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Render distance


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The render distance for another vessel is 2.5km or something close to that number right? So what if someone built a station (modular) to make a space station which is basically just a straight line longer then this render distance?

Would the game crash? Only show part of the ship at a time? Enlighten me please, I want to build a long range and massive interplanetary ship and lets just say I was curious about this. Sure I probably won't actually make it corrcetly but hey! It's a good thing to know.

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I'm not exactly sure, but i think the entire vessel should be loaded. I think the game loads a 2.5 KM bubble with the active vessel as the center, so your entire vessel is inside the bubble. However, unless you have NASA supercomputers, I doubt your computer will be able to handle a 2000 meter ship with all the struts to hold it together. I think Scott Manely did a video on this (space elevator), you should watch that if you haven't.

(Why would you want to build a 2 KM ship, that completely overkill!!!!:P)

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Alright thanks and yeah I have a load end computer but I wanted to push it to the max and do it just for the reason of over kill :P

And yeah I watch Scott Manley, like him but I have not seen that video.

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you would need 5km+ long station since camera is focusing on center of mass, or getting it offcenter. but then it should be just that you dont see parts in the background. BUt im not sure what would happen if, lets say, you would have binded deploying of solar panels on some key and you press it, would they deploy on the parts that are not rendered?

Are we talking about rendering physics, model, textures, utility or just a model ?

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As far as I understand : Game loads vessels, not parts. It's limit to load vessels just for perfomance reasons, not fundamental limitation. If part is detached it's become a vesssel. Vessel is just loaded as whole if it in the distance(center or any part, I m not sure, but more likely it's center). If vessel is unpacked - all parts of it will be rendered and functioning.

So nothing will happen exept bad perfomance because of big amount of parts will be processed and growing physics glitches, not because it so long but because amount of parts in interact and thing will collapse long before you will build is this big.

Edited by zzz
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