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SciFi Mods - Legacy mk1 Pod


What ship do you want most? (vote for your top 3)  

16 members have voted

  1. 1. What ship do you want most? (vote for your top 3)

    • Original Enterprise Shuttle + Shuttlebay
    • Enterprise D redo
    • Stargazer bridge redo
    • Other Enterprises (Refit, A, B, C, E)
    • Defiant
    • Voyager
    • Borg Cube
    • Red Dwarf and/or Starbug
    • Retro Stuff (UFO)
    • Starbases?

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Can you please make a subassembly? or a ship file we can load?

Sure, they both have parachutes on top but feel free to swap it out for a docking port.

Vanilla - Modded(KSPI & RPM)

Im one of Devo's test pilots, He dosent have a dropship quite like the one I asked for. he has one from aliens but not from district 9

I know he doesn't have the one from District 9, I was just saying he might have something similar.

I got bored of waiting for Voyager and built my own :P (I forgot the deflector... but that would just make things complex...)

Neat, that's next on the list.

EDIT: I've updated the alpha. It now has sounds and I fixed some values that I messed up last time. It may take a few minutes to upload

Edited by StarVision
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I've gone and updated the release thread. The Spaceport refuses to even acknowledge that I'm trying to upload something so I'm just hosting it somewhere else. I've made it so the parts requiring other mods are optional and can be used if desired. Please notify me of any issues with anything regarding the ship, because I should be able to fix them.

As always you can get the download link here.

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Edited by StarVision
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just found this thread, I have to say the Phoenix looks promising, although, TBH, the Titan V it's launched with could use some work. Is it compatible with the FASA Titan II? It's hard to tell from the pics if it's the right diameter. But that would certainly make your job easier.

Edited by Capt. Hunt
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just found this thread, I have to say the Phoenix looks promising, although, TBH, the Titan V it's launched with could use some work. Is it compatible with the FASA Titan II? It's hard to tell from the pics if it's the right diameter. But that would certainly make your job easier.

I have no idea if it's compatible or not, but I've made this one 2m. I know the Phoenix is supposed to be 4m wide but that would mess up the internal and the overall scale. I'm not actually sure if the launch vehicle is a Titan II or V. I just went off of the few movie scenes I had access to. I'm also a pretty amateur modeler/texturer, so that's always something to consider. I'm gradually getting better though and I'm sure someday I'll comeback and redo older mods, like I've already done with the Enterprise. Really I only made the Titan just so the mod would feel complete, but I would like to improve on it, just not right now.

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Great work with the Phoenix Starvision. Too bad the ICBM Launch Silo Mod isn't working anymore it would defiantly make for some cool launches. Especially with the little "surprise" you threw in.
Agreed, maybe someday a mod like it will function again, then the launch sequence would truly be complete.
can you make it so when you press a key (you might have to bind it to one first) the warp engines move up also a nother key for moving em down
Just assign them to action groups. If you're loading from the .craft file you'll have to either take off the fairings temporarily, or clip the camera through them.
Hi Starvision do I need to have interstellar installed for the warp drive to work on the Phoenix?

Yep, and you also need to drag the SciFi folder in the optional folder into your Gamedata.

I haven't done much modeling on the computer this week, but I've finished the Enterprise C I've been doing over the past couple weeks, so hopefully I should have more time to work on Voyager on the computer. I actually started Voyager tonight, but the first attempt died after I tried putting in a bit of detail in the saucer. I'll have to check the references frequently. I am using these official renders as references. I should have something to post later in the weekend.

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Agreed, maybe someday a mod like it will function again, then the launch sequence would truly be complete.

Just assign them to action groups. If you're loading from the .craft file you'll have to either take off the fairings temporarily, or clip the camera through them.

Yep, and you also need to drag the SciFi folder in the optional folder into your Gamedata.

I haven't done much modeling on the computer this week, but I've finished the Enterprise C I've been doing over the past couple weeks, so hopefully I should have more time to work on Voyager on the computer. I actually started Voyager tonight, but the first attempt died after I tried putting in a bit of detail in the saucer. I'll have to check the references frequently. I am using these official renders as references. I should have something to post later in the weekend.


was just about to complain that my hyperdrive wasn't working.........

is there a way to get it working without interstellar? i kinda can't download that mod due to lack of memory....

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was just about to complain that my hyperdrive wasn't working.........

is there a way to get it working without interstellar? i kinda can't download that mod due to lack of memory....

Well I guess you could install Interstellar, but then delete all parts, that's where most of the size comes from. I'm pretty sure you can just delete the Parts and Spaces folders from the WarpPlugin folder. After that it's only about 6mb.

As promised here is the current progress on Voyager. I'm going to be modeling a bit differently this time. I'm going to start with a basic shape before doing details, just so that I don't have to worry about messing up hours of work when adjusting things. I've modeled the saucer top and a bit of the back. For the middle 2 images I've slapped the reference image on as a texture. Through this process I've also learned it looks like a spoon.

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That Enterprise is crazy. From the runway, a slight tap of the throttle to get it up to about 1% immediately kills the entire crew due to excessive G-force, and puts the ship on a Kerbol escape trajectory.

Fun stuff, but I've toned down the max thrust for the next attempt.

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I'm a huge Trek fan, alhtough I've never tried any sci fi content for KSP. Different genre for me I guess... but I donwloaded your Phoenix model and it was great fun!! I had to watch the scene from the movie while KSP loaded and then I ran around the solar system with it smiling all the way.

Thanks for making cool stuff!!

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It might look like a spoon, but its a damn pretty spoon!

Is this going to a single part ship?

I'm unsure right now. We'll see how it holds up split into separate parts. I might need to have separate parts if I was to animate the warp engines plus the landing gear.

i meant. can you add moving warp engines for Voyager? and the warp drive

That's the plan, and landing gear as well.

I'm a huge Trek fan, alhtough I've never tried any sci fi content for KSP. Different genre for me I guess... but I donwloaded your Phoenix model and it was great fun!! I had to watch the scene from the movie while KSP loaded and then I ran around the solar system with it smiling all the way.

Thanks for making cool stuff!!

Thanks! glad you enjoyed it!

Currently I'm at the hard part. making all the curves around the body, and ensuring they look nice and smooth. Most of this will be guesswork, as orthographic views can't provide everything for a curvy ship such as Voyager.

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you know its IRONIC that it took so long to make the Phoenix model and you were able to make such a beautiful part of the of voyager already!

It actually only took me around a night to model the phoenix, not including a night for going over the model and improving it.

Here's the current progress. The saucer is definitely the easiest part to model. I just need to mode the back and the nacelles, then I can start more detailed work.

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