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[0.90] Magic Smoke Industries Infernal Robotics - 0.19.3


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Should be the latest version, I installed a couple of weeks ago.

Here's the list of mods:

000_Toolbar              DistantObject                    KSO Basic Launch Guide.pdf  NASAmission          SCANsatRPM        TweakableEverything
ActionGroupManager EditorExtensions KWRocketry NavyFish SH_mods US_Core
ActiveTextureManagement Engineer KerbalJointReinforcement NothkeSerCom ScienceAlert US_KAS
B9CtrlSurfaceFix.cfg EnhancedNavBall Kerbaltek OpenResourceSystem SelectRoot US_TD-TACLS.rar
B9LandingGearFix.cfg EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements KineTechAnimation ProceduralFairings SmokeScreen UmbraSpaceIndustries
B9LandingLegsFix.cfg ExsurgentEngineering KittopiaSpace RLA_ElectricEngines Squad VNG
B9_Aerospace FerramAerospaceResearch Klockheed_Martian RLA_PowerGeneration TextureReplacer VesselView
BoulderCo Firespitter MP_Nazari RLA_Stockalike ThunderAerospace WarpPlugin
CoolRockets GenesisRage MagicSmokeIndustries RealSolarSystem ToadicusTools masTerTorch
CrewXfer GingerCorp MechJeb2 RemoteTech2 TreeLoader temperature_patch.cfg
CustomAsteroids JSI MechJeb2RPM ResGen TriggerTech toolbar-settings.dat
DeadlyReentry KAS ModuleManager.2.1.5.dll SCANsat TurboNisu

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It must be different on OS X than windows. I don't have a KSP_Data folder.

Ah then yes, it's different - I believe the Mac equivalent is located by opening the Console, on the left side of the window there is a menu that says 'files'. Scroll down the list and find the Unity drop down, under Unity there will be Player.log Aka Files>~/Library/Logs>Unity>Player.log.

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Should be the latest version, I installed a couple of weeks ago.

Here's the list of mods:

000_Toolbar              DistantObject                    KSO Basic Launch Guide.pdf  NASAmission          SCANsatRPM        TweakableEverything
ActionGroupManager EditorExtensions KWRocketry NavyFish SH_mods US_Core
ActiveTextureManagement Engineer KerbalJointReinforcement NothkeSerCom ScienceAlert US_KAS
B9CtrlSurfaceFix.cfg EnhancedNavBall Kerbaltek OpenResourceSystem SelectRoot US_TD-TACLS.rar
B9LandingGearFix.cfg EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements KineTechAnimation ProceduralFairings SmokeScreen UmbraSpaceIndustries
B9LandingLegsFix.cfg ExsurgentEngineering KittopiaSpace RLA_ElectricEngines Squad VNG
B9_Aerospace FerramAerospaceResearch Klockheed_Martian RLA_PowerGeneration TextureReplacer VesselView
BoulderCo Firespitter MP_Nazari RLA_Stockalike ThunderAerospace WarpPlugin
CoolRockets GenesisRage MagicSmokeIndustries RealSolarSystem ToadicusTools masTerTorch
CrewXfer GingerCorp MechJeb2 RemoteTech2 TreeLoader temperature_patch.cfg
CustomAsteroids JSI MechJeb2RPM ResGen TriggerTech toolbar-settings.dat
DeadlyReentry KAS ModuleManager.2.1.5.dll SCANsat TurboNisu

Do me a favor and download the latest version and test it again. Your ksp.log file is saying you have 0.16.1 and currently the latest version is 0.16.5

What your log file is showing:

InfernalRobotics v0.16.1.0

What it should be showing:

InfernalRobotics v0.16.5.0

Also, before submitted the output_log file. Right before launch, open the file and delete the entire contents of the text file and save it. THEN launch the craft and try to move the parts. This way the file size is smaller and I don't have to sift through the text.

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Hey guys. I'm having an issue with this mod. Not sure if this is a known problem. So I've built a crane that I want to use to lift many things over a long time. But I am having an issue that is making this not possible. After every game load the Hinges and parts connected the rotors are slipping out of position. The situation can be exaggerated by quick saving and loading the game again. Eventually the crane is in sorry shape and rendered non functional. Any ideas how make this not happen? I've tried all kinds of things to prevent this but I have been unsuccessful. Loading just seems rough on this mod. Note I just installed 16.5a and was using 16.1. This helped the issue but it just happens slower but still happens.

Edited by OperationDx
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Hey guys. I'm having an issue with this mod. Not sure if this is a known problem. So I've built a crane that I want to use to lift many things over a long time. But I am having an issue that is making this not possible. After every game load the Hinges and parts connected the rotors are slipping out of position. The situation can be exaggerated by quick saving and loading the game again. Eventually the crane is in sorry shape and rendered non functional. Any ideas how make this not happen? I've tried all kinds of things to prevent this but I have been unsuccessful. Loading just seems rough on this mod.

Using the latest version? Do you have a craft file (listing of mods used) so I can replicate it? I generally don't use it with large masses so I haven't ran across this.

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Using the latest version? Do you have a craft file (listing of mods used) so I can replicate it? I generally don't use it with large masses so I haven't ran across this.

I'm going to test this with minimum mods installed. I have a crap load of mods that maybe having an effect. I'll report back.

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Well that didn't take me very long. I've confirmed that this is happening with Stock KSP + IR. Here is the craft I used to do the test. - https://www./?dprc32ue7dbw7f9 To replicate my issue go into the SPH and launch craft called Crane tester. Quick save the game and Hold F9 to load quick save. Do this a few times and you will start to see the parts begin to slip out of position. The crane will start to sag and start to clip through the base parts.

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Did you use TweakableEverything on the decoupler from your craft? I am really stumped at this moment.

No. Maybe EditorExtensions is interfering?

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So I did some more testing and built a ship using stock parts that would flex under weight. Then I did the quick save load thing. I noticed that every time I loaded the craft it would start in it's original starting position and then flex down but never did parts move out of position. So it seems that IR's Parts are not following the same rules and reload in a slightly different position causing them to drift.

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So I did some more testing and built a ship using stock parts that would flex under weight. Then I did the quick save load thing. I noticed that every time I loaded the craft it would start in it's original starting position and then flex down but never did parts move out of position. So it seems that IR's Parts are not following the same rules and reload in a slightly different position causing them to drift.

That's been a "feature" since the beginning, higher gravity and heavier parts make it worse. Probably your best bet is build it straight up and balanced in the SPH and always return it to that default position before a save (and park it on flat ground). There'll be less torque/flexing and more compression through the joints which they handle better. If anything is sagging down/pulled out of shape by gravity when you save you'll end up with this issue.


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It would see I have resolved my problem. If I lock all the parts before I save the game they won't drift or sag. I can now continue working on my craft. I'm so happy this worked.

Lock in what manner?

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Lock in what manner?

After about 20 quick save and loads this seems to be working. If you right click on the part it says engage lock. When the parts are locked they don't move after a save and load. If they are unlocked and you load the parts will drift. So I'll just have to remember to make an action group with all IR parts and lock them when I'm done. They do seem to still drift slightly but not a ton after many loads. Manageable for what I'm doing.

Edited by OperationDx
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After about 20 quick save and loads this seems to be working. If you right click on the part it says engage lock. When the parts are locked they don't move after a save and load. If they are unlocked and you load the parts will drift. So I'll just have to remember to make an action group with all IR parts and lock them when I'm done. They do seem to still drift slightly but not a ton after many loads. Manageable for what I'm doing.

Ah wonderful. I just had no idea which lock you were using. thanks!

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how do I prevent or fix braking after updating to .16? how do I replace the parts in the saved file? I have a lot of satellites that use IR and it would be extremely annoying having to redesign and re-launch all of them


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