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SciFi Mods - Legacy mk1 Pod


What ship do you want most? (vote for your top 3)  

16 members have voted

  1. 1. What ship do you want most? (vote for your top 3)

    • Original Enterprise Shuttle + Shuttlebay
    • Enterprise D redo
    • Stargazer bridge redo
    • Other Enterprises (Refit, A, B, C, E)
    • Defiant
    • Voyager
    • Borg Cube
    • Red Dwarf and/or Starbug
    • Retro Stuff (UFO)
    • Starbases?

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would it be possible to add window lights? like you did to the deflector and nacelles ?

Maybe. I might be able to make an emissive for the lights. I'll see how difficult it would be later when I'm home.

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I finally figured it out! I had forgotten that KSP doesn't like mesh colliders and animations, so I changed them to box colliders and it worked. However, these aren't as accurate, so I have a question:

Would people rather have accurate colliders that didn't move (the collision would always be the starting position of the nacelles) or inaccurate box colliders that moved with the animation?

Once that's dealt with I should be able to post an Alpha. Here's a pic of the finished landing gear to keep it interesting:


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I finally figured it out! I had forgotten that KSP doesn't like mesh colliders and animations, so I changed them to box colliders and it worked. However, these aren't as accurate, so I have a question:

Would people rather have accurate colliders that didn't move (the collision would always be the starting position of the nacelles) or inaccurate box colliders that moved with the animation?

Once that's dealt with I should be able to post an Alpha. Here's a pic of the finished landing gear to keep it interesting:


try to get is as accurate as possible without it going weird (if ya know what i mean) also the landing gear is epic. but the back gear was not straight in the series
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I'm just making sure it works now and then I'll get the alpha up.

Edit: Here it is: DOWNLOAD

And the corrected landing gear.


i'm curious... you don't take many photos of the cargo bay... could you posibly tell me what scale ships could fit in it and if it's opened or closed? (haven't watch alot of star trek... i know...)

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i'm curious... you don't take many photos of the cargo bay... could you posibly tell me what scale ships could fit in it and if it's opened or closed? (haven't watch alot of star trek... i know...)

currently it doesn't exist, but I plan to make it open/close. The opening will be about 11x6 meters so plenty of room for ships inside i'm sure.. I'll get the shuttlebay working this release, but I won't do the shuttle until I give the Enterprise the same treatment. I'm not quite sure how I'll make ships stay in there. Probably a docking port of some sort.

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great work so far..

I love it..

but following:

1) 15Mb? - certainly a point where optimization is planned - right?

2. maybe I'm just too ambitiouse in your name if I say it needs retro thrusters, landing thrusters and manuver thrusters..

Not that it does not work without - it's in a stable orbit in no time allready now (not so sure about a landing on Kerbin) - but I would love to have em..

Oh and what I allways was thinking when I flew the Stargazer:

Do you have any plans to develop a plugin for it - with "real" impuls drives?

Those that let you stay hovering in atmosphere and fly at large speeds in space?

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great work so far..

I love it..

but following:

1) 15Mb? - certainly a point where optimization is planned - right?

2. maybe I'm just too ambitiouse in your name if I say it needs retro thrusters, landing thrusters and manuver thrusters..

Not that it does not work without - it's in a stable orbit in no time allready now (not so sure about a landing on Kerbin) - but I would love to have em..

1) I can probably optimize some parts of the model, so that'll cut down a bit, and the texture's also massive, but it kind of needs to be.

2) Don't worry, I'll add an RCS system which should help landing a lot. And it does have landing thrusters, just activate the engine in the main hull.

Oh and what I allways was thinking when I flew the Stargazer:

Do you have any plans to develop a plugin for it - with "real" impuls drives?

Those that let you stay hovering in atmosphere and fly at large speeds in space?

I'm not sure how to go about creating a full-on plugin. I'm learning a bit of C++ right now, which I know is similar. I do intend to redo the Stargazer at some point though. The first plugin I'll probably make will be for the Tardis. Just a simple "Play noise and go to this spot".

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Just want to say that the redone Mk1-2 model looks great. May I suggest a few things?

-Make it carry two Kerbals. Mk1-2's crew of 3 is too much and there's a lack of 2-man pods (at least ones that look like they'd survive reentry).

-Perhaps add the airlock texture that a lot of the stock mods have. Would help it fit in with the rest of the stock parts more.


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OH MY!. this is amazing! nice work StarVision. but can you make the windows a bit more HD ? they look like someone took a picture and got the windows fuzzed. great work tho!

I can make them a bit better, those were pretty rough, just to see if it would actually work. I've managed to shrink the texture size and gain quality by shifting stuff around, so that should help, although not by much.

Just want to say that the redone Mk1-2 model looks great. May I suggest a few things?

-Make it carry two Kerbals. Mk1-2's crew of 3 is too much and there's a lack of 2-man pods (at least ones that look like they'd survive reentry).

-Perhaps add the airlock texture that a lot of the stock mods have. Would help it fit in with the rest of the stock parts more.


That's a good idea, I was just basing it off of the original texture, but adding some newer elements would be cool. I'm hesitant to make it a two-man pod, because then it couldn't hold the original trio, but I guess there's the new one for that. Whenever I start making the Internal for it I'll figure it out. I could always have two versions.

In other news I've started working on the shuttlebay, although I can't seem to get the lights and the shuttlebay door to work in the same part. I may have to break it up. Here's a screenshot of it, with the 2.5m pod for comparison.


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How will you deal with the structural connections for the docking ports in the bay? I once tried attaching a lander to your enterprise, and it flew off when I accelerated.

if nothing else works, we could use quantum struts..

That might do the trick..


you Sir rock!

I appologize for my idiocy last post - the landing thrusters work perfetly..

In combination with DavonTC where you can assign independent throttles for each engine, you can fly it like a carpet..

I love it..

Feature request - can we have "breaking" without turning the ship?

in essence retrothrusters..

usually I assign an actiongroup to toggle between ffwd and reverse engines that are mounted on the ship.

So, can you double the main engines and turn them around?

Than create a tweakable option like "change thrust direction" wich we can assign to AG.

That would make a lot things easier with that huge thing in space :-)

Picard: "Data, full reverse"

Data: "Aye Capt'n"

<"breaking screeetch in space">

Thank's for considering it..

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In other news I've started working on the shuttlebay, although I can't seem to get the lights and the shuttlebay door to work in the same part. I may have to break it up. Here's a screenshot of it, with the 2.5m pod for comparison.


I don't think stock KSP can handle multiple animations on a separate trigger, but you can do it with separate instances of FSAnimate.

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