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[STOCK] Fastest Runway-Runners

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In the spirit of drag-racing, I thought I'd start this simple challenge. Build the fastest vehicle that's able to run the length of the runway at KSP.


1. The vehicle may not fly down the runway. At least one contact point (be it a wheel or sled) must remain on the runway at all times.

2. The vehicle must be able to accelerate and STOP on the runway.

3. No bugs or exploits may be used to complete this challenge. (ie wing bugs)

3. A limit of one solid booster is applied to all craft. This excludes sepratrons.

4. This is a stock challenge. No mods may be used (excluding Mechjeb).

5. The vehicle must be completely intact at the end of its run (ie no part damage). If it were to be refuelled, the ship should be fully functional and capable of another run.

6. No parts may decouple from the craft at any time for any reason.

7. For the safety of manned crews, a capsule must be used to contain Kerbals in any manned craft. Command seats are not allowed.

8. For judging, a screenshot must be provided showing the intact craft, as well as the end-flight screen showing maximum ground speed. A VAB screenshot is optional, but preferred. :)

There are two categories, manned and unmanned. They will be judged separately. To qualify for the "manned" category the Kerbal must survive the run.

Best luck to all.


Manned Winners

1.Doull - 264m/s











Unmanned Winners

1.Clouds - 458m/s


2.Keyring - 320m/s


3.technicalfool - 301m/s


4.technicalfool - 279m/s







Finally, here's my attempt.




Edited by Jodo42
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If i were you, I wouldn't allow sepratrons. I've seen to many of these challenges being beat by people using a bunch of sepratrons.

I'd love to know how fast you can go with a single sepatron.

In fact, that's a challenge in and of itself!

Edit: Didn't see "this excludes sepatrons". Hmm. Hmmmmmmmmmm...

Edited by technicalfool
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Unmanned Mainsail powered sled, with Sepratron braking.

I didn't want to cheese it with Sepratrons stuck to a plate and flat octo unit. This thing probably can be refined for extra speed with, and a command chair for a Kerbal. ;)

Took a while to get working, at any speed past 100m/s if a part lifts and taps back down, the whole thing falls apart in less then a second. The rear 'Runner' did that a lot, as the Mainsail pushed the sled forwards. The solution was to have the front runner higher then the rear runner to stop it lifting the back.





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Updated leaderboard. I'm surprised to see so many sleds.

A note about sepratrons: I'm allowing them simply because I don't think you can win with JUST them in the "Manned" category. Clouds octo-sled was rather interesting, and also the only current entry to exceed the speed of sound (340.29 m/s).

I've also added a new rule that for the safety of Kerbals, a capsule must be used on manned designs. No command seats, guys. :)

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Updated leaderboard. I'm surprised to see so many sleds.

A note about sepratrons: I'm allowing them simply because I don't think you can win with JUST them in the "Manned" category. Clouds octo-sled was rather interesting, and also the only current entry to exceed the speed of sound (340.29 m/s).

I've also added a new rule that for the safety of Kerbals, a capsule must be used on manned designs. No command seats, guys. :)

Sleds tend to remain in control when they exceed 200m/s. When I tried with wheels, they went into a crazy hop from wheel to wheel when they passed that speed and then launched themselves 100m into the air.

Heres my manned entry:

To compensate for the crew capsule, there are now two mainsails. And decided to try liquid engines to brake, rather then a million sepratrons. Prototype touched 350m/s but I could never get it to stop in time, or it turned into a fireball that was approximately the length of the runway.

This one hits 319m/s consistently. This SS is from the run that will be in the video.


I like struts, one little wobble with this thing, and blam.


Geneski's got his derp face going.


Video coming later (Its 3:00AM), recorded two runs, one in cockpit and one out, both hit the same speeds.

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Sleds are easier to go straight in my experience and are more tolerant of front to back balance issues. It's not like wheels actually provide less friction than sleds anyway.

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this is my attempt i reached m/s Gb791Es.jpgsICVx6N.png that's my design

It looks like you lost a couple pieces. Unfortunately Rule 5 means that disqualifies you. Thanks for a manned entry though. The RCS is an interesting touch.

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