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Arctic Aerospace - Operation Norse (Kethane Expedition)


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Hello everyone! I've been perfecting my KSP skills for awhile now, and I've finally got some good stuff to show.

Starting with a new save, I've begun a mission to create a space program fueled by kethane using a reusable Odin-Class launch vehicle.

For now all I have is an imgur album, but all future pictures will be posted directly into this thread. (And taken in cinematic view!)

Album Link:http://imgur.com/a/uxhB8

Coincidentally - How do I add an avatar? I'm having trouble with that.



1: Thor Mun Base

2: Frigga I Minmus Mission

3: Forseti Minmus Landing

Edited by ArcticX9
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Right, thanks - great idea. :D

Including in the following .zip are the first completed vessels of the Odin-Class, plus the brand new Thor-Class Mun Base, which is landing as we speak. The next photo update will definitely include pictures of that 90 ton behemoth.

File Descriptions:

AA - Odin + Freyr: Odin-Class launch vehicle plus the Freyr-Class observation satellite.

AA - Odin + Volsung 2: Odin-Class plus Volsung-Class Kethane detector satellite. (Mun Capable)

AA - Odin 1: Simply the Odin-Class Kerbin orbit capable transport ship and booster assembly.

AA - Thor II: The Thor-Class Mun Base.

Mods: (Whole pack)

B9 Aerospace

ISA MapSat (4.0 Dev Build)

Spacejunk Cargo Bays


Kethane Mod

Kerbal Attachment System

Tetragon Horizontal Landing Legs (Thor II only)

LINK: http://www./download/4ge4mdg24t9nbq6/Op_Norse_AX9_1.zip

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At 14:30 KST (Kerbal Standard Time), 6/23/2013, the Arctic Aerospace Thor-Class Mun Base landed at a confirmed Kethane deposit on the Mun. Mining operations began immediately.


Soon, our satellites picked up the location of the Mun base.


The brave commander, Erwig Kerman soon had the honor of planting the Arctic Aerospace Operation Norse mission flag at the location of the landing.


The plaque reads: "We came for Kethane, but found ourselves...when's lunch? - Erwig Kerman"


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In all of my 100+ hours of KSP, this actually marks my first Minmus orbit mission. I've really never gotten past the Mun until now.


Minmus Mission - Balder I + Frigga I Probe

With Kethane extraction firm on the Mun, Kerbal attention was cast to Minmus - a close, yet unexplored, moon of Kerbin. Development soon began on the Balder-Class launch vehicle.

Similar to the Odin-Class, the Balder-Class consists of a nuclear powered second stage with an in-line cargo bay for transport purposes. In its inaugural run, the Balder I will be carrying Frigga I - a planetary exploration probe.



However, unlike Odin-Class ships, Balder-Class ships are completely unmanned and slated to crash into the surface after the mission is complete.

As seen below, the encounter window is very narrow for this mission.



However, the computers do their job and Minmus is soon within reach.




An equatorial orbit around 20km is soon achieved.



Now begins the process of releasing the probe. This was an interesting task without RCS.



The small probe is soon free and operational.


The final stage of the Balder-Class vehicle begins as it burns retrograde for a crash course with Minmus.



However, something remarkable happens. It seems Minmus is an incredibly easy planet to land on, as the launch vehicle ends up not entirely destroyed. This brings new ideas for interplanetary travel to the observing Kerbals.


The debris field is caught by Frigga's sensors.


As Frigga gathers more information, Kerbal engineers soon plan a voyage to Duna.


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Forseti I Mission - Minmus Landing


  • Data collection on the low gravity surface of Minmus.
  • Scouting for potential base sites.
  • Optional: Observation of Balder I/Frigga I launch vehicle crash site.

Status: Successful Landing.


After the discoveries of the Frigga I Minmus mission, the Operation Norse team was eager to reach Minmus again due to its excellent potential as a permanent base site for future missions. The second Balder-Class transport vessel was launched into LKO this morning.


After an uneventful and routine capture burn, Minmus was soon in sight.


Balder II began circularization and equatorial orbit procedures at a very low Minmus orbit.



Balder II sent back stunning pictures of the stunning frozen moon. It really is a beautiful sight.


Soon, Balder II burned toward a crash course with Minmus, initiating the landing sequence and releasing the Forseti I lander probe.



Observers at KSC Mission Control watched as Balder II fell away from Forseti I toward its final resting place.


Contact with Balder II was lost shortly as Forseti I passed a mountain and came into view of the landing site. Landing procedures were initiated, deploying an expendable backup solar panel in order to avoid damage to the other panels.


Forseti I encountered a minor mishap just before landing in which it turned over - but quick thinking by a manual Kerbal pilot back home saved the mission and the probe touched down without further incident.




With Forseti and Frigga missions successful and information being relayed back to KSC, the next priority comes to mind - a Kethane scanner to Minmus.


Anyone know of a good altitude for a polar Minmus orbit with a kethane scanners? Much appreciated! :D

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