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MSSTO (Massive Single Stage to Orbit) Challenge

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Overview: Launch the most massive single stage rocket to orbit that you can build. "Massive" in this case will be judged by remaining tonnage of the object once it is in orbit. In other words, it does not matter how much it weighs on launch.


Absolutely no falling or detaching parts of any kind (parts that CAN detach are ok as long as they don't)

Stock only

Jets are allowed but bonus points for not using them.

Object must attain stable orbit around Kerbin

Bonus points for designs that don't eat your computer like mine does.

Post as much evidence as you can.

Here is my attempt so far. 530 tons left in orbit.





Also, as you can see, my design has a couple of odd features, including landing gear and a nuclear engine pointing the wrong way. My original goal was to make this a MSSTM (Massive single stage to (land on) mun) challenge, but I can't quite get enough spare fuel up to make that work yet. But it is something to get thinking on. :-)

Edited by Dweeb of Kerbin
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Here is my Bid:562.38t screenshot62.png





562.38t, 114 engines (LV 45 I believe), 57 jumbo fuel tanks. I did use Launch pad clamps which of course didn't go up but also didn't lift in any way and as you can see I did use Mechjeb as well.



Edit: oops missed the stock part of the rules, mechjeb was the only mod used.

Edited by Coneshot
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I will be working on this. I find that clustered massive SSTO's like yours are brilliantly simple to use and I have used smaller ones to put space stations in orbit. They are really 1.5 Stage since i use the space stations' own maneuvering engines to circularize, but it's still very low effort. I was already wondering how to do a stable massive stage. Is the answer just lots of steel girders? :)

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are those air-breathing engines?!

Not sure if this is in reference to mine or Coneshot's, but mine did not have any jet engines. I primarily used the spike engines because these behemoths do not take off super fast so I wanted something with good efficiency at all altitudes. Also, they are small while still being relatively powerful, so it is easy to include a lot of them. I also find them more stable than the really big engines.

Finally, with mainsails and clustered engines, I find that the mainsails start overheating so easily that you need to run much of the launch at only about 80% power, which means you are basically throwing away the entire point of the mainsails. Using skippers instead I was able to keep the throttle at about 98% without any overheating explosions.

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are those air-breathing engines?!

If the question was directed at me, I am not using any air breathers. I launched with clusters of LV-T45 liquid fuel engines, they are the second largest of the smaller diameter (non-Rockomax) engines. :-) I like these over aerospikes because I believe the spike confuses my rockets into thinking the engine is a nose cone and therefore points it skyward... every time...

BTW Dweeb, that ship of yours is incredible.. both in size and as a work of art (has a very organic alien look.. I just love it) I keep finding myself coming back to look at the pics!

Edited by Coneshot
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