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Operation New Dawn [Mission Log]


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Could we get a little demo of the design? Will it be large or small? Will there be two engines or one? Will the wings be pointed slightly upwards to displace wind for more lift!?

PS: That place with the face is very easy to accidentally run into, you may recall when I was trying to recreate your dream from that first thread, I accidentally landed near there. :cool:

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Could we get a little demo of the design? Will it be large or small? Will there be two engines or one? Will the wings be pointed slightly upwards to displace wind for more lift!?

PS: That place with the face is very easy to accidentally run into, you may recall when I was trying to recreate your dream from that first thread, I accidentally landed near there. :cool:

The plane is still in development, but Id prefer if it was small. HOwever because of the size of nuclear engines it might have to be pretty big. Its still in development but Ill see if I can post a quick pic.

Its called the Hammerhead, and for good reason (YOu'll see why once I post the pic) Also its got tilted wings for lift yes.

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The hammerhead!

Its name comes from the dorsel fin on the top of it, and the 2 prongs out on the front.

The fastest Ive gotten this was 300 m/s, and it can glide ridiculously long distances, as long as you keep going up down up down up down. It lands either horizontally using its landing wheels, or it can land using 2 parachutes on the front of the plane, which lowers it onto 4 landing legs which are positioned on the end of the wings.

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Seems like a pretty nice plane.

Have you tested it in high atmosphere to simulate Duna's atmosphere to make sure the lift and mass and stuff is still aligned hint hint?

*Gasps for breath*

Uh. No :C It's my first space plane ever. Didnt think to do that lol

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Not sure if you can fly in Duna.

The atmosphere is paper thin, only goes till 15000 meters or so, nuke engines are quite heavy and suck in atmosphere flight.

But I'm can be totally wrong as I never tried and people saying that something is not possible cost dozen a dime.

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Not sure if you can fly in Duna.

The atmosphere is paper thin, only goes till 15000 meters or so, nuke engines are quite heavy and suck in atmosphere flight.

But I'm can be totally wrong as I never tried and people saying that something is not possible cost dozen a dime.

Yeah. I say its worth a shot. If I get it there and it doesnt work, Im no less of a kerbal then I was before.

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How about building a more old school rescue ship?

You know, just in case...

Well the plane wasnt manned. Also guys it didnt work at all, just got it launched and sent to Duna. When it got into the atmosphere it was pretty uncontrollable and it just fell like a rock :C So instead of a silly ole umanned plane we're just cutting straight to the chase and sending a one manned rocket to Duna! We've got a satellite orbiting Duna with a ton of extra fuel, so theres a small chance we wont be able to make it back. :D Wish me luck.

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Luck has been wished.

Will you be doing Apollo style? picking them up in another ship? direct ascent? one ship? blah, blah?!

I find Apollo style works best, but that's just me.

Im sending a 2 man research capsule to Duna, they will stay there for a couple of months studying the Face on Duna, and then they will be picked up by another ship :)

Their lander is like a big research facility

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Havin' troubles? :P

Remember to aerobrake and use gravity assists!

Well my game crashed and I didn't quicksave so... I gotta start over again. but the lander is no longer a big bulky thing, being the minmalist that I am, it is now a very small lander with all the required things a big one would need.

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Mission 5: Launch the 2 manned research facility to Duna aboard the Dawn Mk V rocket, once landed, study the face found on Duna and other rock samples retrieved by the Journey rover. After several months return home.

We have lift off!


The plume of the engines firing.


Burning for Duna.


A lovely distant view of Ike and Duna.


Duna orbit achieved.


Decoupled from the main module and descending to Duna's surface. Zechariah and Thomfrey are looking pretty excited!


Chutes deployed!


Chutes fully opened.


We have touch down!! *Ground Control Applauds*


After some quick atmospheric tests, we've deemed it safe for one of our cosmonauts to step out onto the face of Duna!


Zechariah Kerman: One small step for a kerbal... One giant leap, for kerbal kind.


Planting our flag for Mother Kerbin!


Thomfrey comes out and joins Zechariah for a group photo.


Our landing site wasnt close enough to our target though, so everyone piles back into the lander, and we blast off to the desired landing site, making sure not to use too much fuel.


Here we go, a much better area for studying the face.


A good view of the face from the sleeping quarters window


As Thomfrey makes his way over to the face to examine it, he notices the research lander is ontop of a weird rift in the crater. He makes a personal note not to touch it.


Testing the density of the face with a flag pole.


This place is so glitchy.


Our crew takes one last pose before heading back into the research lander.


With Zechariah and Thomfrey back inside, they both retire to the sleeping quarters for the first night on Duna. Sweet dreams! .. Although Im not sure how they can have sweet dreams with that thing staring at them all night.


The face appears to be glowing...


Hopefully at sun rise, Journey will be able to regroup with the newly landed crew, and assist them in their exploration and study.

Mission outcome:Success

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You have some nice craft, btw.

( I have go to hurry up and find that face. To many pics I must skim over to not ruin the experience of being there for the first time. No coordinates please, I'll find it myself.)

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You have some nice craft, btw.

( I have go to hurry up and find that face. To many pics I must skim over to not ruin the experience of being there for the first time. No coordinates please, I'll find it myself.)

Haha, I dont have mechjeb so Idk how to use coordinates. Its pretty easy to find if you've got mapsat, but I wont spoil it.

Glad you like my craft :) I try to keep them as small and as simple as possible, I dont like the normal riff raff of asparagus style staged rockets.

This was also my first ever manned landing on another planet so yeah, Im really happy about this mission :)

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If you mean the very large center one, thats the same as the big orange tank, just white. I used it instead of the orange one cause it looks nicer :) (its from kw rocketry)

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If you mean the very large center one, thats the same as the big orange tank, just white. I used it instead of the orange one cause it looks nicer :) (its from kw rocketry)

So basically you made a rocket with 3 or 4 T-800 (I guess) fuel tanks acting like boosters, and a Rockomax 64 on the middle?

What engine for the middle one please? I'm thinking of replicating the fuel stage '-'

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So basically you made a rocket with 3 or 4 T-800 (I guess) fuel tanks acting like boosters, and a Rockomax 64 on the middle?

What engine for the middle one please? I'm thinking of replicating the fuel stage '-'

The engine on the huge part is the skipper! Mainsails are too fuel guzzling, and the skipper is a nice mix of efficiency and power.

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