAB and realoading all your parts through the debug menu.

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