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[0.90] Magic Smoke Industries Infernal Robotics - 0.19.3


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That's interesting because I can move my toolbar just fine, using the latest version 1.4.1. I don't use Infernal Robotics all that often, though, so I can't comment on whether it interferes with the toolbar in a bad way.

I have yet to see a reproducible bug report along with an output_log.txt. Most preferably also a video so that I can see the exact steps taken. Just saying, "it doesn't work" won't help anyone. Not the programmer, because he wouldn't know where to begin, and not the player, because they don't get a bugfixed version. Just complaining isn't helpful.

I haves asked for a log file but I haven't received one yet. As you said it doesn't help me much.

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I love the new IR parts. I never used DR because the parts were so huge, they were nearly useless. The small sizes present here are great, though slimmer can always be better :)

I made an adorable little low-tech lander that unfolds into an adorable little communications relay!







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hey guys

i wanted to use this mod to build a roadtrain. i installed everything version 0.11 uniziped don´t work => no parts anywhere. toolbar deleted => still not parts. and yes i´m using ksp .23

so what should i do?

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hey guys

i wanted to use this mod to build a roadtrain. i installed everything version 0.11 uniziped don´t work => no parts anywhere. toolbar deleted => still not parts. and yes i´m using ksp .23

so what should i do?

Don't delete the toolbar. It will only make it worse. I need a log file otherwise I can't help you.

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I'm running KSP .023, IR 0.11 and Toolbar 1.4.1.

I'm getting no IR button in the toolbar and I have no control over my parts in flight, even through the action buttons as configured in the VAB. Any ideas?

I will need a log file or i can't help you.

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So I'm currently trying to build a VTOL by mounting the engines on wingtips (think an MV-22 Osprey with jet engines) and I'm using rotatrons to rotate the engines housings. When they're orientated vertically, everything is fine and I can take off normally. When I transition to horizontal flight, however, the engine mounting (engine, tube hull, intake) slides off the rotatrons and (since its still strutted in place) bounces about wildly in the slipstream. I've tried upscaling to docking washers, but the same problem results.

My question is is if there's a way through editing either the source code or the cfg file that would increase the shear strength between the part and the rotatron?

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So I'm currently trying to build a VTOL by mounting the engines on wingtips (think an MV-22 Osprey with jet engines) and I'm using rotatrons to rotate the engines housings. When they're orientated vertically, everything is fine and I can take off normally. When I transition to horizontal flight, however, the engine mounting (engine, tube hull, intake) slides off the rotatrons and (since its still strutted in place) bounces about wildly in the slipstream. I've tried upscaling to docking washers, but the same problem results.

My question is is if there's a way through editing either the source code or the cfg file that would increase the shear strength between the part and the rotatron?

You can try breakingForce and breakingTorque by increasing those values.

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I love the new IR parts. I never used DR because the parts were so huge, they were nearly useless. The small sizes present here are great, though slimmer can always be better :)

I made an adorable little low-tech lander that unfolds into an adorable little communications relay!







what mod has that huge antenna?

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Don't delete the toolbar. It will only make it worse. I need a log file otherwise I can't help you.

it seams like i found these data and there is the next problem: i´m new on this forum and have no idea how to send the data to you

Edited by LionX
i did some reseach
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okay cool... there is just one problem: my english is terrible and yea... what is a ``log file´´? and where can i find it?

replicate the install, run it again, when it fails, quit the game and send me the output_log.txt file. on the pc it's in your ksp install: ksp\ksp_data\output_log.txt

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I will need a log file or i can't help you.

Did some troubleshooting on a clean install and found the following (never did get to the log file):

A) Toolbar only partially works if not running KSP from the same drive as the OS AND running with Admin privileges

B) Something contained in the "Wolf Aeronautics Pack" doesn't seem to be functioning properly. That install didn't work but the standalone InfernalRobotics 0.11 seems to work fine as long as point A is met.

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I just wanted to bring this thread to people's attention (save spamming this one with dev work): http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/65365-WIP-MSI-s-Infernal-Robotics-Model-Rework

Finally the cat is out of the bag. While everything is being redone graphically AND newer designs I'm rewriting the plugin. It's going to take a little while but I have some stuff I want to implement (tweakable speed for each part individually, better group handling so when two crafts dock with the same group they will not "glom" together, and some other enhancements.)

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Is there a way to set the limits of movement? I'm thinking primarily of the VTOL rotatron here, where I have to eyeball it carefully to get the engines vertical. It would be nice to be able to set the min/max limits - in degrees for rotary parts and meters for linear parts.

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Is there a way to set the limits of movement? I'm thinking primarily of the VTOL rotatron here, where I have to eyeball it carefully to get the engines vertical. It would be nice to be able to set the min/max limits - in degrees for rotary parts and meters for linear parts.

Currently no but hopefully with tweakables in the rewrite will allow this.

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I ran into an issue with the mod that I'm hoping somebody out there could address. I've posted it in its own thread - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/65477-Infernal-Robotics-parts-warping-upon-reload - but if there is an official bug tracker for this mod, I'd like a link so I can look there and see if it's already been posted about, and is being worked on or else has some way of troubleshooting. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

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I ran into an issue with the mod that I'm hoping somebody out there could address. I've posted it in its own thread - http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/65477-Infernal-Robotics-parts-warping-upon-reload - but if there is an official bug tracker for this mod, I'd like a link so I can look there and see if it's already been posted about, and is being worked on or else has some way of troubleshooting. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

It's a bug that I haven't witnessed myself yet but I am aware of the problem. I'm currently rewriting the plugin so I'm working on the docking+grouping bug. As for this position bug I'm not sure how to replicate it just yet.

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Good to know you're at least aware of the problem. If it helps, in all of the cases where I witnessed position bug, I had the robotics parts attached to structural components with struts reinforcing them. Perhaps there is something about the struts that your IR parts just don't like. I'd start there and see if that triggers it.

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Hey guys, I'm sure this has been mentioned before, but I'm having two minor issues. First, the "Lock" command doesn't seem to do much, either that or I don't understand it's functionality; is supposed to prevent the locked part from being actuated [from the IR controls] or is it supposed to lock the part as in make it rigid so external forces (gravity, bumping, collision) can't move it? I attempt to lock parts, but when I press the corresponding actuator after locking, they move normally. Also, the GUI option doesn't change to "Unlock" or anything of the sort to indicate it has been locked.

Second, the toolbar. When in flight, the toolbar refuses to hide the IR controls when clicking. However in the VAB/SPH, it works as intended. No other toolbar-enabled mods I use have this issue. Is there any known incompatibility with other mods? I'm running a lot; currently the ones that interface with Toolbar (off the top of my head) are: FAR, Targetron, RCSBuildAid, Kethane, CrewManifest and ActionGroupManager plus a bunch that don't interface with the Toolbar. They're all updated to the latest version; that's the first thing I check when something like this happens.

Anywho, love the mod aside from those hiccups, and can't wait for the redesign!

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Are there tutorials anywhere or craft files where we can learn Infernal Robotics? I eventually want to make my own Canadarm but I still don't really understand all the parts.

There are no tutorials for how to create things with IR. It's very much up to your own imagination.

If you're specifically after a Canadarm style setup, I'd suggest checking out the DROMOMAN mod (at least until the redesign is done). It uses the IR plugin and introduces parts more suited to that sort of contraption: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/37680-DROMOMAN-modular-arm-parts-for-Damned-Infernal-Robotics

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