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Space Shuttle (possibly a dying mod)


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Is there any chance you can model some various equipment racks and at least a few of the other payloads the shuttle has carried up. A lot of pictures of the shuttle show a very full cargo bay, full of experiments, payload racks, and an MPLM sometimes, while I find my Buran more often than not goes up unfulfillingly empty..

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  vector253 said:
I can physically attach them to the part though if that is what's needed for the COM to work I just don't know how to vector them that way

As long as KSP thinks of it as one part, it'll be fine. So, if your Unity method does that, it'll be fine.

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  Budgie said:
Is there any chance you can model some various equipment racks and at least a few of the other payloads the shuttle has carried up. A lot of pictures of the shuttle show a very full cargo bay, full of experiments, payload racks, and an MPLM sometimes, while I find my Buran more often than not goes up unfulfillingly empty..

I will look into it, but currently my main goal is getting it working. Once it's done you should be able to put whatever you want into the cargo bay

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Are you claiming this NASA model as your own?


I downloaded your files in the OP to take a look and yes the texture files in your download are the same as the NASA one, these would not fit onto a model that is not the NASA one, why would you not just say it is NASA model?

edit: I did not realize your brother has made a new model from scratch, but the one in your original post I am sure is the NASA model and I am wondering why you did not declare this

Edited by skeligandrew
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  skeligandrew said:

I downloaded your files in the OP to take a look and yes the texture files in your download are the same as the NASA one, these would not fit onto a model that is not the NASA one, why would you not just say it is NASA model?

Not true, one can map an existing texture to another model, though it takes plenty of skill. NASA models have proper smoothing, unlike his initial attempt, so I'd say he just borrowed the textures.

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The initial model was based off of one of the nasa model I highly modified them because it was unsuitable for ksp as it was, I should have gave credit but I was about 5 in the morning and I had been up for 2 days, sorry and you're right credit should be to nasa. Also the current textures are from the 2010 orbiter high-res textures download but there were modified a bit to remove the name of the shuttle and add window color.

Hope that clears everything up

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Looks allright. Where's the airlock, though? A docking port would be a rather important piece for the Shuttle. Also, did you talk to BobCat about CanadArm?

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All in good time, like I said my main goal is to get a working shuttle. What good is a docking port on a shuttle that can't fly haha

And he said we would make one when I finish the shuttle so it'll end up having one.

One think I kinda want to do but I'm not sure how to go about it would be to add the folding antena that is in the cargo bay and have that antena work with remote tech

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Model the antenna as you normally would, preferably as a separate part. Leave the "working with RemoteTech" part to me, if they were able to convert Squad's antennae, that means everything in there is config-side, no model additions needed. Good to know BobCat will be making CanadArm, though. Anyway, looking forward to working on it.

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  Dragon01 said:
Model the antenna as you normally would, preferably as a separate part. Leave the "working with RemoteTech" part to me, if they were able to convert Squad's antennae, that means everything in there is config-side, no model additions needed. Good to know BobCat will be making CanadArm, though. Anyway, looking forward to working on it.

Idk how soon he will be able to get to it i know he has many other projects.but ill make it compatable with the buran arm, and I'm hoping to have at least the nose, forward rcs, and cabin working in ksp tonight.

Also there isn't going to be an iva

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With regards to IVA, I've got a PM from one guy interested in modeling Shuttle IVA for the CSS. I'll ask him if we could use it for this Shuttle as well. I didn't get anything tangible from him yet, but we'll see.

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If you want to finish her in her final flight profile, here's a Thermal Tile Pic courtesy Nasa in her final phase. My dad also retired from Nasa after many years in the LCC, I have great shots of her up close and personal I can send you as well.


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Here is the new .dae files and the master blender file

credit for textures goes to the 2010 orbiter hiress textures. ill hopefulley get some fully custom made for kerbal textures in the future


feel free to play around with them and change what you want

i just realized the textures and animations aren't working so ill try and figure that out

Edited by vector253
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Its no finished model.... its 1 step for creating model...first step.

Also this NASA model and Orbiter texture... that no good.

Too much errors, untextured poly, missed poly, wrong poly, wrong normals orientation, and much more...

Too much wrong oriented parts...

to revitalize the model for the game, you need to spend time in 3 times more than to do it again.

If the author is going to continue to keep doing this model, the front of his very busy.

If the author thinks that is a complete model for the game, I regret to say that it is no good.










Edited by BobCat
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Actually if you used the v2 download it's the one my brother made, on my computer there was a second texture for the inside of the cargo bay. The first one was a modified nasa model.

I don't know why the normals are like that though its always worked fine on both our computers, ill go thought it some more and spend some more time on it.

This mod is starting to frustait me though. every time I think I'm making progress it turns out I've accomplished nothing...

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Not need use other autors model or texture.

Make your shuttle step by step, and integrate every part in unity.

In google have alot side draw and any projection blueprint (Buran have less pictures).

Concentrate in make good model....

Current model neeed very many fix and remake... to many time to make this...

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Alright ill get some side views and learn how to use blender and model. It's prolly going to be a while before I get anything useful, and while I'm at it'll ill go ahead and make some custom textures. It'll be a while tho

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Textures are not what you need to worry about. Build the main blocks of the model with a low poly count and get them working in unity. You may even want to make an original, non-NASA shuttle first. Simplify it: No point in making a shuttle out of a ton of parts unless the parts can be useful for another craft.

Edited by Nazari1382
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The first shuttle was a modified nasa shuttle, but the v2 was modeled by my brother and used a set of 3 view pictures to get the shape.

I'm prolly going to start a new one with a clean slate tonight, how should I have blender set up and how should I divide the shuttle up? The reason it's in so many parts now is because I can't get the collisions meshes right if its one part

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