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Demonyms for all Kerbol bodies.


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Firstly, for those of you who don't know, a demonym is the name for a resident of an area (i.e. The demonym for America is American, and the generally used demonym for Earth is Earthling).

I wanted to make a flag using a nice picture of the Vall "Stonehenge" I took, but I couldn't think of a good demonym for one who lives on Vall. After a while I thought I should leave it up to the community to figure out demonyms for all of the bodies! I'll post as many as I can onto the list below.

Moho - Mohonan, Mohonian, Mohicant

Eve - Evotian, Evangelino

Gilly - Gillian, Gillygan

Kerbin - Kerbo

Mun - Munificent, Munster

Minmus - Minnian

Duna - Dunan, Dunian, Dunderhead

Ike - Iketian, Ikee

Dres - Dresser

Jool - Joovan, Joolian

Laythe - Laytherian, Slothful

Vall - Vallestrial, Valiant

Tylo - Tylosan, Tylorean

Bop - Bopian, Bopper

Pol - Politician

Eeloo - Eeloomentarist, Eeloosive

Edited by Themohawkninja
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Nova Sillisko already did it: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/entry.php/60-Om-nom-nomenclature

So, after nearly 5 hours of discussion, the planet names have been settled!

Original Name: New Name, Adjective

LavaPlanet: Moho, Mohonan or Mohonian

CloudyPlanet: Eve, Evotian

Gilly: still Gilly, Gillian

DesertPlanet: Duna, Dunan or Dunian

DesertPlanetMoon: Ike, Iketian

GasPlanet1: Jool, Joovan

OceanMoon: Laythe, Laytherian

IceMoon: Vall, Vallestrial

RockyMoon: Tylo, Tylosan

Bop: still Bop, Bopian

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Moho - Mohicant

Eve - Evangelino

Gilly - Gillygan

Kerbin - Kerbo

Mun - Munificent

Minmus - Minnian

Duna - Dunderhead

Ike - Ikee

Dres - Dresser

Jool - Joolian

Laythe - Slothful

Vall - Valiant

Tylo - Tylorean

Bop - Bopper

Pol - Politician

Eeloo - Eeloomentarist

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