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Munar Achievements


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So here\'s a new one, for the Ultimate Munar Rocket Challenge.

I built a rocket that:



Orbits Kerbin:


Transfers to mun orbit:


Lands on the mun:


Launches back off the mun. Transfers to kerbin orbit:


Lands back on kerbin:




Gets back to kerbin orbit:


Descends on the mun:


Lands on the mun, for the 2nd time:




Transfers to a atmosphere-intersecting ballistic orbit: (you can see me missing the KSP by like, 20 km. Pretty impressive considering my last course correction was from the other side of the planet)


Parachute down:


Splash landing. Hello mun. I landed on you, twice.


Most impressive part: it was small enough that I didn\'t glitch the altimeter. I almost never make rockets that small.

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Guest Flixxbeatz

I can\'t even build gigantic stuff without lagging my laptop to the point of submission, having it suddenly explode in pad and/or abnormally breaking apart in flight.

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I can\'t even build gigantic stuff without lagging my laptop to the point of submission, having it suddenly explode in pad and/or abnormally breaking apart in flight.

I have the solution. Do you get like, five seconds of white screening or stuff like that when you hit launch? In that time, Smash space, hit T and turn up thrust, if you\'d like. The effects come into play when it loads.

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Has anyone here ever tried a skip reentry? I may have accidentally done it today, though I\'m not sure, and I\'m WAAAAY to tired to re-try tonight. Read this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skip_reentry

What ended up happening to me was this:

1) After a sub-par Munar mission, the CM was unintentionally placed in a highly eccentric orbit around Kerbin with an apoapsis of what I recall being 18,000,000m

2) Not having enough fuel to fix my orbit before re-entry, I decided to sink my periapsis to around 35,000m and allow some aerobreaking to occur

3) As the CM hit the atmosphere (at a very shallow angle), it was travelling incredibly fast, much faster than I would have preferred

4) After hitting the periapsis at 35,000m, the craft began to climb back to about 55,000m This slowed the craft down considerably, well below 2000m/s

5) Reentry proceeded as normal

The values are not exact, but what do you guys think? Is it useful for anything?

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So here\'s a new one, for the Ultimate Munar Rocket Challenge.

I built a rocket that:



Orbits Kerbin:


Transfers to mun orbit:


Lands on the mun:


Launches back off the mun. Transfers to kerbin orbit:


Lands back on kerbin:




Gets back to kerbin orbit:


Descends on the mun:


Lands on the mun, for the 2nd time:




Transfers to a atmosphere-intersecting ballistic orbit: (you can see me missing the KSP by like, 20 km. Pretty impressive considering my last course correction was from the other side of the planet)


Parachute down:


Splash landing. Hello mun. I landed on you, twice.


Most impressive part: it was small enough that I didn\'t glitch the altimeter. I almost never make rockets that small.


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No cfg hax. With that particular ship I just used Silisko edition engines + novapunch tanks. In combination, they are massively overpowered, since they appear to use different balancing standards. (Not that there is anything even resembling 'normal' or 'fair' in terms of balancing standards, and all the packs (and sometimes even within each pack) you find wildly different baselines for balance. I go through phases of trying really hard to play 'fair', and then getting sick of the math, and just start snapping on whatever catches my eye.)

Secondly, I turned off all smoke and particle effects on those big 1st stage SRB\'s, and I heavily cut down the effects on the LFE\'s. That reduces the lag by a LOT. Hmm, I suppose technically that\'s a cfg hack. But w/e.

3rd: use the kebylon launchpad. Best mod part ever made, no contest. Without it, every single damned one of my ships would explode instantly on the launch pad. For one thing, it would spawn intersecting the launch tower, which is instant death.

4th: I use my own mod parts. All my parts are purely the immediate result of me wanting to use a part that doesn\'t exist. The 7-split novapunch-style 3m tank, in particular, makes it possible to launch big rockets without quite as much lag.

5th: My computer is no slouch. Built it myself. geforce 560 Ti, 16g ram, core i7 (I forget the clock speed).

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So here\'s a new one, for the Ultimate Munar Rocket Challenge.

I built a rocket that:



Orbits Kerbin:


Transfers to mun orbit:


Lands on the mun:


Launches back off the mun. Transfers to kerbin orbit:


Lands back on kerbin:




Gets back to kerbin orbit:


Descends on the mun:


Lands on the mun, for the 2nd time:




Transfers to a atmosphere-intersecting ballistic orbit: (you can see me missing the KSP by like, 20 km. Pretty impressive considering my last course correction was from the other side of the planet)


Parachute down:


Splash landing. Hello mun. I landed on you, twice.


Most impressive part: it was small enough that I didn\'t glitch the altimeter. I almost never make rockets that small.

Chuck Norris called, he wants his bottle rocket back.

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In defense of these scurrilous accusations, I feel the need to defend my honor as a gentlekerbin. Therefore, I post the craft file.

You will need:

KSP 0.13.2

KSP Silisko Edition 1.2

KW challenger pack v0.5

Project Kebylon launch tower

Project firelark

Novapunch v0.9

AVK landers 0.2b

Gaby\'s quick and dirty miscellania (link in sig)

C7 flight pack (used one aileron)

Down under aerospace 0.3

Captain slug\'s lander leg v1.2 (http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/index.php?topic=2251.0)

Tested with these dependencies, so I\'m fairly sure this is it. Let me know if it doesn\'t work.

It is really quite easy to fly. There is a TON of spare fuel in almost every stage, so you shouldn\'t have any trouble replicating this. You may have to do some stage shuffling in-flight, as v0.13.2 seems to occasionally randomly shuffle the stage order of some of the decouplers, for some reason. Full album of the flight can be found here, for staging reference.

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Guest Flixxbeatz

There\'s your problem.

4GB ram, i3 laptop. Decent enough.

5th: My computer is no slouch. Built it myself. geforce 560 Ti, 16g ram, core i7 (I forget the clock speed).

This is the reason why I guess. Computer spec boundaries...

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I dunno about that. My C2D, 4Gb RAM desktop smokes my Core i3, 6Gb RAM laptop when gaming. Reason is simple. Even an old Radeon HD4850 kicks the crap out of a Intel Integrated GPU. What sort of GPU does that laptop of yours run? If it\'s running Integrated, then yes, Laptop is your problem.

In other news...


Odd lighting bug there. The challenge here is now for someone to land a one-piece Mun base. :D

It\'s not really a bug, it\'s an odd effect of the lighting engine. Shadows are only drawn a certain distance from the camera, in an even circle, to save on resources, but they can be cast from unlimited distances. So what\'s casting a shadow so large, so far away, that\'s it\'s eclipsing the entire lander and drawing shadow for as far away as the game will allow at those settings? Kerbin, that\'s what. It\'s a solar eclipse, you can\'t see it in that picture but Kerbin is blocking out Kerbol and casting it\'s shadown over the entire area, perhaps much of the mun itself, but the game\'s setting mean that the shadow is only being drawn in a fairly small area around the camera, leaving the rest of the mun strangely illuminated.

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@E_Snap: I\'ve done things that are kinda skip reentries. Basically, I set an elliptical orbit that intersects atmo, dropping down to 40-60k or so. i usually have enough speed to pop back out again at least once before final descent. It depends on the drag of the ship. I\'m not sure if that counts as a skip reentry or not. Do you have to change direction when you 'skip'? to do that, you\'d need lift. Hmm.

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@gabyalufix: With a skip reentry, one does not want to go above the atmosphere. This is due to the fact that in KSP, instead of having residual atmosphere for a few kilometers, it just stops at 70,000m. In KSP, you need to have enough speed leaving orbit to follow a 'roller coaster-esque reentry path,' in other words, dip deep into the atmosphere, but begin climbing again at the periapsis to just below the edge of the atmosphere. Then one would continue reentry as normal. Changing the direction of the capsule, though, is not performed.

In real life, this has two uses, only one of them CURRENTLY applying to KSP.

1) In order to cause as little stress to the heat shields as possible. the skip reentry allows the

the craft more time in the thin parts of the atmosphere to dissipate speed and heat.

2) (Can be used in KSP) Since the reentry path of a skip reentry is much, much longer than a

normal reentry, it allows one to begin reentry over any point on the globe (it would be

useful, for example, in a mid-flight abort), while still hitting one\'s target.

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@gabyalufix: With a skip reentry, one does not want to go above the atmosphere.


That\'s pretty much the definition... when 'out of the atmosphere' means 'ballistic, beyond the zone of noticeable aerodynamic drag and lift'.

A 'skip reentry' usually implies the ability of controlling the trajectory with capsule lift, though, and this is still unimplemented in KSP.

(Plus Kerbin reentry accelerations are so mild right now that you wouldn\'t NEED it anyway, but...)

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The issue here being that the Earth has enough of a residual atmosphere that speeds would continue to drop as one 'skips,' while Kerbin doesn\'t. Kerbin\'s atmosphere just stops. Do you understand what I am getting at?

EDIT: I am a bit confused by 'Capsule lift.' in an object of such shape (as in the Apollo capsules, which were capable of a 1-skip reentry), how does one generate lift?

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The issue here being that the Earth has enough of a residual atmosphere that speeds would continue to drop as one 'skips,' while Kerbin doesn\'t. Kerbin\'s atmosphere just stops. Do you understand what I am getting at?

I do: but that isn\'t a 'skip' reentry. What you\'re describing is what Apollo did every time. They had the capability to extend their trajectory substantially with a coasting, ballistic phase, with negligible aero effects, but they never used it. That is 'skipping'.


in an object of such shape, how does one generate lift?

By offsetting the center of gravity, so that the capsule 'leans' on a side instead of entering exactly blunt-side-first. This way, the air stream is deflected somewhat and a lift force is generated. Lift coefficient is very low, as expected, something like 0.2 or 0.3, but it was/is enough (Soyuz does that too).

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Ah! It seems as if I have begun to confuse my diagrams! I concede, and do see the issue as sorted out. Thank you very much, it\'s difficult to find people in this day and age who are willing to actually show me the error in my ways, as opposed to simply stating that I am incorrect. Again, many thanks!

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Thank you very much, it\'s difficult to find people in this day and age who are willing to actually show me the error in my ways, as opposed to simply stating that I am incorrect.

You\'ve been on 4chan too much :P

And definitions have grey areas, as usual: if you fly a trajectory where the initial G peak is, say, five, and then bounce up to 0.25 before going down again, some could say that it isn\'t a 'skip' and some could say it is ;)

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My First Lunar Surface Rendezvous.

Well I landed these two LM\'s right next to eachother and got within about 2 meters before I accidentally folded my landing gear back up. The Command Module survived, but the rest of the stages exploded on the Explorer One. I had no intention of returning anyway. It\'s going to be a permanent Mun Base. I plan to land larger craft in this area and build a colonized little base.


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