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Arctic Aerospace - Standard Vessels

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Arctic Aerospace Mfg.


Hello everyone! Arctic Aerospace is a broad spacecraft design company that is currently specializing in craft that match Operation Norse mission profiles. A common theme with the craft (of this first post, at least) is the use of in-line cargo bays to reduce rocket height and profile. This also contributes to overall aerodynamics and stability.

None of these rockets make use of the part clipping option.

Feel free to use these in any of your own missions, but if you use these in a video or mission report thread, please credit me for the design. :)

Mods: (Whole pack)

B9 Aerospace

ISA MapSat (4.0 Dev Build)

Spacejunk Cargo Bays


Kethane Mod

Kerbal Attachment System

Lazor Mod

Rods from God

[Current] Odin-Class Rockets

Odin I - Kerbin Deployment Vehicle (KDV) (Boosters included.)



Odin II - Mun Deployment Vehicle (MDV) (Build your own boosters. :P)



[Current] Balder-Class Rockets

Balder I - Minmus Expedition Craft (Boosters included.)

Note: This MAY be able to get past Minmus and even be converted to a lander, as it has plenty of fuel upon reaching low Minmus orbit.



Special Customer Loyalty... Things

Ragnarok-Class Kerbin Ranged Attack Missile System (KRAMS)

Note: This is not part of Operation Norse (Contrary to the name), it was just something I decided to attempt when I got bored one day. It is *very* heavy (4 kinetic energy missiles) and is a chore to get lined up at times - still fun! :D



Future/In Development Projects at this time:

Heimdall-Class Heavy Lifter - Currently in progress, trying to work out some kinks with the KW Rocketry pack and a bizarre occurrence where my rocket shook itself apart.

ANYWAY.. I hope you all enjoy and can make use of my designs! I'd love to see screenshots of any missions/improvements you all have! :D

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