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Jeb did it! He landed to the Mun!


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This has been a crazy adventure for Jeb, he has collaborated with the scientists and the builders of KASA (Kerbal Aeronautics and Space Administration) and wanted to include a probe and satellite built within a lander... BUT the Mun landing did not go as expected. All the instruments and equipment exploded because Jeb waited to release the tank and engine for too long! Hopefully KASA can push out an autonomous rescue and research mission soon. :)

I think I did good for my very first land! :D


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congrats, an actual mun landing for a first landing is pretty hard, you should really try a minmus landing first, i know it looks like it would take more fuel but it doesnt, it actually takes a lot less fuel to get to minmus and land then it does to just straight up land on the mun, and munmus is a lot more forgiving whe perfecting your close in technique

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