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Interplanetary Space Science Organization


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Ahh, man! I haven't seen that film yet and this means I'm gonna have to google for spoilers!

Only kidding, i'm sure knowing what the station looks like isn't gonna spoil anything major!

xD It'd be super tough to build a station like that I'm guessing. You can build it if you want! I think it'd be cool.

And yes its a great movie! only thing I was disappointed in was switching the asteroid base location. AWESOME EFFECTS!!!!

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I haven't seen it yet, but from what I gathered from the trailers I got a bad feeling about it.

Is it one of those films where there's like a massive war going on with millions of people dying, yet they want you to fell sorry for 1 poor boy who gets tortured or something? It's just I get really pissed off at those films.

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I haven't seen it yet, but from what I gathered from the trailers I got a bad feeling about it.

Is it one of those films where there's like a massive war going on with millions of people dying, yet they want you to fell sorry for 1 poor boy who gets tortured or something? It's just I get really pissed off at those films.

No, not really. It's a good book/movie. ANYWAYS, BACK ON TOPIC PEOPLE.

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Hey everyone! Just going to share my latest little... project, on creating some SSTO aircraft, that can deliver small probes and such to interplanetary ships (and stuff!). But anyways, considering that I am an engineer, I thought that I would post these! But, considering I just started these, they are no where near being cargo shuttles, but thats what I'm working on :wink:


EDIT: Stupid sig, slicing yourself in half like that! Anyone else seeing this? \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ ? Anything?!

Edited by Redwork Studios|Redwork1
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Well, everyone, you have my regards, I was glad to accomplish my 1 assigned munar mission and had alot of fun watching this, sadly, not much has happened for a month now, and that cant be a good sign. Unless this serves as a rally for this to get totally revamped, I dont think much else will happen here :(

Best Regards,

Redwork Studios

Redwork One

Redwork Two

Redwork Three

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You guys, I just said that you guys were free to do whatever sciencey things you want and to report them! When I said "I'm cutting you guys loose." I didn't mean "Get Out!" Now, if anyone wants an assignment, gimme a hoot :wink:

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