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The "OMG that's so Kerbal" thread.


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There must be a few people out there who've tried (and failed) in a spectacular fashion. Why not post some of them here?

For my own first entry, I'll submit my failed attempt at a multi-stage, multiple-warhead firework rocket. I've done this before successfully. Buoyed by success, I decided to scale things up a little.

Unfortunately this time, I made the classic mistakes of Not Enough Boosters, and Not Enough Struts. TWR calculations were okay, but the first stage engines didn't all ignite simultaneously enough, and the off-centre forces involved ripped the stack to bits.

The person-shaped shadow you can see is me. So, who else has had a Kerbal moment? Did you win or did you fail, and do you have the video or some pictures to show it?

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What, nobody? At all?

Surely there must be someone in the entire Kerbal fanbase who has done things with rockets, sticky tape and chewing gum?

Fine. Here's another one. A little smaller this time, and this time I used enough struts:

I don't play with explosives. I experiment. It's why I still have all of my body parts attached.

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  technicalfool said:
What, nobody? At all?

Surely there must be someone in the entire Kerbal fanbase who has done things with rockets, sticky tape and chewing gum?

Fine. Here's another one. A little smaller this time, and this time I used enough struts:

<vid snip>

I don't play with explosives. I experiment. It's why I still have all of my body parts attached.

it looked kind of kerbally. but not so much...

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  rewdew2 said:
it looked kind of kerbally. but not so much...

True. I completely forgot about the time me and a couple of buddies were in an old condemned building with display-grade airbomb charges, too. Ahem, said buddy expresses himself quite explicitly, so turn the volume down if you don't want that language outburst.

Made a lovely paint job, that did.

Edited by technicalfool
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