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To quote the wiki:

\'An eclipse is an astronomical event that occurs when an astronomical object (like kerbol) is temporarily obscured.. by having another body (like kerbin) pass between it and the viewer.\'

So, yes, he did.

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Well actually if I\'m right, there are two main shadows casted by bodies in orbit, the umbra, or shadow casted from the edge of body which gets smaller towards the target it\'s covering, and the puenumbra, which is the opposite blocking a larger area of light, but less powerful at doing so.

The sun is still one smal point of light though I believe, so it\'s not too accurate, making the entire mun witness a global darkness evenly.

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I have had one.

In lunar orbit, just after taking off again from landing.

Note the lighted sides of kearth


and after I moved out of the eclipse on the orbit:


Kearth totally obscured by lens flare. Note height and mission elapsed time.

I was actually kind of flabbergasted - looked at the moon, when suddenly my craft went all black and shadowy...

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