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Copenhagen Suborbitals Discussion

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Is it supposed to be so huge?

Yes, those sizes are IRL sizes, I haven't scaled them down because they already have such a tiny diameter that scaling them down would have caused me problems texturing. If you want to you can add a rescale factor to them. I thought it was kind of interesting to see how much larger real life stuff appears in Kerbal.

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That's actually very smart, NOT TODAY NORTH KOREA! By the way, the grammar nazi in me feels the need to correct the misspelling of *cruise.

Oops sorry, I guess it's all fun and games until someone losses an i.

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Yes, those sizes are IRL sizes, I haven't scaled them down because they already have such a tiny diameter that scaling them down would have caused me problems texturing. If you want to you can add a rescale factor to them. I thought it was kind of interesting to see how much larger real life stuff appears in Kerbal.

Wow, that's amazing how small the Kerbol Solar Sytem is.

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Mmm, that roaring engine...:D Too bad i'm not going to spend vacations near the sea this year - i would spend days with binocular glued to my face, hoping to catch sight of one of your rockets in flight :cool:

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  • 4 weeks later...

On another note, Armadillo Aerospace is shutting down.

But we are proud that he includes us in this exceptional company

"For now, Carmack said he’ll leave private space work to other companies, including Virgin Galactic, Copenhagen Suborbitals, and SpaceX, which he called a “huge success.â€Â


Nothing special happening at the shop at the moment. We are building, welding and hammering our rockets & engines into shape





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  • 2 weeks later...
I don't know...

I understand they are "on a budget" but the idea of a "discount" space suit scares the hell out of me.

Name one project that isnt on a budget :)

Just because we are doing it the KISS way, does not mean its unsafe. We are testing and testing until we are sure its safe. We are doing the same with everything we are building.

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And besides, not going orbital makes it a lot easier to handle politicaly. Just imagine, claims that Denmark developes manned ICBM's, WWF would be down their throats in a second. And they don't have to handle that fraking heat on reentry. Makes capsule design and testing a lot easier, and cheaper.

We are testing and testing until we are sure its safe. We are doing the same with everything we are building.

I think some people in a faraway country did that when they went to that big cheese in the sky, but I might be wrong, that may have been a lucky shot ;D

Making something able to handle a pressure differential of 101325 Pa (or 14.696 psi ) isn't realy that hard. But making that container usefully shaped and reliable, well, atleast some testing and redesigning is needed, but it's not magic. There is no need for the white-coat syndrome.

Edited by Thaniel
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Name one project that isnt on a budget :)

Just because we are doing it the KISS way, does not mean its unsafe. We are testing and testing until we are sure its safe. We are doing the same with everything we are building.

No insult intended and I humbly apologize if any was taken from what I was saying, you all are doing amazing things, things far beyond my abilities.

My intent with saying "on a budget" was to mean, less budget than that of a superpower nation. I'm sure everything you are doing is taken with the utmost of care, but even still my own fears I wouldn't get in that suit, looks less refined than what I've seen of the apollo project. That's just me, I'm a timid thing.

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