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A Few good users.


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I was just at the space port, browsing for my next conquest, and I came upon an add on that some guy did that boasted light speed or near light speed. I clicked the comments, and low an behold he was under attack. Granted this guy didn't do much to get the LS/NLS effects, but the beach assault was on.

Now I don't mind constructive criticism myself, generally I laugh at the lot that "insult" me. But this space port is becoming rotten. It should be renamed to Mos Eisley because it has become "a wretched hive of scum and villainy"

But the reason for this post is to find out how many of you have had it with the bullies? There are a few, I have compiled a list, but I feel that the mods on here won't allow the list to become public domain. " NO WAY! WAY!" I'm sure many of you have encountered them, if not just browse the comments on objects to see who they are.

Now to those that wish to slice up a cfg file, and have some fun, BRAVO! Keep at it. The spaceport crap is free, remember? Free is good. If some guy likes flinging Kerb's at the planet near the SOL, and he wishes us to see it, then cool. If some lonely nerd wants us to see his Picasso masterpiece of his version of e Apollo moon lander, BRAVO! The point is this, I'm tired of the bullies that hide behind a keyboard and monitor declaring to the world how awesome they are and slamming the guy who only got this game for fun. So many rocket scientists spoil the universe.

The captain.


By saying my next conquest, read into it as you like. I have finished modifying rocket2guns CSS, and it flies awesome. Like the Buran.

Edited by ThePyrateCaptain
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And your point is? Do you want us to be nice, and lie to this guy how much we like his piece of spliced code? If you are trying to become local Che Guevara and stir things up, shouldn't you encourage folks to speak the truth? Voice their opinion freely? Make your mind up, Cap.

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This thread has little to no purpose, other than to rant about other users without naming them. Naming and shaming is a terrible method of dealing with those that cause issues and sets a worse precedent. It's not something we want on these forums, merely because that's not the type of community we should be, not to mention the fact that it's very immature.

Please, if other users are breaking the rules by harassing you, contact a Moderator. Creating a thread like this is purely inflammatory and does no good. Thanks.

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