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Why Duna is like Mars and Eve isn't like Venus ?


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  Motokid600 said:
What about the upper atmosphere? I remember reading something about a city that could float on the dense atmosphere. And apparently the conditions up there are... practical.

Temperature and pressure are pretty okay for Venus at a height of about 50km. Pretty close to earth sea level. But you're still dealing with harsh UV radiation, constant hurricane 5 winds and clouds of sulfuric acid eating your base.

If we ever need to pick a good place for a human outpost in the solar system, Venus should be at the bottom of the list with big red crosses and text reading "Abandon hope all ye who goes here!"

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While Venus is interesting from a geological and meteorological standpoint, it wouldn't be much fun to go there, and would probably introduce some substantial challenges for the devs as well. Notice no fog on any of the planets/moons?

Here's a depiction of what it might look like on the surface of Venus, as presented by the series "Space Odyssey: A Voyage to the Planets", aired on BBC Nov. 2004 (http://www.bbc.co.uk/sn/tvradio/programmes/spaceodyssey/programme1.shtml):


The atmosphere at ground level is hot and dense enough to crush just about anything we could land there.

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A friend of mine did his PHD on modeling the surface of Venus and was for a while the world's foremost Venusian vulcanologist, it was him that proved that its smoothness was the result of gradual deposition from volcanoes and erosion rather than any more catastrophic process. I tell you this mostly because I love the phrase Venusian vulcanologist.

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I personally really like the purple... Why can't purple be hot?

Why does hot have to be orange?

If the complaint is lack of clouds and lack of lava flows, the game isn't finished It's planned for Eve to have both of those, but they can't yet.

Purple and Yellow are contrasting colors, so artistically a purple planet with Yellow glowing flows of lava would look really nice.

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Going back to some of the first comments I agree that a Venus analogue would provide a good challenge as soon as heat it implemented, for example you wouldn't want to land on top of a venting volcano or risk your craft melting.

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  tomf said:
A friend of mine did his PHD on modeling the surface of Venus and was for a while the world's foremost Venusian vulcanologist, it was him that proved that its smoothness was the result of gradual deposition from volcanoes and erosion rather than any more catastrophic process. I tell you this mostly because I love the phrase Venusian vulcanologist.

That my friend; is really really cool. :cool:

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I really don't like the idea of the Kerbol system being basically a copy of our own. It's great to be able to make it what you love. For example, in real life, I honestly don't think we have discovered any green gas giants like Jool. Or a purple world littered with Iodine and melted Gallium.

Also, for those wishing for a hell-like world, where the atmosphere is extremely hot and landing would be very complicated, one is planned to be orbiting Kerbol in the future. :)

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  Moon Goddess said:


Purple and Yellow are contrasting colors, so artistically a purple planet with Yellow glowing flows of lava would look really nice.

Playing around with that in photoshop, and it looks REALLY cool. It would be interesting if the yellow clouds were denser, and they could assist or totally screw up aerobraking and shred your parachutes. It would also make your ascent stage MUCH less efficient when passing through them, and over heat engines faster. THAT would be cool.

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I'm fine with eve being purple, you know.

Also, because of the propellium in the oceans, I think it's supposed to be a carbon planet.

You know, a planet made out of carbon instead of silicates.

Also, waiting for the clouds.

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I think it's a bit to early to complain about analogs being inacrate. most of what makes venus venus is atmospheric effects and vlocanism. 2 planned but currently unadded features.


red, orange, yellow, green, indigo, violet

colors of the spectrum and how temperture relates to them, red coolest, violet hotest.

note: the exact colors may be a bit out of order.

Edited by leax256
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Well, Venus is the god of love and beauty, and so the colour purple was chosen to represent that. The colour is generally considered beautiful. It's enough of a similarity for me, really. The orbits of both are also comparable.

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  MBobrik said:
The real venus in visible spectrum is just a near-featureless white-gray orb from above. Then just milky fog of the H2SO4 clouds, and on the bottom, perpetual reddish hazy twilight that limits the visibility to a few km. you would have to land very near a volcanic vent to actually see anything.


EDIT: and venus volcanoes look rather dull too. Just large and flat shield volcanoes calmly pouring out lava.

Guys, there isn't any wether ingame yet, in the future Eve will also be a thick foggy planet with thunderstorms and hurricaine winds in the uppder atmosphere!

Nove said that litterally.

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Though I appreciate that Eve could look more like Venus, I really like the art-style that's been used for Eve to have a rich purple colour, Jool a beautiful saturated green, and Vall a cyan/blue ice-moon. For us human players, already familiar with the planets around Sol, exploration of the Kerbals' solar-system is more exciting with these, frankly, more exotic looking planets. I like that they're using a richer colour-palette than could probably be expected to naturally occur. And, while it's nice that our solar-system has been the inspiration, I would like the Kerbal system to remain more Kerbal-y. :)

Also, the exact conditions of a place like Venus should be toned-down for game-play purposes. I don't see why one of the closest planets should be one of the hardest to set foot on. If we're going to have a planet as punishing as Venus to land on, put it far away so it's only challenging the more advanced players anyway. Rather than trying for absolute realism, I always got the impression Squad was more trying to find a balance between real and fun. I think they're on the right track.

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