BudgetHedgehog Posted April 24, 2014 Share Posted April 24, 2014 sirkut said: Is that still in mechjeb? I'm going to have to look at it.Well, I certainly remember reading posts about it so I'm presuming it was left in in one of the dev builds.. I can't update MJ because it breaks RPM compatibility so I wouldn't know for sure.But yes, a debug feature like arrows to show where servos would rotate would be massively helpful to users, seeing as we can't use the servos in editor mode. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sirkut Posted April 24, 2014 Author Share Posted April 24, 2014 mrstoned said: Is it possible to store or alter the speed-value of joints to other then the default 1?I have a few joints i'd like to have at default 0.2 or 0.5 for example./RikardChange them in the CFG file if you want a part to be a different speed. Otherwise change them during the building process and they will store per ship. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
aff1690 Posted April 24, 2014 Share Posted April 24, 2014 I'm having an issue with IR where i get the mods but they have no movement. I get the GUI in the vab but not after launch aswell as not being able to right click the part to activate them. Did I miss something or is this a persistent issue with IR? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sakata Posted April 24, 2014 Share Posted April 24, 2014 (edited) Sirkut: Sorry but that craft was lost -- I had a KOS / quicksave savefile bug, which destroyed that save (luckily I had a backup but its a few launches old)Basically I had an I-Beam with a cubic strut on the end, 90° hinge, which was connected to another I-Beam/Strut in the reverse direction, which was repeated one more time. I had a ton of solar panels on the sides of the ibeams (so that when it deployed fully it'd almost look like a virus). It all worked fine, until I selected another ship to decelerate it, then went back to that ship. I almost think it might have something to do with deadly re-entry (the exploding), and cubic octagonal struts since they're 'physics-less'. I'm not sure, but it may also be the solar panels themselves -- I'm not sure if those are also physics-less parts.I can try and replicate that ship, but I'm actually thinking that I need to come up with a new design -- that one had other issues than just exploding. It had horrible delta-V and would have taken ages to establish a solar orbit.Here's the mods I'm using - I just did a quick dir>>out:ModuleManager_1_5_6.dllActiveTextureManagement-3-1AGM KSP 0.23.5BioMass-master (from github)DeadlyReentryCont_v4.6InfernalRobotics0.14Kethane-0.8.5KSPInterstellar-v0.11MechJeb2- (I don't get why large reaction wheels aren't in KW or something else... and KW's wrap-around reacction wheels seem to be as useful as tits on a boar)ProceduralDynamics0.7SafeChuteToolbar-1.7.1uploads-2013-09-EnhancedNavBall_1_2uploads-2013-10-B9-Aerospace-Pack-R4-0cuploads-2013-10-Squad-Texture-Pack-0.1cuploads-2013-10-VNG-Parachute_1.2uploads-2013-12-DockingPortAlignment_3.01uploads-2013-12-KW-Release-Package-v2.5.6Buploads-2013-12-SH-MK2Cockpituploads-2013-12-TacFuelBalancer_2.3.0.2uploads-2013-12-TacLifeSupport_0.8.0.4uploads-2013-12-VNG-Plugin_0.7.2uploads-2014-03-ProcFairings_2.4.4uploads-2014-04-FerramAerospaceResearch_v0.13.1uploads-2014-04-KAS_v0.4.7uploads-2014-04-KerbalAlarmClock_2.7.3.0uploads-2014-04-KerbalJointReinforcement_v2.3uploads-2014-04-RealChute-v1.0.4.1 Edited April 24, 2014 by Sakata Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sirkut Posted April 24, 2014 Author Share Posted April 24, 2014 aff1690 said: I'm having an issue with IR where i get the mods but they have no movement. I get the GUI in the vab but not after launch aswell as not being able to right click the part to activate them. Did I miss something or is this a persistent issue with IR?On the surface others have had an issue BUT they had other mods installed. If you install it by itself and it works it may be a conflict with another mod somehow. I'm going to need to see a complete log_output.txt file to fully understand what might be going on.- - - Updated - - - Sakata said: Sirkut: Sorry but that craft was lost -- I had a KOS / quicksave savefile bug, which destroyed that save (luckily I had a backup but its a few launches old)Basically I had an I-Beam with a cubic strut on the end, 90° hinge, which was connected to another I-Beam/Strut in the reverse direction, which was repeated one more time. I had a ton of solar panels on the sides of the ibeams (so that when it deployed fully it'd almost look like a virus). It all worked fine, until I selected another ship to decelerate it, then went back to that ship. I almost think it might have something to do with deadly re-entry (the exploding), and cubic octagonal struts since they're 'physics-less'. I'm not sure, but it may also be the solar panels themselves -- I'm not sure if those are also physics-less parts.I can try and replicate that ship, but I'm actually thinking that I need to come up with a new design -- that one had other issues than just exploding. It had horrible delta-V and would have taken ages to establish a solar orbit.Strange. Let me know if you can replicate it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ctbram Posted April 24, 2014 Share Posted April 24, 2014 Sakata said: Sirkut: Sorry but that craft was lost -- I had a KOS / quicksave savefile bug, which destroyed that save (luckily I had a backup but its a few launches old)Basically I had an I-Beam with a cubic strut on the end, 90° hinge, which was connected to another I-Beam/Strut in the reverse direction, which was repeated one more time. I had a ton of solar panels on the sides of the ibeams (so that when it deployed fully it'd almost look like a virus). It all worked fine, until I selected another ship to decelerate it, then went back to that ship. I almost think it might have something to do with deadly re-entry (the exploding), and cubic octagonal struts since they're 'physics-less'. I'm not sure, but it may also be the solar panels themselves -- I'm not sure if those are also physics-less parts.I can try and replicate that ship, but I'm actually thinking that I need to come up with a new design -- that one had other issues than just exploding. It had horrible delta-V and would have taken ages to establish a solar orbit.Here's the mods I'm using - I just did a quick dir>>out:AGM very areful with this. It adds a metric butt ton of crap into every single piece in your persistant.sfs file. I had files that were getting to be over 400,000kB and it was taking a long time to long ships and stuff. Just how huge is 400,000kB well the largest persistant.sfs I have ever had without that mod is 6,000kB! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ctbram Posted April 24, 2014 Share Posted April 24, 2014 (edited) [bUG] I think I hit another bug. I was working on a design and reverted back to the VAB and I have no IR editor GUI. I click on the IR toolbar icon and I get no IR editor gui. Let me know if you want and I will post the screen shots I am too knockered to bother with imgur right now and the description is pretty clear. Gui gone in VAB click IR and nothing happens cant change hinge range settings without it.NOTE: When I say GUI control I mean SERVER CONTROL GUI is missing in the VAB and I cannot get it back!I thought it was just for the part I was working on but exited and returned to the game and it's just GONE. I have no SERVO CONTROL GUI and I am sad now. *(smile) I prolly did something to hide it and just don't know the secret key combo to get it back but I am sure someone here will clue me in.thx Edited April 24, 2014 by ctbram Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
loppnessmonsta Posted April 24, 2014 Share Posted April 24, 2014 Galane said: A symmetry mode switch for 2x placement would be quite handy.Might I direct you to Editor Extensions? Fantastic mod. Lets you switch between VAB/SPH mode, enables more diverse symmetry options, much finer angle snap, and most importantly of all, imo: vertical snap. no more fiddling about trying to get things lined up JUST PERFECT. gets a bit wonky sometimes, but it works enough to be incredibly useful.Anyway, thanks again, sirkut, for working so hard on this. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Galane Posted April 24, 2014 Share Posted April 24, 2014 Editor Extensions doesn't modify the 2 VS 3+ symmetry modes and their effect on how IR parts move. Attach a pair of VTOL rotatrons to a tank. See how they both tip to the same side of the tank. They're rotating in opposite directions WRT their bases. Repeat it with 3 or more, they all turn the same direction.Being able to invert the rotation of individual IR parts when placed using symmetry would be very useful.The vertical snap needs more than one step. It's perfect for when you want to attach something to the center of another part but useless if you need to align several sets of different parts 2/3 of the way down a fuel tank. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
omgnull Posted April 24, 2014 Share Posted April 24, 2014 (edited) sirkut said: I was actually talking about making arrows for debugging when I couldn't figure out how the joints were getting screwed up. Now that you mention this idea this MAY be something to consider. Just need to think about it.Good idea! I made a simple gizmos, easily to extend. Edited April 24, 2014 by omgnull Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sirkut Posted April 24, 2014 Author Share Posted April 24, 2014 omgnull said: Good idea! I made a simple gizmos, easily to extend.http://cloud-3.steampowered.com/ugc/3300320532428113481/77FE2490CD7920F45E96ED3D12682F3302BF28F3/You never cease to amaze me omgnull. Just as I was going to start one you got it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ZodiusInfuser Posted April 24, 2014 Share Posted April 24, 2014 omgnull said: Good idea! I made a simple gizmos, easily to extend.http://cloud-3.steampowered.com/ugc/3300320532428113481/77FE2490CD7920F45E96ED3D12682F3302BF28F3/A great start! I wonder if you could possibly get in touch with m4v to ask how he created the rotation arrows for RCS Build Aid. It seems to me that having these appear around the parts, showing the positive rotation/translation direction would be extremely useful! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sirkut Posted April 24, 2014 Author Share Posted April 24, 2014 ZodiusInfuser said: A great start! I wonder if you could possibly get in touch with m4v to ask how he created the rotation arrows for RCS Build Aid. It seems to me that having these appear around the parts, showing the positive rotation/translation direction would be extremely useful!Well the beauty of this game is the requiment to provide source code. I envision a "debug" toggle that shows the movement of the parts. Should prove useful since redoing the parts graphics will be a pain. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alo Posted April 24, 2014 Share Posted April 24, 2014 Alo said: I installed new IR 0.14 (uploaded 2014-04-22 06:38:38) and have no toolbar button in VAB and flight. Menu showes in VAB only. If i use action groups or shortcuts to control IR parts, they don't move. I delete previous version. I've tried it with last toolbar and toolbar that comes with IR, existing craft and new game. Is it my mistake and what can help me?I found out, it was incompatibility bug with graphotron. (lol, it was in last 6 mods in check list)That mods work fine with IR (in that combination):KWLLLScanSATB9FirespitterKJRFARTreeEditEditor ExtentionsActive Texture ManagmentClouds and citylightsMultiple Saves DAPart CatalogPart HighlighterPersistent TrailsPrecise NodeResGenSelect RootUbioWeldingVNGExtraplanetary launchpadsHipereditKethaneAlarmClockCrewManifestCustom BiomesEnHanced NavballHabitat PackProcedural wingsProcedural faringsRCS Build AidRealChuteLazorTAC fuel balancerShuttle PartsDREnginner ReduxHull CamsKASkOSDifferential thrustAGMRollcagesChattererRemoteTech Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sirkut Posted April 24, 2014 Author Share Posted April 24, 2014 Alo said: I found out, it was incompatibility bug with graphotron. (lol, it was in last 6 mods in check list)That mods work fine with IR (in that combination):KWLLLScanSATB9FirespitterKJRFARTreeEditEditor ExtentionsActive Texture ManagmentClouds and citylightsMultiple Saves DAPart CatalogPart HighlighterPersistent TrailsPrecise NodeResGenSelect RootUbioWeldingVNGExtraplanetary launchpadsHipereditKethaneAlarmClockCrewManifestCustom BiomesEnHanced NavballHabitat PackProcedural wingsProcedural faringsRCS Build AidRealChuteLazorTAC fuel balancerShuttle PartsDREnginner ReduxHull CamsKASkOSDifferential thrustAGMRollcagesChattererRemoteTechGraphotron? I wonder why. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alo Posted April 24, 2014 Share Posted April 24, 2014 I have no idea.When AGM, Rollcages, Garphotron, Chatterer and RT remained i had no doubt it was RT But Garphotron for 0.23.5 is a branch from original old graphotron, it may contain some bugs i think.I wonder what mods have others with that bug?And...Space dock Mk2 come back online!Thanks Sirkut and Omgnull! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mrstoned Posted April 24, 2014 Share Posted April 24, 2014 sirkut said: Change them in the CFG file if you want a part to be a different speed. Otherwise change them during the building process and they will store per ship.This might be a stupid question, but how do i change it during the build? In the IR-window i have only "Keys" and "min" "Max" fields beside the Name./Rikard Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sirkut Posted April 24, 2014 Author Share Posted April 24, 2014 mrstoned said: This might be a stupid question, but how do i change it during the build? In the IR-window i have only "Keys" and "min" "Max" fields beside the Name./RikardI goofed, I meant during flight/launchpad. Sorry about the confusion. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sirkut Posted April 24, 2014 Author Share Posted April 24, 2014 Alo said: I have no idea.When AGM, Rollcages, Garphotron, Chatterer and RT remained i had no doubt it was RT But Garphotron for 0.23.5 is a branch from original old graphotron, it may contain some bugs i think.I wonder what mods have others with that bug?And...Space dock Mk2 come back online!http://i.imgur.com/rnFhpiR.jpgThanks Sirkut and Omgnull!Wow now that is interesting! What are the lights on the left? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alo Posted April 24, 2014 Share Posted April 24, 2014 Lights from LLL - Lack Luster Labs.Craft mostly form LLL too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
OxalysResourceConsortium Posted April 25, 2014 Share Posted April 25, 2014 been searching trough this 285 page thread to see if I could find a straight answer to this but I couldn't so I figured I'd just ask. How is kOS integration coming along? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sirkut Posted April 25, 2014 Author Share Posted April 25, 2014 OxalysResourceConsortium said: been searching trough this 285 page thread to see if I could find a straight answer to this but I couldn't so I figured I'd just ask. How is kOS integration coming along?It's on hold While I get PartModule integration and fixing the toolbar GUI bug are finished.. Once those are resolved I will be resuming that work. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
OxalysResourceConsortium Posted April 25, 2014 Share Posted April 25, 2014 sirkut said: It's on hold While I get PartModule integration.What's PartModule? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
chrisb2e9 Posted April 25, 2014 Share Posted April 25, 2014 Under heavy strain is there any way to stop this from happening?It's the largest rotating joint. And it's barely even got a load on it yet. Is there something I can edit to make the joint stronger to keep it from deforming?https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7358/13980477736_bf8b5489d1_c.jpg' alt='13980477736_bf8b5489d1_c.jpg'> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Galane Posted April 25, 2014 Share Posted April 25, 2014 Is the DROMOMAN fix included in the latest IR download? If not, could you post it in the first post of this thread?Finally getting my kit together for 0.23.5 now that IR is mostly working with it. :-) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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