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What's your favorite not commonly known Kerbal?


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Jack Kerman, he was the first Kerbal to step foot on Duna and he has done a lot of other tests for rockets.

That's not totally generic at all... and also, give me my avatar back! You stole it! And then you re-cropped it to make it look different!

Edit: I'm gonna make my own Kerbal by editing the persistence file. Someone give me the best name one of their Kerbals have had.

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That's not totally generic at all... and also, give me my avatar back! You stole it! And then you re-cropped it to make it look different!

Edit: I'm gonna make my own Kerbal by editing the persistence file. Someone give me the best name one of their Kerbals have had.

Like I said, Enemy Kerman.

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I got a guy named Doodmon or something like that - can't check the spelling since I'm away from that save file.

He always seems to be piloting important ships for me. I can just imagine him with dredlocks and regae playing in the cockpit.

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I have yet to encounter him in-game, but I've heard of an interesting one named Enemy Kerman. I'm not sure if I'd let him inside my super-advanced spaceships, however.

You're stealing my Kerbals! :wink:

Unfortunately, Enemy was lost in the Great Botched Mod Install of June 2013... I want him back. :(

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Richny Kerman (was) my go to guy for flying spaceplanes. He managed to fly to the north pole and return, though he ended up using two planes for the trip.

Sadly since my gamesave exploded, I lost him. Maybe I'll add him back with crew manifest.

My other favourite whitesuit is Billy-Bob Kerman. He's the commander for rescue missions to save my orange suits.

Edited by BeTa77
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I'm particularly attached to Neilbald Kerman, a name that showed up at the top of the roster just recently for me. For one thing, he ended up being a "test pilot" of sorts for many of my early missions in 0.20 and had an excellent survival record. Moreover his name instantly reminded me of Neil Armstrong, so I thought it was appropriate that he be the top kerbalnaut in my program. Of course his name also reminded me of Nate "Tiny" Archibald, but I'm not so sure that has quite as much relevance here.

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Shertsted is my fav guy after his balsy mission to Eeloo using left over equipment designed for Duna missions.

He is now stuck on Eeloo, at a landing site aptly named 'Shersted's Folly'.

He's been up there for 22 years, so I'm currently putting together a tanker/tug in LKO to go and bring them home.

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Well I didn't have any particular favorites until last night, when I did my first intercontinental flight to locate, land at, and plant a flag on the second space center. My pilot was Orble Kerman. I would have preferred to send the Big Three, but apparently Jeb was hosting poker night at his place, so those three were out. I was wary, Orble being a new pilot, but he distinguished himself marvelously when, at about 18,000 meters above the Great Western Desert, my plane suffered some random unplanned disassembly. In short, I don't know what happened, but half of my starboard wing, with one of my engines still attached, broke away from the plane, and took one of the parachutes vital to my ejection system off with it.

Naturally this put me in a lateral spin, and I go through the "Oh $%!^ we're gonna crash" checklist to try and get back under control, killing the engines, waggling my control surfaces, toggling SAS, praying to the Deep Space Kraken to be merciful. And Lo and behold I look down, and there's Orble, calm as a summer day in the cockpit.

Eventually I was able to get some semblance of control, and the KAF-ICR 1(Kerbal Air Force Inter-Continental Recon) looked like it was going to be able to complete its mission, until I misjudged the landing and bounced of the ridge ringing the target, knocking all my remaining engines off, which then caused me to have to crash land.

Fortunately Orble escaped unharmed and is currently acting as our ambassador to the Koviet Union while we draw up plans for a vehicle to go get him.

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Patlo Kerman. He was the first Kerbal to set foot on Moho, Ike, and Duna, and consequently has landmarks named after him on each body.

Which kind of makes me feel bad for Orfrod, who has been his copilot on all of these missions but has received no recognition for anything, now that I think about it. I'll consider naming part of my upcoming Tylo mission after him.

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