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Eeloo - A parody of "Payphone" (LYRICS ONLY) (Note at bottom!)


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You may all know this song. I decided since I dont have a mic,just make lyrics.

Here ya go!



We're orbiting Eeloo,trying to get home.

All of my time we spent on you.

Where is KSC?

It had gone wrong.

When we ran out of fuel with you.


Yeah,we,thought we would be heroes,back on kerbin's surface.

It's even harder to picture,the worried KSC.

We say its too late to return. But should we even try?

And when we never returned,KSC was in debt.

Theres no mission,coming for us at anytime.

Now we're done,stuck in this can.

Where we called it done.

We'll be here all the time.


We're orbiting Eeloo,trying to get home.

All of my time we spent on you.

Where is KSC?

It had gone wrong.

When we ran out of fuel with you.

If happy ever after did exist,we would be home at Kerbin as heroes.

But still we're stuck in this tin can.

One more little problem I'll be sick.


We thought we could be home for dinner.

But we didn't make desert.

We wasted all our fuel now,on that transfer stage.

They can't expect us to make it.

They don't expect us to live.

I know I said it before but we'll be here all the time.

Theres no mission,coming for us at anytime.

Now we're done,stuck in this can.

Where we called it done.

We'll be here all the time.


We're orbiting Eeloo,trying to get home.

All of my time we spent on you.

Where is KSC?

It had gone wrong.

When we ran out of fuel with you.

If happy ever after did exist,we would be home at Kerbin as heroes.

But still we're stuck in this tin can.

One more little problem I'll be sick.

Im orbiting Eeloo


Bye-bye A-team

Ill be out wreckin' your ship

While you sittin' round.

Wondering why you are wastin' all this time for nothin'

Made it from kerbin, now you see meh im wrecking.

And all my 'struction from the flash of the big bang.

Give me a chance to blow you all up in a cloud of smoke

Switchin' all your cables,now you can only hear me.

My name so popular than your little kerbin friends on it

Boom,there goes your engine.

Had a good chance to get home then I blew up your engine

so you talk about what could happen when you die.

Or if you coulda lived.

but sad to say the chances are slim.

I parked here your tiny little ship.

Boom there you go.

Got what you lookin' for.

Now get out of my town or else I crush you.

So you can go

And take that little capsule with you


We're returning from Eeloo!

Thank the kraken.

Hes such a friendly guy after all.

We have connection. Yell out some woo-hoos.

We land just about at home.

They all ask us how we got here

We'll just tell them this:

We have returned home like this.

We just say the kraken is real,he is such a friendly guy to meet.

Now we returned home.


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Curses, I was going to write a Payphone KSP parody. It went like this:

I'm in a spaceplane, orbiting Kerbin

To find some science for you

I know that I can circularize

And then fly back down to you

Well, back to writing "Glad You Docked."

There can be two! So dont worry about copyright :)

I'm having a bit of trouble imagining how this would sound.

When you wrote this, were you thinking heavy vocals with acoustics or a rap or what?

Look up

"Maroon 5 - Payphone"

WARNING: Slight amount of swearing in the original

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