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SciFi Mods - Legacy mk1 Pod


What ship do you want most? (vote for your top 3)  

16 members have voted

  1. 1. What ship do you want most? (vote for your top 3)

    • Original Enterprise Shuttle + Shuttlebay
    • Enterprise D redo
    • Stargazer bridge redo
    • Other Enterprises (Refit, A, B, C, E)
    • Defiant
    • Voyager
    • Borg Cube
    • Red Dwarf and/or Starbug
    • Retro Stuff (UFO)
    • Starbases?

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  The Destroyer said:
As much as I dislike the whole new "EXPLOSIVE STAR TREK LENS FLARE BOOM CANNONS BETRAYL" series, the new enterprise DOES look pretty amazing. It's 700 meters LONG? DAYUM that would be awesome!
its really its around 921 Meters in length. also i have to say the 2009 enterprise AKA alternate reality enterprise is my favorite enterprise :)
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Yeah it's my favorite as well but it's 921 meters long jeez I thought it was 700 meters to the kerbals eyes that would be a monster of a ship we might need to scale it down a bit lol probably not actually I love large ships

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Chances are, I'm not going to make the JJprise. In fact I'm thinking of stopping development in a bit. I'm just been getting kind of tired of KSP recently.

My plans right now are to wrap up my current projects, maybe create a small shuttle, and then move onto other stuff. For anyone needing a recap, these are what I'm working on:

  • Flying Saucer (basically done)
  • Tardis (needs more internal work)
  • Type F Shuttle (not started)
  • Crimson Pig (needs guns)

Also I'll still be maintaining the mod, just not adding anything new to it.

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For me, the secondary hull of the new enterprise juts too far forward making it look disjointed from the saucer, and it is far too small in relative size to the saucer compared to the old one as well. Its only redeeming features are its nacelles really, so dont worry Star, there are some of us out there who wont mind you not doing the JJprise. :)

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  StarVision said:
Chances are, I'm not going to make the JJprise. In fact I'm thinking of stopping development in a bit. I'm just been getting kind of tired of KSP recently.

My plans right now are to wrap up my current projects, maybe create a small shuttle, and then move onto other stuff. For anyone needing a recap, these are what I'm working on:

  • Flying Saucer (basically done)
  • Tardis (needs more internal work)
  • Type F Shuttle (not started)
  • Crimson Pig (needs guns)

Also I'll still be maintaining the mod, just not adding anything new to it.

will you ever start working on projects again?
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  StarDrive85 said:
will you ever start working on projects again?

Probably not, as after this I'll be getting into Unity itself, and I'll probably want to update it to the latest version (which doesn't work very well for KSP modding).

Here's an album of what I'll be releasing soon. I just need to sort out some cfg descriptions and the IVA props for the Tardis.

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So I've started work on the shuttle, but I have a question: Would people rather have a big single window, or the three little ones like in the show? It might look a little cooler if you could actually see out the window, instead of into a wall. Also everything else is ready, I just need to finish the shuttle and then I'll release v2.


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My opinion three little windows. I would love an Iva window. One thing how are you going to dock inside of the starships are you going to make invisible docking ports?

Edited by Teto
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I'd say 3 as original - personally I prefere large windows - but for Gallileo we oght to make an exception.. IMO :-)

Looks great..

I haven't given up on the "shuttlebay" subsystem - and I learned a lot - so next time I give it a try, it might work..

So the docking might only be a temporary issue..

However - I would suggest to slap default a docking port at the bottom - so you can easely dock, if you place the counterpart on the floor of the shuttle bay in a good height..

Good to see you back starvision.

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  philotical said:
Looks awesome :-)

The famouse Galileo 7...

Do you plan on making it walkable - with that door on the side opening?

if so, I could contribute the code to make the door open automatically on EVA approach.

like in the belerophon..

I hadn't planned on that. I just kind of want to be done with it so I can get going on other stuff.

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  Jack Wolfe said:
Excellent work on the shuttlecraft! Now can we have a massive Doomsday Machine to fly it into? Bob Kerman already does a great Matt Decker impression... :D

I'll see what I can do.

Also if anyone has any simple ships they would like done, now is the last chance to ask.

For example: a Borg cube, the Doomsday Machine, Tholian webspinner, etc...

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  StarVision said:
I'll see what I can do.

Also if anyone has any simple ships they would like done, now is the last chance to ask.

I know the chances are slim, since it's a variant on what you've already done, but my nerdiness compels me to ask for the most beautiful, and flawless space vessel ever designed:


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  StarVision said:

Also if anyone has any simple ships they would like done, now is the last chance to ask.

For example: a Borg cube, the Doomsday Machine, Tholian webspinner, etc...

Photon torpedo!

All one piece command pod, propulsion and a warhead compatible with one of those weapons mods like Lazor System or BahamutoD's Armory.

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  CaptRobau said:
Could you finish that revamped Mk1-2 Pod you were working on around the time of Voyager?


  Voculus said:
I know the chances are slim, since it's a variant on what you've already done, but my nerdiness compels me to ask for the most beautiful, and flawless space vessel ever designed:


That's not really a "simple request". Also just for the record I would consider that an entirely different ship, and if I were to do any more big ships that would be on the list.

  Tommygun said:
Photon torpedo!

All one piece command pod, propulsion and a warhead compatible with one of those weapons mods like Lazor System or BahamutoD's Armory.

Tell you what, I'll create the torpedo and the propulsion, but you have to add in the compatibility for the weapons mod.

So right now, I am definitely doing the Doomsday Machine, the Legacy Pod, and a Torpedo.

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