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Spiritwolf/Hanland Submissions

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for rockets with aerodynamic surfaces you need to overcompensate, add more aerodynamic winglets at the top and bottom of the rocket, you can jetison them later but they are needed to keep control when wings add lift iin strange directions

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After the tedium of docking one engine module to the Kerbylon, I'm sorely tempted to just do the rest with mechjeb...

But I've gotten THIS far without mods smoothing it out...

And all things considered, I WAS trying to dock a giant engine to a giant space station.

Also, sometimes I REALLY wish we could convince Macey to use mods. Because I found a really, REALLY nice mod that, all it does, is add a proper interrior to the MK.2 cockpit. And that makes all the difference for my Sai fighter. Bacing the Sai around that brings it's part count down under 100 parts, and makes it flat out as maneuverable as a Viper.

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After the tedium of docking one engine module to the Kerbylon, I'm sorely tempted to just do the rest with mechjeb...

I know that feel man, I've got 2 Sentinels and 4 Surveyors I have to dock to the Tribunal before I drag the lot to Jool.

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same, I've been doing 1 laythe trip a day to refuel my station, and im still sick of piloting the exact same ship design on the exact same course over and over and over again, but it will be worth it in the end

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same, I've been doing 1 laythe trip a day to refuel my station, and im still sick of piloting the exact same ship design on the exact same course over and over and over again, but it will be worth it in the end

Thank goodness this is my first trip to Jool, on my first interplanetary ship I've ever built.

Just did a Tylo flyby, dropped off a probe, I'm going to check out Laythe next :D

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So, after the utter failure of a carrier design I was working on, I decided to see if I could make it into a cruiser...

That went... poorly.

The poor thing was completely cut in half by fighter torpedoes of all things. The last two shots just went right through it, didn't hit anything, because there was nothing left to hit...

EDIT: you don't want to know what happened when it turned it's own torpedoes on itself...

They'll be cleaning the wreckage from the launchpad for weeks...

Edited by shepard1701
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The poor thing was completely cut in half by fighter torpedoes of all things. The last two shots just went right through it, didn't hit anything, because there was nothing left to hit...

Tests have shown that even the best armour is ineffective against any decent missile, so don't worry.

On the other hand, remember I said I was checking out Laythe? Well, I flew past it when I noticed I didn't have enough fuel for a perfect orbit, then I flew past Vall, then Tylo, and now I'm going to Laythe again. Why is the Jool system so crowded?!

I blame my pilot being Jebediah.

EDIT: I ended up suicide-aerobraking the Sentinel on Laythe because it was going to throw me out of the system, and I needed proof of travel to LAYTHE.

Jebediah's not too put out about having to splash around a bit. Well, at least he has two rovers to play with.


Edited by Mygnol
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So, after the utter failure of a carrier design I was working on, I decided to see if I could make it into a cruiser...

That went... poorly.

I Have a V.small Carrier that may work out with yr corvettes and some minor adaptation, testing it now we'll see

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I Have a V.small Carrier that may work out with yr corvettes and some minor adaptation, testing it now we'll see

My defensive fighters are probably going to be more my mainstay. I've managed to make a version of them with under 100 parts, fully armed, has 1000m/s delta-v, and maneuvers akin to a Viper from nBSG.

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So does anyone here have a 300 ton ship they want to battle with?

I know i do...


will 290T (190 fighting weight) do? :kiss: Mind you it's only 1/3 of the size of that thing. Cant wait to see what sort of weapons you've crammed in that hull, I'm guessing a ton of meter wide liquid fuel missiles... The 900T version is going to be a beast. Reminds me of something I saw in a film once:

I think I saw another thread for this sort of thing, I'm gonna check it out and see what I'm letting myself in for, I guess I'd need to get Fraps and a persistence file sorted too.

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Moved My Big Fuel Dump out to Tylo from layth orbit, 200+ Tons shifted on a single nuc engine, took a truly indecent ammount of fuel to do it, dropped 40+ Tons of fuel for such a simple low delta maneuver

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Can anyone recommend a way to armor the engines without looking bad.

LV-N's are hard to armour, due to spontaneous cowling detonation.

But you could cover it up with the long and thin structural wings, maybe build it out like my Tribunal:


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I could use one in my new Superdreadnaught i'm planning.... i was actually thinking of using a mainsail as a missile. It could carry six of those, more than enough to dominate the battlefield...

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I could use one in my new Superdreadnaught i'm planning.... i was actually thinking of using a mainsail as a missile. It could carry six of those, more than enough to dominate the battlefield...

I think blowing up their computers is enough.

@m1xte how many Newtons does that bad boy push out?

Edited by Spartwo
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I developed a high impulse shock wobble torpedo which absolutely annihilates heavily armored crafts.


Aww, you big meanie ;.; They look pretty effective, if you make em stack-able and lowered the part count a bit you could cram quite a few of those into an armoured shell for around 300 parts. Or get rid of the armour and just make the last one with a jumbo tank and call it a ship...

Anyway, seeing as we are on the subject of ridiculous torpedoes, here's a fun little ship I slung together:

Introducing the Space Stuka:


Stats and proof of launch: Who cares?

To my surprise it's actually turned out to be pretty effective; the idea is you burn towards the target from range, hit space bar when your're happy you'll hit and then wait as long as you dare before pressing 1 and 2 in quick sucession to release the torps and activate the seperatrons before you crater the pilot too:


Hit! and one Aldemy Kerman in need of new underpants :confused:.


It works..

Craft files: http://www./folder/y1cudsuw00lr5/Ksp

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For once those scientists at the kerbal space centre have developed something that's designed to stop things exploding!:0.0:

May i present to you the Solar Shield.....

Using the highest quality disposable solar panels they break when hit by a projectile forcing it up and over the protected object.

Warning: Attempting to use these block a high speed projectile will result in a failure but they work great on slower ones like maceys standard torps. About 20 gigantors were needed to make this work.Very expensive but it could slow down a missile just enogh for key things to survive eg engines of weapons









In that last one you can just see that all 3 tanks survived.(btw i did check when you launch the torpedo without the solar panels it will destroy the centre fuel tank.)

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