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Anyone Played/Watched "The Last Of Us"?


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Just wondering if anyone else has Played or, like me, Watched someone else play "The last of us".

I think it's pretty cool, great story and great graphics considering it's a console game. Unfortunately getting a PS3 just for that game would be a tad bit irresponsible of me.

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I, never ever understood games that the main purpose: ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE

I've seen it, don't intend to get it. Not to mention buying a PS3.

It's a pretty interesting type of zombie apocalypse. And actually it's real, there's this fungus called cordyceps and it takes over the minds of ants and ultimately kills them whist spreading itself to other ants. It's a tad bit disturbing, i'm wondering if this could be mutated to work on humans.

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No, that fungus could not mutate to take over humans. Also, zombies could never come even remotely close to wiping out humanity.

I've played a bit of it, and it was very good. One of the better such games I've ever played. Nonetheless, it's PS3 only, and I simply cannot play that sort of game with one of those controllers.

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No, that fungus could not mutate to take over humans. Also, zombies could never come even remotely close to wiping out humanity.

I've played a bit of it, and it was very good. One of the better such games I've ever played. Nonetheless, it's PS3 only, and I simply cannot play that sort of game with one of those controllers.

Could you explain why you think a Zombie Apocalypse wouldn't be able to decimate humanity? Other than the fact that human zombies are only found when there's bath salts involved...

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Probably because we have a lot of guns/tanks/planes/whatever. Zombies aren't so good at any of that.

Read "World War Z"? Part of what bothers me about the movie adaptation is that the movie follows your attitude (slow zombies not a threat, must use fast super-zombies), but the book spent time explaining WHY slow zombies would be an actual threat even to the military. While the book has some combat with zombies, it's much more about why society as a whole falls to the zombie horde, and how it (and its military) adapts to overcome the challenge.

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