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Where it blows


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Where it blows

Day 1: Jebediah could hardly wait. The maiden flight of Orion, a.k.a “Ol’ Boom-boom†was ready for launch. Along side of him were Bill and Bob. Bill was scared due to the fact the rocket was powered by 1000 nukes. Bob, well, he wasn’t exited or scared. As the final seconds ticked away, Jeb accidently fired the LES, meaning they couldn’t turn back. Once the rocket launched, explosions ravaged through the town. KSC staff, however, couldn’t hear it since they were in a sound-proof bomb shelter. Surprisingly, they got into orbit in less time than most rocket launches, at 2.15 minutes. “Jeb, how’s everyone doing up there?†radioed Gary Kerman, Capsule Communicator of the flight. Jeb replied with “Fine, except for Bob and Bill barfing due to motion sickness.†Ever since the first rocket flight, Kerbal 1, motion sickness has been a problem, and KSC had no idea what caused it.

Day 50: After about 105 orbits, they could finally transfer to Duna. Even with nukes powering the rocket, it took 10 minutes to transfer. Bob could hardly wait to get to Duna, as he would pilot a lander that could land everywhere! Plus, it would be his first time being up close to Duna.

Day 165: Duna. Where Kartains are believe to live at. Still, Bob could never be happier. The crew finally got to Duna.

Day 205: It was 5 minutes until they could move to the DM to land on Duna. Suddenly, there was an explosion and the pod was spinning. “Jeb, what the heck happened? I said not to throttle up the engines and turn to starboard!†yelled Gary. “It wasn’t me! I swear!†said Jeb, confused about the situation. “Uh oh, when I throttle up, we don’t go any faster!†said Bill, screaming his head off. Suddenly, KSC, and the crew, went silent. Then, Flight director, Gene Kerman, yelled “THE POD FELL OFF THE ROCKET? GOD DAMNIT, KRAKEN, WHY DO YOU RUIN EVERY SINGLE INTERPLANETARY FLIGHT?!?!†Now, everyone realized that the crew was stranded. As communications faded out, the crew was stuck alone, with only each other.

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Log list. Select log from list:

Day 1

Day 2

Day 6

Day 10

Day 51

Day 70

Day 100

Day 278

Day 582

Day 666

Day 987

Day 1500

Day 1

This is the first day without communication with KSC. Not much to talk about, other than that today was Bill’s birthday. I will report on stuff tomorrow. What day is tomorrow anyway?

-Jebediah Kerman

Day 2

Today is my birthday. I really wish I was home so I could be eating cake. Oh well. We saw Gilly today. I figured out there was a calendar system on the ship. Cool.

-Jebediah Kerman

Day 6

Today is Bill’s birthday. If you’re reading this Bill, happy birthday.

-Bob Kerman

Day 10

I want to go home.

-Bill Kerman

Day 51

Why do we still use this? Well, anyways, Eve looks like a good home.

-Jebediah Kerman

Day 70

Merry Christmas.

-Bob Kerman

Day 100

Day 100 without radio. Milestone achieved.

-Jebediah Kerman

Day 278

I can’t believe we’re still using this. Well, who cares? I don’t

-Jebediah Kerman

Day 582

Where’s the Red Mush?

-Bob Kerman

Day 666

666. The number of the Knevil.

Day 987

Found the propulsion stage. It was still intact. If only we could dock to it to it and use it to get home.

-Bill Kerman

Day 1500

We’ve reestablished radio contact with KSC. We can actually dock with the propulsion stage! We just did and now it’s time to hea- Dangit. NO BOMBS LEFT IN THE STAGE!!!! Now we can’t go home...NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

-Jebediah Kerman

This is all the data there is left of the flight. The rescue team found the craft, and inside were the bodies of Bill, Jebediah, and Bob Kerman. When Erlock Kerman poked all of the crew, it was determined they were dead.

The End

Original word count: 666

Now: 670 or so

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