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MechJeb and Orbital Rendezvous

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I'm not sure if this question belongs here or in the Add-Ons forum, but I am having problems with MechJeb's Rendezvous on Ascent function on the Automated Ascent screen. I understand that you select a target and it time accelerates to put you in relatively close orbit to the target (in this case a space station). In all the vids I have seen, this "relatively close" distance is about four kilometers, but I have done over a dozen launches using this and the closest I can ever get is 100 kilometers. Am I doing something wrong? Thank you!

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Assuming you're using the old 1.9.8 version of MechJeb, it assumes that the launch profile is identical to the rocket that was launched previously. If you are using different launchers/spacecraft, the the phase angle will be different.

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