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Spiritwolf/Hanland Submissions

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it can land?

i have to go back and look at it again, but that sounds like it'd be particularily difficult even on a low grav moon, still it'd be pretty cool

but it would make refuelling ships from it a bit more difficult and interesting too i suppose

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Hello again, seeing as my 1st submission spent more on ammo than the part limit I've decided to post something a little more sensible this time. Note: this is an updated version (drop tanks added and some minor aesthetic changes) to the one in the image in my post on p66 and the current file in my ships folder, both will be available to download.

It weighs in at 306 parts (final stage), has 2 internal Jumbo fuel tanks and 2 more jumbo droptanks (makes it to Laythe fully fueled), has 3 large Rcs tanks, is fully encased in a 4 piece carapace and carries more torpedoes than 2 Proto-E battlecruisers:

K.S.S. Frightspear (Stormbringer class battlecruiser):


Stats (without droptanks):

Parts: 306 (600ish at launch)

TWR: 0.54

Delta V: 4806 (>6000 with droptanks)

Crew: 4

Ammo: 9 volleys of 2 RT 10 SFB torpedoes.

Functionality: Reloadable in space, easy to refuel, RCS enabled and all sizes of docking port included).

Proof of launch (both versions): http://imgur.com/a/5uRjE



K.S.S. Frightspear taking a long-shot (for this class) at a Proto-E.


The damage seen in daylight.


K.S.S Frightspear alongside K.S.S. Carnifex in low Kerbin Orbit.

O.k, so it's basically a watered down version of my 1st post (and now looks allot like everyone else's battlecruisers for it :(); it only carries 1/3 of the ammo, the armour is not as good (no throat baffle or engine guards anymore so its more vulnerable to end on shots), no crew transfer and the magazine loading system has gone too.

Having said that it still packs one hell of a punch for it's class (18 torpedoes), fits the criteria, is re-loadable and has obscene amounts of delta V for an armoured warship.

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  Mygnol said:
Any way to ensure that 2 LV-N's stuck on via bi-adapters don't spontaneously deconstruct upon fairing jettison?

Aren't they going to overheat each other at anything more then half throttle being so close?

My Large Rescue Lander nearly overheats its center Nuke engine and that is with the four outer engines about 3 meters away from it.

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  sanity said:
it can land?

i have to go back and look at it again, but that sounds like it'd be particularily difficult even on a low grav moon, still it'd be pretty cool

but it would make refuelling ships from it a bit more difficult and interesting too i suppose


Kerbylon won't be landing.

Fuel Cars to refuel it will. And when it needs them, they'll fly back up...

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  Mygnol said:
If I'm not mistaken, isn't there already a fighter with the name Sai with anti-capital ship SRB's?

My Sai is a Frigate, though considering how huge everyone's "fighters" are, it's actually the size of a heavy fighter.

I don't care if someone uses the same name, but people can get confused by that.

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I've finished getting both ships into orbit of Laythe. I hadn't planned on a rendezvous, but the orbits worked out quite nicely.


This is my first successful rendezvous without any assistance from MechJeb!

The full submission post has been updated to include the save file with Hyperion and Ajax in Laythe orbit. The albums have also been updated to include proof of transit to Laythe.

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Hey Space Maniacs ! :sticktongue:

I just love this Macey universe he is creating and want to submit sth to that idea.

He said in his last youtube vid dthat he want to break barrier of separate universes and create one universe full of companies of many players ( I am creating my own company and its assets :cool:) , but this will be a little boring as i see it coz everyone want to be allied with Macey (I want my comany to be neutral in this war - and make deals with both side of conflict). My sollution for improveing this idea is to implement some kind of currency like Orbital Cerdits (or whatever name will be chosen). Idea is based on the question - what is valuable for players when game itself dont have any cash ? and the answer is - TIME ! hehe yes KSP take a lot of time, and since this conflict is at Jool system that is perfect. To get something to Jool system takes a lot of time. So my idea of currency is to make Orbital Credits fixed with Low Kerban Orbit and mass (1 t - 1000 kg) - eg. If i leave my ship at LKO and send a request for another company to refuel it with 70 tons of fuel i will need to pay 70 Orbital Credits, If i want a buy ship at LKO (that weight is 70 t) constructed by another company i will pay 70 Orbital Credits plus what is the value of R&D of that ship for that company, but if i want to buy sht with delivery to Jool i will pay much more coz of TIME and DV needed to deliver goods there. The same for hire some company for fight/destroy your enemy.

Transaction could be made once a week/2 weeks - coz we need send savefiles. There will be central bank with accounts of all companies - someone just need to get reports about transations. Every company will get 1000 Orbital credits at the start.

And one important thing - realisation of order from another company need to be in vid file as proof of not useing mods -eg. kethane.

This only idea - lease say what you think about it.

You know there is no better thing that can fuel the war as money ;)

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Well we finally got this beast functional. It took way longer than we expected, but then again our expectations aren't exactly a great indicator of progress. Anyway, without further ado, Paradigm Industries presents the PDM-MDHI-L12 Armored Spacetrain!


Sitting at 254.25 tons and a soul-crushing 671 parts, this is probably not the most ideal service vessel, but we love it nonetheless. Sporting no armament whatsoever, the spacetrain is primarily a tug vessel, utilizing the Oberth effect with extreme prejudice to haul fuel into Laythe orbit. Or, it would, if our pilots could master the 'simulation' and actually get it to Laythe. Come on guys, really, how hard can it be?

The current loadout for the spacetrain designated "Pangolin" is two orange fuel tanks and four large RCS tanks, armored and equipped with tri-lateral radial docking ports to serve as a temporary fueling station in the aftermath of an orbital engagement. Originally a load of 36 standard torpedoes was to be carried along with its test load of two unarmored orange fuel tanks, however the part count skyrocketed with the addition of this module. As the standard torpedo has been known to be mostly obsolete, rendering the module mostly useless, it was abandoned in LKO and later de-orbited. However, with the addition of the Rockomax 48-7S, the standard torpedo may receive an overhaul, and to accommodate this potential upgrade a new spacetrain has been commissioned to transport these new torpedoes. This vessel will be designated "Armadillo" once completed.

The "tractor" engine configuration provides much-needed stability during long burns, as the trailing cargo modules flex significantly during maneuvers. A similar modular load under compression would require vast quantities of RCS and torque to keep the spacecraft pointed in the right direction, burning through much of its intended cargo in the process. This configuration allows for the spacetrain to stay in orbit and receive cargo modules dependent on its task and destination, cutting down on required resources in the long run. The downside to this configuration is that it cannot easily adjust its heading. It is a train, after all. Lighting has been kept to a minimum to avoid attracting unwanted Hanland attention. The spacetrain's sloped armor is sufficient to repel standard torpedoes at most angles, however it is not a front-line combat vessel and should not be treated as such.

Continuing Paradigm's trend of operational redundancy, the spacetrain contains a backup probe core, as well as a pair of command modules. Should those all be destroyed, each cargo module contains a pair of large probe cores, just behind each docking port. If the primary fuel tank is critically damaged, the command sponsons will detach. Each command sponson is a self-contained spacecraft possessing RCS and three LV-Ns to escape with its crew intact. However, manual sponson ejection is not currently supported due to structural concerns. If these can be addressed, the next iteration of spacetrain will allow for modular command sponsons.

We hope that Spiritwolf will forgive our egregious stupidity in essentially lying prostrate and presenting Hanland with an astrophysical-warfare-equipped (read: absurdly high part count) dreadnaught. Our organization has been purged of Hanland sympathizers, we think, and the greater Paradigm Corporation took away all our missiles just to be safe.

Edited by Varyon
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Ok, so its been a few daunting evenings but im happy to say im back up and running.

after the update i "updated" the mk'3s with more power and sustainability only to discover they all caught a bad case of the "wings fall off" itis. could not get them to cooperate so the mk3's are sadly axed

Im pleased to introduce you to the Mk 4's

First up the Aid ships:

Mk4 surveyor: 541 at launch 303 final form

comes with 2 civilian mosquitoes 5 guided torpedoes and 6 data array satellites

Used for satellite communication, surveying mineral sites and search and rescue

the action groups for this ship are

1. toggle lv-t30 on/off

2. lock lifter gimbal

Proof of travel to jool :


Mk4 Command: 577 launch 333 final

comes equipped with 3 guided torpedoes 4 com arrays and 2 crew shuttles

Primary data hub used to keep track of the rest of the fleet and maintain mining schedule (plus they get cable! gotta keep up with our favorite space reality tv show)

the action groups for this ship are

1. toggle lv-t30 on/off

2. lock lifter gimbal

Proof of travel to jool :


Mk4 Crewship: 431 launch 181 final

comes equipped with 2 com arrays and 2 civilian mosquitoes

The mining crews home away from home. holding all the amenities they could ever wish for. like food,water...air.

the action groups for this ship are

1. toggle lv-t30 on/off

2. lock lifter gimbal

Proof of travel to jool :


Mk4 Minerunner: 563 launch 319 final

comes equipped with 4 mining site landers 2 crew transport buggy's and 2 com arrays

Everything a space miner needs to stay busy! the lifeblood of the AarnCo mining expeditions

the action groups for this ship are

1. toggle lv-t30 on/off

2. lock lifter gimbal

Proof of travel to jool :


Mk4 Resupply: 668 launch 424 final

comes with 12 guided torpedoes 24 dumbfire fighter torps, 2 comm arrays and 1 droid tug

Theres lots of stuff in space to shoot at! SOMEONE needs to bring the ammo...

the action groups for this ship are

1. toggle lv-t30 on/off

2. lock lifter gimbal

Proof of travel to jool :


Mk4 Tanker L: 443 launch 193 final

comes with 2 comm arrays

The long range tanker cause youll always run out of gas where you least expect it.

the action groups for this ship are

1. toggle lv-t30 on/off

2. lock lifter gimbal

Proof of travel to jool :


And now the only full Military ship(currently) in AarnCo's lineup

Mk4 escort: 549 launch 305 final

come with 8 guided torpedoes 2 medium mosquitoes and 2 comm arrays

Turns out space is chock full of scary pirates and bad guys its dangerous to go alone!

the action groups for this ship are

1. toggle lv-t30 on/off

2. lock lifter gimbal

Proof of travel to jool :


a bit about AarnCo:

AarnCo is a civilian owned deep space mining firm specializing in zero atmosphere asteroid and moon mining in full support of spirit wolf

A word of warning:

the lifters in .21 were a wee bit dodgy on these guys as they liked to change the order of sequence a few times so be mindful of that (usually the 3 and 4 stage would flip for no reason)

also when launching ships to jool. give yourself more time between launches. i am honestly scared to do the braking because of how close they are.


link to ships and persistance


Also huge props for chozo for digging through 77+ pages of ships. good gravy.

Edited by aarno
forgot the dl link
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Can anyone design a carrier, please, for my light fighters?

The SYF-2 SaiFighter

The SYF-2i Sai ER

Perferably something that can carry 2 - 4 fighters, plus a reload or two for each fighter.

EDIT: Of course, anyone who does help in this, you'll be free to use those classes as you wish. :)

EDIT2: Also, would anyone have any tips for getting something with aerodynamic surfaces into space?

The Sai's wings keep making the rockets I build for it spin out.

Edited by shepard1701
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the kmarc presents the escort carrier vengeance class I think it can get laythe Shepard and i will see Shepard you can change the design any way you're corp sees fit same to all on hanland troops the actual file can scan for hanland signatures and wont let them use it http://www.4shared.com/file/oV7R28rv/carrier_vengence_class_refit.html

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