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Node Symbols? What are they?

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Of course you can read the link olex sent you, but most of the time i use the green(yellowish on my screen) and purple/pink handles. Green (depending on your screen I guess) is prograde/retrograde (go faster, go slower/backwards). The purple/pink handles(normal/anti-normal) are for inclination, for example if you're on a perfect equatorial orbit, pulling/pushing the purple/pink handle can change your orbit to say, 45 degrees. Changing inclination from what I understand burns a lot of fuel though so only do it if you really need to, or just want to practice orbital maneuvers.

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The green symbols allow you to extend or retract your orbit, basically telling you to speed up or slow down, and is an indication of your change in velocity. The blue/cyan symbols can help change the eccentricity of your orbit and basically move your apoapsis/periapsis closer or farther from the parent body without changing your total binding energy. The purple symbols allow you to change your inclination, most useful for docking two ships together.

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