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Interplanetary Space Science Organization


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Hey, Bio, I actually got back into kerbal, because of a science experiment we did at school ( with kerbal! yay!). But anyways, we did some stuff about how extremely small angles affect the distance of landing (on the mun!). Should I post the sciency part of it? IDK if it even relates to what we are doing, but its science, none the less.

Redwork Studios

Redwork one

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(Kicks in the door) Hey guys! Sorry, I'm on vacation and I lost my Laptop's charger, but I'm back! Let me sort this out while you guys say hi.

Hey, Bio, I actually got back into kerbal, because of a science experiment we did at school ( with kerbal! yay!). But anyways, we did some stuff about how extremely small angles affect the distance of landing (on the mun!). Should I post the sciency part of it? IDK if it even relates to what we are doing, but its science, none the less.

Redwork Studios

Redwork one

I think we'd all love to see the science you did!

EDIT: I could re-arrange the official document for ISSO and make it prettier...

I'd love that.

I was thinking - what if we shared our career saves while being a member of the ISSO? Like, Bio starts it then we start developing things to get science and stuff..

That's a good idea... I was even thinking that after we finished our sciencey things that we'd do a multiplayer save and build a space station or surface base.

Edited by Bioman222
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Ok, here is the experiment that we did! Im literally copying it off of my hard drive as I find it :P

Ok, well, Im going to have to post the pics on Imgur, so a slight delay on those!

But onto the science...

We found that an inclination change of a range of 1-10 degrees, on average, spaces the landing at exactly 108.6 meters, on a transfer from Kerbin, to the Mun (With hyper edited landing within 5 seconds of entering the Mun's SOI). So... A larger transfer (Kerbin to Jool) Would probably end... err... Badly. Several kilometers off the intended mark, several thousand units of wasted fuel doing un-needed maneuvers... Well thats pretty much it. Bigger change than we expected (Close to 50 meters was our prediction :rolleyes:), but not enough to totally ruin your trip to the mun.


Edited by Redwork Studios|Redwork1
Adding stuff!
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Good news. I actually designed a very heavy lifter that can lift up to 524 tonssubject to change of Payload into space! Since I'm not home yet (will be in 5 days), I calculated it all using math, with my spreadsheet made on Google Drive.

The lifter itself weights 546t.

So I'm gonna share my design with you:

2 Jumbo Tanks in the middle, followed by a Mainsail engine.

6 Jumbo Tanks radially attached to the middle one, then 6 more on the top of those 6. (be sure to setup asparagus staging or it wont work)

When I get home I'll test this design and see if it can carry 524 tons or less. But anyways, I still think I did some math wrong.

EDIT: Bio, I should be an engineer and not a launch provider... I got confused with your graph but anyways I want to be an engineer, if possible.

Edited by RockyTV
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This is the CEO of imperial ballistics, just posting to thank Bioman for adding me to this program, and to ask any potential pilots if they have any rockets that they need building.

Send me a PM if you have a mission in mind, and I will hopefully be able to build you a rocket to complete it!

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Company Name: N/A

Engineer or Pilot?: Both? - Data collecting with personal rockets - so I guess Pilot.

Any data you want to contribute: Info on Vall and possible Bop (soon to come)

I wish to join your Organization and take part in all the fun you guys have! :cool:

I have no company. I have been so far a 1 man team in collecting data and I'd love to finally join a party.

Edited by Avera9eJoe
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You can make up a company if you don't have multiple people. It's what I do. So please make up A name :D

Hafner & Co.

^ what I use for my band and anything related to anything.

Am I good?

Company Name: Hafner & co.

Engineer or Pilot?: Both? - Data collecting with personal rockets - so I guess Pilot.

Any data you want to contribute: Info on Vall and possible Bop (soon to come)

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