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[0.22] UbioZur Welding Ltd. 2.0 Dev STOPPED


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About the broken NearFuture Adapter the problem is somehow in the name of the folder "trusslrg-adapter-25-25", I ran into the same problem, and will look to find a fix for it.

In NearFutureConstruction 3.x path to model is NearFutureConstruction\Parts\LargeTruss\trusslrg-adapter-25\trusslrg-adapter-25

Unfortunately I am unable to run KSP during working hours, so I can not try what will happen after welding. The idea is that the path should not be changed...

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In NearFutureConstruction 3.x path to model is NearFutureConstruction\Parts\LargeTruss\trusslrg-adapter-25\trusslrg-adapter-25

Unfortunately I am unable to run KSP during working hours, so I can not try what will happen after welding. The idea is that the path should not be changed...

I had unchanged mod paths, and the "-25" got doubled in the welded part, happens repeated with every welding of the part for me.

But until I'm home I can't access my stuff.

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KSP is trying to find files that aren't there (please scroll code to the right).

Welder takes information about models files exclusively from parts to weld, so please look into config file of original part. What is the path to the model's file is specified there? Is really there exists specified file?

If one of models of part was not found - we will see that part with empty space instead this model. If all models were not found (as in case of DualOcto aka 2xOctogrid part) - part don't show itself in VAB/SHP completely.

In addition NearFuture mod author, Nertea, in his threads has repeatedly warned against renaming folder with his mods and moving files. I recommend to follow his advice...

Upon further investigation it appears the config file for this part referred to a file that didn't exist, or rather was named something else. I pointed the config file mesh call towards the actual file name.

Then I restarted KSP, remade a welded part with that part in it, reloaded the game, and it was there, appearing correctly. The problem was with the file the config was pointed to to find the mesh, rather than the folder structure.

In any case, clearly this was not an issue with the welding mod, but I appreciate you helping me narrow it down nonetheless. Thank k you.

For reference, the original cfg file calls for a mesh named "trusslrg-adapter", but the actual filename for that mesh (at least in NearFuture 3.0) is "trusslrg-adapter-25".

I understand Nertea warned against folder and path changes, but it was something I did carefully and with a good deal of investigation into the file and folders. In any case, the problem did not lie here, but in what amounts to a typo.

Edited by Meta Jonez
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Hi all and thanks for maintaining this great addon,

I have some issues in linux 64 and 32, that is one example of a simple welding, Big tank-4 radial attachment and big docking port at the end

name = SSTank32
module = Part
author = UbioZurWeldingLtd
rescaleFactor = 1
PhysicsSignificance = -1
node_stack_topstackPoint11 = -1.42825,-0.07106,-1.37924,-0.71934,0,-0.69466,1
node_stack_topstackPoint12 = -1.37924,-0.07106,1.42825,-0.69466,0,0.71934,1
node_stack_topstackPoint13 = 1.42825,-0.07106,1.37924,0.71934,0,0.69466,1
node_stack_topstackPoint14 = 1.37924,-0.07106,-1.42825,0.69466,0,-0.71934,1
node_stack_topSize3LargeTank0 = 0,3.7491,0,0,1,0,3
node_stack_topdockingPortLarge5 = 0,-4.0209,0,0,-1,0,2
node_attach = 0,0,-1.89,0,0,1,1
CrewCapacity = 0
TechRequired = veryHeavyRocketry
entryCost = 91600
cost = 28780
category = Propulsion
subcategory = 0
title = SS Central Tank 32
manufacturer = UbioZur Welding Ltd
description = Warranty void during re-entry.
attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0,0,0
mass = 10.2
dragModelType = override
maximum_drag = 0
minimum_drag = 0
angularDrag = 0
crashTolerance = 6.33663
breakingForce = 386.7177
breakingTorque = 386.7177
maxTemp = 2900
fuelCrossFeed = True
model = NASAmission/Parts/mu/mu
position = 0,0.0091,0
scale = 1,1,1
rotation = 0,1,0
model = Squad/Parts/Utility/radialAttachmentPoint/mu
position = -1.39452,-0.07106,-1.34667
scale = 1,1,1
rotation = 90,226,0
model = Squad/Parts/Utility/radialAttachmentPoint/mu
position = -1.34667,-0.07106,1.39452
scale = 1,1,1
rotation = 90,316,0
model = Squad/Parts/Utility/radialAttachmentPoint/mu
position = 1.39452,-0.07106,1.34667
scale = 1,1,1
rotation = 90,46,0
model = Squad/Parts/Utility/radialAttachmentPoint/mu
position = 1.34667,-0.07106,-1.39452
scale = 1,1,1
rotation = 90,136,0
model = Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPortSr/mu
position = 0,-3.7309,0
scale = 1,1,1
rotation = 0,181,180
name = LiquidFuel
amount = 6480
maxAmount = 6480
name = Oxidizer
amount = 7920
maxAmount = 7920
name = ModuleDockingNode
referenceAttachNode = topdockingPortLarge5
nodeType = size2

All object and attach point are rotated of 1 degree and the name of the objects is always "mu", please tell me if you have some suggestions or if i'm doing something wrong.

Thanks again for the time you spent on manteining this plugin and sorry for my bad english

Regards Luca


The rotation bug still in windows too

Edited by Badsector
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Hi all and thanks for maintaining this great addon,

I have some issues in linux 64 and 32, that is one example of a simple welding, Big tank-4 radial attachment and big docking port at the end

name = SSTank32
module = Part
author = UbioZurWeldingLtd
rescaleFactor = 1
PhysicsSignificance = -1
node_stack_topstackPoint11 = -1.42825,-0.07106,-1.37924,-0.71934,0,-0.69466,1
node_stack_topstackPoint12 = -1.37924,-0.07106,1.42825,-0.69466,0,0.71934,1
node_stack_topstackPoint13 = 1.42825,-0.07106,1.37924,0.71934,0,0.69466,1
node_stack_topstackPoint14 = 1.37924,-0.07106,-1.42825,0.69466,0,-0.71934,1
node_stack_topSize3LargeTank0 = 0,3.7491,0,0,1,0,3
node_stack_topdockingPortLarge5 = 0,-4.0209,0,0,-1,0,2
node_attach = 0,0,-1.89,0,0,1,1
CrewCapacity = 0
TechRequired = veryHeavyRocketry
entryCost = 91600
cost = 28780
category = Propulsion
subcategory = 0
title = SS Central Tank 32
manufacturer = UbioZur Welding Ltd
description = Warranty void during re-entry.
attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0,0,0
mass = 10.2
dragModelType = override
maximum_drag = 0
minimum_drag = 0
angularDrag = 0
crashTolerance = 6.33663
breakingForce = 386.7177
breakingTorque = 386.7177
maxTemp = 2900
fuelCrossFeed = True
model = NASAmission/Parts/mu/mu
position = 0,0.0091,0
scale = 1,1,1
rotation = 0,1,0
model = Squad/Parts/Utility/radialAttachmentPoint/mu
position = -1.39452,-0.07106,-1.34667
scale = 1,1,1
rotation = 90,226,0
model = Squad/Parts/Utility/radialAttachmentPoint/mu
position = -1.34667,-0.07106,1.39452
scale = 1,1,1
rotation = 90,316,0
model = Squad/Parts/Utility/radialAttachmentPoint/mu
position = 1.39452,-0.07106,1.34667
scale = 1,1,1
rotation = 90,46,0
model = Squad/Parts/Utility/radialAttachmentPoint/mu
position = 1.34667,-0.07106,-1.39452
scale = 1,1,1
rotation = 90,136,0
model = Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPortSr/mu
position = 0,-3.7309,0
scale = 1,1,1
rotation = 0,181,180
name = LiquidFuel
amount = 6480
maxAmount = 6480
name = Oxidizer
amount = 7920
maxAmount = 7920
name = ModuleDockingNode
referenceAttachNode = topdockingPortLarge5
nodeType = size2

All object and attach point are rotated of 1 degree and the name of the objects is always "mu", please tell me if you have some suggestions or if i'm doing something wrong.

Thanks again for the time you spent on manteining this plugin and sorry for my bad english

Regards Luca

As a win only user my best guess would be that the .net framework is not reading the filename/path completely correct.

Girka2k might know more about that.

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Hi all and thanks for maintaining this great addon,

I have some issues in linux 64 and 32, that is one example of a simple welding, Big tank-4 radial attachment and big docking port at the end

All object and attach point are rotated of 1 degree and the name of the objects is always "mu", please tell me if you have some suggestions or if i'm doing something wrong.

As a win only user my best guess would be that the .net framework is not reading the filename/path completely correct.

Girka2k might know more about that.

Me? I am too not a Linux expert... And not Linux experienced user unfortunately... But Badsector, it may be helpful to look at your KSP.log (or what you have under Linux).

The rotation bug still in windows too

Yes, in my test installation radially attached parts are rotated by 1 degree too...

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That is what i find in log

[LOG 20:58:56.448] [WeldingTool]  Config was saved
[LOG 20:58:56.448] [WeldingTool] v2.0pt5-0.25.0-Unofficial-v.05
[LOG 20:58:56.449] [WeldingTool] ----- Starting Welding -----
[LOG 20:58:56.455] [WeldingTool] Welding this part: Size3LargeTank
[LOG 20:58:56.455] [WeldingTool] ..part rescaleFactor 1.00
[LOG 20:58:56.455] [WeldingTool] ..part scaleFactor 1.00
[LOG 20:58:56.456] [WeldingTool] .Found 1 config files
[LOG 20:58:56.456] [WeldingTool] .. Config Size3LargeTank has no MODEL node
[WRN 20:58:56.457] WARNING [WeldingTool] .!Mesh value does not link to a mesh file /home/luca/KSP/GameData/NASAmission/Parts/Size3LargeTank\Size3LargeTank.mu
[WRN 20:58:56.457] WARNING [WeldingTool] .New mesh name: /Size3LargeTank.mu
[LOG 20:58:56.457] [WeldingTool] ..MODEL url: NASAmission/Parts/mu/mu
[LOG 20:58:56.458] [WeldingTool] ..position (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
[LOG 20:58:56.458] [WeldingTool] ..rotation (0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
[LOG 20:58:56.458] [WeldingTool] ..scale (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
[LOG 20:58:56.458] [WeldingTool] ..Config Size3LargeTank has 2 RESOURCE node
[LOG 20:58:56.459] [WeldingTool] ..RESOURCE new: LiquidFuel 6480/6480
[LOG 20:58:56.459] [WeldingTool] ..RESOURCE new: Oxidizer 7920/7920
[LOG 20:58:56.459] [WeldingTool] ..Config Size3LargeTank has 0 MODULE node
[LOG 20:58:56.459] [WeldingTool] .. running in Alewx Testmode = True
[LOG 20:58:56.460] [WeldingTool] ..Config Size3LargeTank has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in prelaunch FxGroups
[LOG 20:58:56.460] [WeldingTool] ..Config Size3LargeTank has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in activate FxGroups
[LOG 20:58:56.460] [WeldingTool] ..Config Size3LargeTank has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in active FxGroups
[LOG 20:58:56.460] [WeldingTool] ..Config Size3LargeTank has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in deactivate FxGroups
[LOG 20:58:56.460] [WeldingTool] .Part Size3LargeTank has 2 Stack attach node(s)
[LOG 20:58:56.460] [WeldingTool] .Stack Node Add: topSize3LargeTank0
[LOG 20:58:56.460] [WeldingTool] .New Center of Mass: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
[LOG 20:58:56.462] [WeldingTool] Welding this part: dockingPortLarge
[LOG 20:58:56.462] [WeldingTool] ..part rescaleFactor 1.00
[LOG 20:58:56.462] [WeldingTool] ..part scaleFactor 1.00
[LOG 20:58:56.463] [WeldingTool] .Found 1 config files
[LOG 20:58:56.463] [WeldingTool] .. Config dockingPortLarge has no MODEL node
[WRN 20:58:56.463] WARNING [WeldingTool] .!Mesh value does not link to a mesh file /home/luca/KSP/GameData/Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPortSr\model.mu
[WRN 20:58:56.463] WARNING [WeldingTool] .New mesh name: /model.mu
[LOG 20:58:56.463] [WeldingTool] ..MODEL url: Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPortSr/mu
[LOG 20:58:56.463] [WeldingTool] ..position (0.0, -3.7, 0.0)
[LOG 20:58:56.463] [WeldingTool] ..rotation (360.0, 181.0, 180.0)
[LOG 20:58:56.463] [WeldingTool] ..scale (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
[LOG 20:58:56.463] [WeldingTool] ..Config dockingPortLarge has 0 RESOURCE node
[LOG 20:58:56.463] [WeldingTool] ..Config dockingPortLarge has 1 MODULE node
[LOG 20:58:56.463] [WeldingTool] .. running in Alewx Testmode = True
[LOG 20:58:56.464] [WeldingTool] ..MODULE add: ModuleDockingNode
[LOG 20:58:56.464] [WeldingTool] ..Config dockingPortLarge has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in prelaunch FxGroups
[LOG 20:58:56.464] [WeldingTool] ..Config dockingPortLarge has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in activate FxGroups
[LOG 20:58:56.464] [WeldingTool] ..Config dockingPortLarge has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in active FxGroups
[LOG 20:58:56.464] [WeldingTool] ..Config dockingPortLarge has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in deactivate FxGroups
[LOG 20:58:56.464] [WeldingTool] .Part dockingPortLarge has 2 Stack attach node(s)
[LOG 20:58:56.464] [WeldingTool] .Stack Node Add: topdockingPortLarge1
[LOG 20:58:56.464] [WeldingTool] .New Center of Mass: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
[LOG 20:58:56.465] [WeldingTool] Welding this part: stackPoint1
[LOG 20:58:56.465] [WeldingTool] ..part rescaleFactor 1.00
[LOG 20:58:56.465] [WeldingTool] ..part scaleFactor 1.00
[LOG 20:58:56.465] [WeldingTool] .Found 1 config files
[LOG 20:58:56.466] [WeldingTool] .. Config stackPoint1 has no MODEL node
[WRN 20:58:56.466] WARNING [WeldingTool] .!Mesh value does not link to a mesh file /home/luca/KSP/GameData/Squad/Parts/Utility/radialAttachmentPoint\model.mu
[WRN 20:58:56.466] WARNING [WeldingTool] .New mesh name: /model.mu
[LOG 20:58:56.466] [WeldingTool] ..MODEL url: Squad/Parts/Utility/radialAttachmentPoint/mu
[LOG 20:58:56.466] [WeldingTool] ..position (-1.4, -0.2, -1.3)
[LOG 20:58:56.466] [WeldingTool] ..rotation (90.0, 226.0, 0.0)
[LOG 20:58:56.466] [WeldingTool] ..scale (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
[LOG 20:58:56.466] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 RESOURCE node
[LOG 20:58:56.466] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 MODULE node
[LOG 20:58:56.466] [WeldingTool] .. running in Alewx Testmode = True
[LOG 20:58:56.466] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in prelaunch FxGroups
[LOG 20:58:56.466] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in activate FxGroups
[LOG 20:58:56.466] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in active FxGroups
[LOG 20:58:56.466] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in deactivate FxGroups
[LOG 20:58:56.466] [WeldingTool] .Part stackPoint1 has 1 Stack attach node(s)
[LOG 20:58:56.466] [WeldingTool] .Stack Node Add: topstackPoint12
[LOG 20:58:56.466] [WeldingTool] .New Center of Mass: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
[LOG 20:58:56.466] [WeldingTool] Welding this part: stackPoint1
[LOG 20:58:56.466] [WeldingTool] ..part rescaleFactor 1.00
[LOG 20:58:56.466] [WeldingTool] ..part scaleFactor 1.00
[LOG 20:58:56.467] [WeldingTool] .Found 1 config files
[LOG 20:58:56.467] [WeldingTool] .. Config stackPoint1 has no MODEL node
[WRN 20:58:56.467] WARNING [WeldingTool] .!Mesh value does not link to a mesh file /home/luca/KSP/GameData/Squad/Parts/Utility/radialAttachmentPoint\model.mu
[WRN 20:58:56.467] WARNING [WeldingTool] .New mesh name: /model.mu
[LOG 20:58:56.467] [WeldingTool] ..MODEL url: Squad/Parts/Utility/radialAttachmentPoint/mu
[LOG 20:58:56.467] [WeldingTool] ..position (-1.3, -0.2, 1.4)
[LOG 20:58:56.467] [WeldingTool] ..rotation (90.0, 316.0, 0.0)
[LOG 20:58:56.467] [WeldingTool] ..scale (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
[LOG 20:58:56.467] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 RESOURCE node
[LOG 20:58:56.467] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 MODULE node
[LOG 20:58:56.467] [WeldingTool] .. running in Alewx Testmode = True
[LOG 20:58:56.467] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in prelaunch FxGroups
[LOG 20:58:56.467] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in activate FxGroups
[LOG 20:58:56.467] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in active FxGroups
[LOG 20:58:56.467] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in deactivate FxGroups
[LOG 20:58:56.467] [WeldingTool] .Part stackPoint1 has 1 Stack attach node(s)
[LOG 20:58:56.467] [WeldingTool] .Stack Node Add: topstackPoint13
[LOG 20:58:56.467] [WeldingTool] .New Center of Mass: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
[LOG 20:58:56.467] [WeldingTool] Welding this part: stackPoint1
[LOG 20:58:56.467] [WeldingTool] ..part rescaleFactor 1.00
[LOG 20:58:56.468] [WeldingTool] ..part scaleFactor 1.00
[LOG 20:58:56.469] [WeldingTool] .Found 1 config files
[LOG 20:58:56.469] [WeldingTool] .. Config stackPoint1 has no MODEL node
[WRN 20:58:56.469] WARNING [WeldingTool] .!Mesh value does not link to a mesh file /home/luca/KSP/GameData/Squad/Parts/Utility/radialAttachmentPoint\model.mu
[WRN 20:58:56.469] WARNING [WeldingTool] .New mesh name: /model.mu
[LOG 20:58:56.469] [WeldingTool] ..MODEL url: Squad/Parts/Utility/radialAttachmentPoint/mu
[LOG 20:58:56.469] [WeldingTool] ..position (1.4, -0.2, 1.3)
[LOG 20:58:56.469] [WeldingTool] ..rotation (90.0, 46.0, 0.0)
[LOG 20:58:56.469] [WeldingTool] ..scale (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
[LOG 20:58:56.469] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 RESOURCE node
[LOG 20:58:56.469] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 MODULE node
[LOG 20:58:56.469] [WeldingTool] .. running in Alewx Testmode = True
[LOG 20:58:56.469] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in prelaunch FxGroups
[LOG 20:58:56.469] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in activate FxGroups
[LOG 20:58:56.469] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in active FxGroups
[LOG 20:58:56.469] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in deactivate FxGroups
[LOG 20:58:56.469] [WeldingTool] .Part stackPoint1 has 1 Stack attach node(s)
[LOG 20:58:56.469] [WeldingTool] .Stack Node Add: topstackPoint14
[LOG 20:58:56.469] [WeldingTool] .New Center of Mass: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
[LOG 20:58:56.469] [WeldingTool] Welding this part: stackPoint1
[LOG 20:58:56.469] [WeldingTool] ..part rescaleFactor 1.00
[LOG 20:58:56.469] [WeldingTool] ..part scaleFactor 1.00
[LOG 20:58:56.470] [WeldingTool] .Found 1 config files
[LOG 20:58:56.470] [WeldingTool] .. Config stackPoint1 has no MODEL node
[WRN 20:58:56.470] WARNING [WeldingTool] .!Mesh value does not link to a mesh file /home/luca/KSP/GameData/Squad/Parts/Utility/radialAttachmentPoint\model.mu
[WRN 20:58:56.470] WARNING [WeldingTool] .New mesh name: /model.mu
[LOG 20:58:56.470] [WeldingTool] ..MODEL url: Squad/Parts/Utility/radialAttachmentPoint/mu
[LOG 20:58:56.470] [WeldingTool] ..position (1.3, -0.2, -1.4)
[LOG 20:58:56.470] [WeldingTool] ..rotation (90.0, 136.0, 0.0)
[LOG 20:58:56.470] [WeldingTool] ..scale (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
[LOG 20:58:56.470] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 RESOURCE node

Can be the slash the problem ? linux use "/" and not "\" like windows

Edited by Badsector
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That is what i find in log

[WRN 20:58:56.457] WARNING [WeldingTool] .!Mesh value does not link to a mesh file /home/luca/KSP/GameData/NASAmission/Parts/Size3LargeTank[COLOR="#FF0000"][B]\[/B][/COLOR]Size3LargeTank.mu

Can be the slash the problem ? linux use "/" and not "\" like windows

Indeed, problem lies in this. I just looked at code - at same point when forming path, is explicitly used "\" separator.

Probably it can be fixed, if we will know which OS used. Seems for me, there is way to check platform from the code. I can try implement this if you agree to act as a tester - I don't have Linux on hand.

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Seems Work fine


[LOG 09:15:12.238] [WeldingTool] - UbioWeldingLtd.UbioZurWeldingLtd => Awake
[LOG 09:15:12.238] [WeldingTool] Platform is LinuxPlayer
[LOG 09:15:12.260] [WeldingTool] Config was loaded
[LOG 09:15:12.263] [WeldingTool] ModuleManager assembly was found: ModuleManager.2.5.1 (version
[LOG 09:15:12.288] [WeldingTool] ModuleManager.MMPatchLoader object is found: True

[WeldingTool]  Config was saved
[LOG 09:16:38.722] [WeldingTool] v2.0pt5-0.25.0-Unofficial-v.05
[LOG 09:16:38.722] [WeldingTool] ----- Starting Welding -----
[LOG 09:16:38.728] [WeldingTool] Welding this part: Size3LargeTank
[LOG 09:16:38.729] [WeldingTool] ..part rescaleFactor 1.00
[LOG 09:16:38.729] [WeldingTool] ..part scaleFactor 1.00
[LOG 09:16:38.729] [WeldingTool] .Found 1 config files
[LOG 09:16:38.730] [WeldingTool] .. Config Size3LargeTank has no MODEL node
[LOG 09:16:38.730] [WeldingTool] ..MODEL url: NASAmission/Parts/Size3LargeTank/Size3LargeTank
[LOG 09:16:38.731] [WeldingTool] ..position (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
[LOG 09:16:38.731] [WeldingTool] ..rotation (0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
[LOG 09:16:38.731] [WeldingTool] ..scale (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
[LOG 09:16:38.731] [WeldingTool] ..Config Size3LargeTank has 2 RESOURCE node
[LOG 09:16:38.731] [WeldingTool] ..RESOURCE new: LiquidFuel 6480/6480
[LOG 09:16:38.731] [WeldingTool] ..RESOURCE new: Oxidizer 7920/7920
[LOG 09:16:38.731] [WeldingTool] ..Config Size3LargeTank has 0 MODULE node
[LOG 09:16:38.732] [WeldingTool] .. running in Alewx Testmode = True
[LOG 09:16:38.733] [WeldingTool] ..Config Size3LargeTank has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in prelaunch FxGroups
[LOG 09:16:38.733] [WeldingTool] ..Config Size3LargeTank has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in activate FxGroups
[LOG 09:16:38.733] [WeldingTool] ..Config Size3LargeTank has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in active FxGroups
[LOG 09:16:38.733] [WeldingTool] ..Config Size3LargeTank has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in deactivate FxGroups
[LOG 09:16:38.733] [WeldingTool] .Part Size3LargeTank has 2 Stack attach node(s)
[LOG 09:16:38.733] [WeldingTool] .Stack Node Add: topSize3LargeTank0
[LOG 09:16:38.733] [WeldingTool] .New Center of Mass: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
[LOG 09:16:38.735] [WeldingTool] Welding this part: stackPoint1
[LOG 09:16:38.735] [WeldingTool] ..part rescaleFactor 1.00
[LOG 09:16:38.735] [WeldingTool] ..part scaleFactor 1.00
[LOG 09:16:38.736] [WeldingTool] .Found 1 config files
[LOG 09:16:38.736] [WeldingTool] .. Config stackPoint1 has no MODEL node
[LOG 09:16:38.736] [WeldingTool] ..MODEL url: Squad/Parts/Utility/radialAttachmentPoint/model
[LOG 09:16:38.736] [WeldingTool] ..position (-1.4, -0.1, -1.3)
[LOG 09:16:38.736] [WeldingTool] ..rotation (90.0, 226.0, 0.0)
[LOG 09:16:38.736] [WeldingTool] ..scale (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
[LOG 09:16:38.736] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 RESOURCE node
[LOG 09:16:38.736] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 MODULE node
[LOG 09:16:38.736] [WeldingTool] .. running in Alewx Testmode = True
[LOG 09:16:38.736] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in prelaunch FxGroups
[LOG 09:16:38.736] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in activate FxGroups
[LOG 09:16:38.736] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in active FxGroups
[LOG 09:16:38.736] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in deactivate FxGroups
[LOG 09:16:38.736] [WeldingTool] .Part stackPoint1 has 1 Stack attach node(s)
[LOG 09:16:38.736] [WeldingTool] .Stack Node Add: topstackPoint11
[LOG 09:16:38.736] [WeldingTool] .New Center of Mass: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
[LOG 09:16:38.736] [WeldingTool] Welding this part: stackPoint1
[LOG 09:16:38.736] [WeldingTool] ..part rescaleFactor 1.00
[LOG 09:16:38.736] [WeldingTool] ..part scaleFactor 1.00
[LOG 09:16:38.737] [WeldingTool] .Found 1 config files
[LOG 09:16:38.737] [WeldingTool] .. Config stackPoint1 has no MODEL node
[LOG 09:16:38.737] [WeldingTool] ..MODEL url: Squad/Parts/Utility/radialAttachmentPoint/model
[LOG 09:16:38.737] [WeldingTool] ..position (-1.3, -0.1, 1.4)
[LOG 09:16:38.737] [WeldingTool] ..rotation (90.0, 316.0, 0.0)
[LOG 09:16:38.737] [WeldingTool] ..scale (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
[LOG 09:16:38.737] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 RESOURCE node
[LOG 09:16:38.737] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 MODULE node
[LOG 09:16:38.737] [WeldingTool] .. running in Alewx Testmode = True
[LOG 09:16:38.737] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in prelaunch FxGroups
[LOG 09:16:38.737] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in activate FxGroups
[LOG 09:16:38.737] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in active FxGroups
[LOG 09:16:38.737] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in deactivate FxGroups
[LOG 09:16:38.737] [WeldingTool] .Part stackPoint1 has 1 Stack attach node(s)
[LOG 09:16:38.737] [WeldingTool] .Stack Node Add: topstackPoint12
[LOG 09:16:38.737] [WeldingTool] .New Center of Mass: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
[LOG 09:16:38.738] [WeldingTool] Welding this part: stackPoint1
[LOG 09:16:38.738] [WeldingTool] ..part rescaleFactor 1.00
[LOG 09:16:38.738] [WeldingTool] ..part scaleFactor 1.00
[LOG 09:16:38.738] [WeldingTool] .Found 1 config files
[LOG 09:16:38.738] [WeldingTool] .. Config stackPoint1 has no MODEL node
[LOG 09:16:38.739] [WeldingTool] ..MODEL url: Squad/Parts/Utility/radialAttachmentPoint/model
[LOG 09:16:38.739] [WeldingTool] ..position (1.4, -0.1, 1.3)
[LOG 09:16:38.739] [WeldingTool] ..rotation (90.0, 46.0, 0.0)
[LOG 09:16:38.739] [WeldingTool] ..scale (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
[LOG 09:16:38.739] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 RESOURCE node
[LOG 09:16:38.739] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 MODULE node
[LOG 09:16:38.739] [WeldingTool] .. running in Alewx Testmode = True
[LOG 09:16:38.739] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in prelaunch FxGroups
[LOG 09:16:38.739] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in activate FxGroups
[LOG 09:16:38.739] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in active FxGroups
[LOG 09:16:38.739] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in deactivate FxGroups
[LOG 09:16:38.739] [WeldingTool] .Part stackPoint1 has 1 Stack attach node(s)
[LOG 09:16:38.739] [WeldingTool] .Stack Node Add: topstackPoint13
[LOG 09:16:38.739] [WeldingTool] .New Center of Mass: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
[LOG 09:16:38.739] [WeldingTool] Welding this part: stackPoint1
[LOG 09:16:38.739] [WeldingTool] ..part rescaleFactor 1.00
[LOG 09:16:38.739] [WeldingTool] ..part scaleFactor 1.00
[LOG 09:16:38.740] [WeldingTool] .Found 1 config files
[LOG 09:16:38.740] [WeldingTool] .. Config stackPoint1 has no MODEL node
[LOG 09:16:38.740] [WeldingTool] ..MODEL url: Squad/Parts/Utility/radialAttachmentPoint/model
[LOG 09:16:38.740] [WeldingTool] ..position (1.3, -0.1, -1.4)
[LOG 09:16:38.740] [WeldingTool] ..rotation (90.0, 136.0, 0.0)
[LOG 09:16:38.740] [WeldingTool] ..scale (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
[LOG 09:16:38.740] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 RESOURCE node
[LOG 09:16:38.740] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 MODULE node
[LOG 09:16:38.740] [WeldingTool] .. running in Alewx Testmode = True
[LOG 09:16:38.740] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in prelaunch FxGroups
[LOG 09:16:38.740] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in activate FxGroups
[LOG 09:16:38.740] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in active FxGroups
[LOG 09:16:38.740] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in deactivate FxGroups
[LOG 09:16:38.740] [WeldingTool] .Part stackPoint1 has 1 Stack attach node(s)
[LOG 09:16:38.740] [WeldingTool] .Stack Node Add: topstackPoint14
[LOG 09:16:38.740] [WeldingTool] .New Center of Mass: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
[LOG 09:16:38.740] [WeldingTool] Welding this part: dockingPortLarge
[LOG 09:16:38.740] [WeldingTool] ..part rescaleFactor 1.00
[LOG 09:16:38.740] [WeldingTool] ..part scaleFactor 1.00
[LOG 09:16:38.741] [WeldingTool] .Found 1 config files
[LOG 09:16:38.741] [WeldingTool] .. Config dockingPortLarge has no MODEL node
[LOG 09:16:38.741] [WeldingTool] ..MODEL url: Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPortSr/model
[LOG 09:16:38.741] [WeldingTool] ..position (0.0, -3.7, 0.0)
[LOG 09:16:38.741] [WeldingTool] ..rotation (360.0, 181.0, 180.0)
[LOG 09:16:38.741] [WeldingTool] ..scale (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
[LOG 09:16:38.741] [WeldingTool] ..Config dockingPortLarge has 0 RESOURCE node
[LOG 09:16:38.741] [WeldingTool] ..Config dockingPortLarge has 1 MODULE node
[LOG 09:16:38.741] [WeldingTool] .. running in Alewx Testmode = True
[LOG 09:16:38.742] [WeldingTool] ..MODULE add: ModuleDockingNode
[LOG 09:16:38.742] [WeldingTool] ..Config dockingPortLarge has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in prelaunch FxGroups
[LOG 09:16:38.742] [WeldingTool] ..Config dockingPortLarge has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in activate FxGroups
[LOG 09:16:38.743] [WeldingTool] ..Config dockingPortLarge has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in active FxGroups
[LOG 09:16:38.743] [WeldingTool] ..Config dockingPortLarge has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in deactivate FxGroups
[LOG 09:16:38.743] [WeldingTool] .Part dockingPortLarge has 2 Stack attach node(s)
[LOG 09:16:38.743] [WeldingTool] .Stack Node Add: topdockingPortLarge5
[LOG 09:16:38.743] [WeldingTool] .New Center of Mass: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
[LOG 09:16:38.750] [WeldingTool] rdTechs.Count = 54
[LOG 09:16:38.751] [WeldingTool] ----- End Welding ----- | 6 Parts welded
[LOG 09:17:00.856] [WeldingTool] Writing File: GameData/UbioWeldingLtd/Parts/Propulsion/SSTank/SSTank.cfg
[LOG 09:17:03.008] deleting part stackPoint1(Clone)
[LOG 09:17:03.009] deleting part stackPoint1(Clone)(Clone)
[LOG 09:17:03.009] deleting part stackPoint1(Clone)(Clone)
[LOG 09:17:03.009] deleting part stackPoint1(Clone)(Clone)
[LOG 09:17:03.009] deleting part dockingPortLarge(Clone)
[LOG 09:17:03.009] deleting part Size3LargeTank(Clone)

And that is the result cfg

name = SSTank
module = Part
author = UbioZurWeldingLtd
rescaleFactor = 1
PhysicsSignificance = -1
node_stack_topstackPoint11 = -1.42042,-0.11384,-1.37168,-0.71934,0,-0.69466,1
node_stack_topstackPoint12 = -1.37168,-0.11384,1.42042,-0.69466,0,0.71934,1
node_stack_topstackPoint13 = 1.42042,-0.11384,1.37168,0.71934,0,0.69466,1
node_stack_topstackPoint14 = 1.37168,-0.11384,-1.42042,0.69466,0,-0.71934,1
node_stack_topSize3LargeTank0 = 0,3.7491,0,0,1,0,3
node_stack_topdockingPortLarge5 = 0,-4.0209,0,0,-1,0,2
node_attach = 0,0,-1.89,0,0,1,1
CrewCapacity = 0
TechRequired = veryHeavyRocketry
entryCost = 91600
cost = 28780
category = Propulsion
subcategory = 0
title = SS Central Tank
manufacturer = UbioZur Welding Ltd
description = Warranty void during re-entry.
attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0,0,0
mass = 10.2
dragModelType = override
maximum_drag = 0
minimum_drag = 0
angularDrag = 0
crashTolerance = 6.33663
breakingForce = 386.7177
breakingTorque = 386.7177
maxTemp = 2900
fuelCrossFeed = True
model = NASAmission/Parts/Size3LargeTank/Size3LargeTank
position = 0,0.0091,0
scale = 1,1,1
rotation = 0,1,0
model = Squad/Parts/Utility/radialAttachmentPoint/model
position = -1.38669,-0.11384,-1.33911
scale = 1,1,1
rotation = 90,226,0
model = Squad/Parts/Utility/radialAttachmentPoint/model
position = -1.33911,-0.11384,1.38669
scale = 1,1,1
rotation = 90,316,0
model = Squad/Parts/Utility/radialAttachmentPoint/model
position = 1.38669,-0.11384,1.33911
scale = 1,1,1
rotation = 90,46,0
model = Squad/Parts/Utility/radialAttachmentPoint/model
position = 1.33911,-0.11384,-1.38669
scale = 1,1,1
rotation = 90,136,0
model = Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPortSr/model
position = 0,-3.7309,0
scale = 1,1,1
rotation = 360,181,180
name = LiquidFuel
amount = 6480
maxAmount = 6480
name = Oxidizer
amount = 7920
maxAmount = 7920
name = ModuleDockingNode
referenceAttachNode = topdockingPortLarge5
nodeType = size2

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Seems Work fine


[LOG 09:15:12.238] [WeldingTool] - UbioWeldingLtd.UbioZurWeldingLtd => Awake
[LOG 09:15:12.238] [WeldingTool] Platform is LinuxPlayer
[LOG 09:15:12.260] [WeldingTool] Config was loaded
[LOG 09:15:12.263] [WeldingTool] ModuleManager assembly was found: ModuleManager.2.5.1 (version
[LOG 09:15:12.288] [WeldingTool] ModuleManager.MMPatchLoader object is found: True

[WeldingTool]  Config was saved
[LOG 09:16:38.722] [WeldingTool] v2.0pt5-0.25.0-Unofficial-v.05
[LOG 09:16:38.722] [WeldingTool] ----- Starting Welding -----
[LOG 09:16:38.728] [WeldingTool] Welding this part: Size3LargeTank
[LOG 09:16:38.729] [WeldingTool] ..part rescaleFactor 1.00
[LOG 09:16:38.729] [WeldingTool] ..part scaleFactor 1.00
[LOG 09:16:38.729] [WeldingTool] .Found 1 config files
[LOG 09:16:38.730] [WeldingTool] .. Config Size3LargeTank has no MODEL node
[LOG 09:16:38.730] [WeldingTool] ..MODEL url: NASAmission/Parts/Size3LargeTank/Size3LargeTank
[LOG 09:16:38.731] [WeldingTool] ..position (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
[LOG 09:16:38.731] [WeldingTool] ..rotation (0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
[LOG 09:16:38.731] [WeldingTool] ..scale (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
[LOG 09:16:38.731] [WeldingTool] ..Config Size3LargeTank has 2 RESOURCE node
[LOG 09:16:38.731] [WeldingTool] ..RESOURCE new: LiquidFuel 6480/6480
[LOG 09:16:38.731] [WeldingTool] ..RESOURCE new: Oxidizer 7920/7920
[LOG 09:16:38.731] [WeldingTool] ..Config Size3LargeTank has 0 MODULE node
[LOG 09:16:38.732] [WeldingTool] .. running in Alewx Testmode = True
[LOG 09:16:38.733] [WeldingTool] ..Config Size3LargeTank has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in prelaunch FxGroups
[LOG 09:16:38.733] [WeldingTool] ..Config Size3LargeTank has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in activate FxGroups
[LOG 09:16:38.733] [WeldingTool] ..Config Size3LargeTank has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in active FxGroups
[LOG 09:16:38.733] [WeldingTool] ..Config Size3LargeTank has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in deactivate FxGroups
[LOG 09:16:38.733] [WeldingTool] .Part Size3LargeTank has 2 Stack attach node(s)
[LOG 09:16:38.733] [WeldingTool] .Stack Node Add: topSize3LargeTank0
[LOG 09:16:38.733] [WeldingTool] .New Center of Mass: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
[LOG 09:16:38.735] [WeldingTool] Welding this part: stackPoint1
[LOG 09:16:38.735] [WeldingTool] ..part rescaleFactor 1.00
[LOG 09:16:38.735] [WeldingTool] ..part scaleFactor 1.00
[LOG 09:16:38.736] [WeldingTool] .Found 1 config files
[LOG 09:16:38.736] [WeldingTool] .. Config stackPoint1 has no MODEL node
[LOG 09:16:38.736] [WeldingTool] ..MODEL url: Squad/Parts/Utility/radialAttachmentPoint/model
[LOG 09:16:38.736] [WeldingTool] ..position (-1.4, -0.1, -1.3)
[LOG 09:16:38.736] [WeldingTool] ..rotation (90.0, 226.0, 0.0)
[LOG 09:16:38.736] [WeldingTool] ..scale (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
[LOG 09:16:38.736] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 RESOURCE node
[LOG 09:16:38.736] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 MODULE node
[LOG 09:16:38.736] [WeldingTool] .. running in Alewx Testmode = True
[LOG 09:16:38.736] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in prelaunch FxGroups
[LOG 09:16:38.736] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in activate FxGroups
[LOG 09:16:38.736] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in active FxGroups
[LOG 09:16:38.736] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in deactivate FxGroups
[LOG 09:16:38.736] [WeldingTool] .Part stackPoint1 has 1 Stack attach node(s)
[LOG 09:16:38.736] [WeldingTool] .Stack Node Add: topstackPoint11
[LOG 09:16:38.736] [WeldingTool] .New Center of Mass: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
[LOG 09:16:38.736] [WeldingTool] Welding this part: stackPoint1
[LOG 09:16:38.736] [WeldingTool] ..part rescaleFactor 1.00
[LOG 09:16:38.736] [WeldingTool] ..part scaleFactor 1.00
[LOG 09:16:38.737] [WeldingTool] .Found 1 config files
[LOG 09:16:38.737] [WeldingTool] .. Config stackPoint1 has no MODEL node
[LOG 09:16:38.737] [WeldingTool] ..MODEL url: Squad/Parts/Utility/radialAttachmentPoint/model
[LOG 09:16:38.737] [WeldingTool] ..position (-1.3, -0.1, 1.4)
[LOG 09:16:38.737] [WeldingTool] ..rotation (90.0, 316.0, 0.0)
[LOG 09:16:38.737] [WeldingTool] ..scale (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
[LOG 09:16:38.737] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 RESOURCE node
[LOG 09:16:38.737] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 MODULE node
[LOG 09:16:38.737] [WeldingTool] .. running in Alewx Testmode = True
[LOG 09:16:38.737] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in prelaunch FxGroups
[LOG 09:16:38.737] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in activate FxGroups
[LOG 09:16:38.737] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in active FxGroups
[LOG 09:16:38.737] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in deactivate FxGroups
[LOG 09:16:38.737] [WeldingTool] .Part stackPoint1 has 1 Stack attach node(s)
[LOG 09:16:38.737] [WeldingTool] .Stack Node Add: topstackPoint12
[LOG 09:16:38.737] [WeldingTool] .New Center of Mass: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
[LOG 09:16:38.738] [WeldingTool] Welding this part: stackPoint1
[LOG 09:16:38.738] [WeldingTool] ..part rescaleFactor 1.00
[LOG 09:16:38.738] [WeldingTool] ..part scaleFactor 1.00
[LOG 09:16:38.738] [WeldingTool] .Found 1 config files
[LOG 09:16:38.738] [WeldingTool] .. Config stackPoint1 has no MODEL node
[LOG 09:16:38.739] [WeldingTool] ..MODEL url: Squad/Parts/Utility/radialAttachmentPoint/model
[LOG 09:16:38.739] [WeldingTool] ..position (1.4, -0.1, 1.3)
[LOG 09:16:38.739] [WeldingTool] ..rotation (90.0, 46.0, 0.0)
[LOG 09:16:38.739] [WeldingTool] ..scale (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
[LOG 09:16:38.739] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 RESOURCE node
[LOG 09:16:38.739] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 MODULE node
[LOG 09:16:38.739] [WeldingTool] .. running in Alewx Testmode = True
[LOG 09:16:38.739] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in prelaunch FxGroups
[LOG 09:16:38.739] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in activate FxGroups
[LOG 09:16:38.739] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in active FxGroups
[LOG 09:16:38.739] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in deactivate FxGroups
[LOG 09:16:38.739] [WeldingTool] .Part stackPoint1 has 1 Stack attach node(s)
[LOG 09:16:38.739] [WeldingTool] .Stack Node Add: topstackPoint13
[LOG 09:16:38.739] [WeldingTool] .New Center of Mass: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
[LOG 09:16:38.739] [WeldingTool] Welding this part: stackPoint1
[LOG 09:16:38.739] [WeldingTool] ..part rescaleFactor 1.00
[LOG 09:16:38.739] [WeldingTool] ..part scaleFactor 1.00
[LOG 09:16:38.740] [WeldingTool] .Found 1 config files
[LOG 09:16:38.740] [WeldingTool] .. Config stackPoint1 has no MODEL node
[LOG 09:16:38.740] [WeldingTool] ..MODEL url: Squad/Parts/Utility/radialAttachmentPoint/model
[LOG 09:16:38.740] [WeldingTool] ..position (1.3, -0.1, -1.4)
[LOG 09:16:38.740] [WeldingTool] ..rotation (90.0, 136.0, 0.0)
[LOG 09:16:38.740] [WeldingTool] ..scale (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
[LOG 09:16:38.740] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 RESOURCE node
[LOG 09:16:38.740] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 MODULE node
[LOG 09:16:38.740] [WeldingTool] .. running in Alewx Testmode = True
[LOG 09:16:38.740] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in prelaunch FxGroups
[LOG 09:16:38.740] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in activate FxGroups
[LOG 09:16:38.740] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in active FxGroups
[LOG 09:16:38.740] [WeldingTool] ..Config stackPoint1 has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in deactivate FxGroups
[LOG 09:16:38.740] [WeldingTool] .Part stackPoint1 has 1 Stack attach node(s)
[LOG 09:16:38.740] [WeldingTool] .Stack Node Add: topstackPoint14
[LOG 09:16:38.740] [WeldingTool] .New Center of Mass: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
[LOG 09:16:38.740] [WeldingTool] Welding this part: dockingPortLarge
[LOG 09:16:38.740] [WeldingTool] ..part rescaleFactor 1.00
[LOG 09:16:38.740] [WeldingTool] ..part scaleFactor 1.00
[LOG 09:16:38.741] [WeldingTool] .Found 1 config files
[LOG 09:16:38.741] [WeldingTool] .. Config dockingPortLarge has no MODEL node
[LOG 09:16:38.741] [WeldingTool] ..MODEL url: Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPortSr/model
[LOG 09:16:38.741] [WeldingTool] ..position (0.0, -3.7, 0.0)
[LOG 09:16:38.741] [WeldingTool] ..rotation (360.0, 181.0, 180.0)
[LOG 09:16:38.741] [WeldingTool] ..scale (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
[LOG 09:16:38.741] [WeldingTool] ..Config dockingPortLarge has 0 RESOURCE node
[LOG 09:16:38.741] [WeldingTool] ..Config dockingPortLarge has 1 MODULE node
[LOG 09:16:38.741] [WeldingTool] .. running in Alewx Testmode = True
[LOG 09:16:38.742] [WeldingTool] ..MODULE add: ModuleDockingNode
[LOG 09:16:38.742] [WeldingTool] ..Config dockingPortLarge has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in prelaunch FxGroups
[LOG 09:16:38.742] [WeldingTool] ..Config dockingPortLarge has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in activate FxGroups
[LOG 09:16:38.743] [WeldingTool] ..Config dockingPortLarge has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in active FxGroups
[LOG 09:16:38.743] [WeldingTool] ..Config dockingPortLarge has 0 FXEmitters and 0 Sound in deactivate FxGroups
[LOG 09:16:38.743] [WeldingTool] .Part dockingPortLarge has 2 Stack attach node(s)
[LOG 09:16:38.743] [WeldingTool] .Stack Node Add: topdockingPortLarge5
[LOG 09:16:38.743] [WeldingTool] .New Center of Mass: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
[LOG 09:16:38.750] [WeldingTool] rdTechs.Count = 54
[LOG 09:16:38.751] [WeldingTool] ----- End Welding ----- | 6 Parts welded
[LOG 09:17:00.856] [WeldingTool] Writing File: GameData/UbioWeldingLtd/Parts/Propulsion/SSTank/SSTank.cfg
[LOG 09:17:03.008] deleting part stackPoint1(Clone)
[LOG 09:17:03.009] deleting part stackPoint1(Clone)(Clone)
[LOG 09:17:03.009] deleting part stackPoint1(Clone)(Clone)
[LOG 09:17:03.009] deleting part stackPoint1(Clone)(Clone)
[LOG 09:17:03.009] deleting part dockingPortLarge(Clone)
[LOG 09:17:03.009] deleting part Size3LargeTank(Clone)

And that is the result cfg

name = SSTank
module = Part
author = UbioZurWeldingLtd
rescaleFactor = 1
PhysicsSignificance = -1
node_stack_topstackPoint11 = -1.42042,-0.11384,-1.37168,-0.71934,0,-0.69466,1
node_stack_topstackPoint12 = -1.37168,-0.11384,1.42042,-0.69466,0,0.71934,1
node_stack_topstackPoint13 = 1.42042,-0.11384,1.37168,0.71934,0,0.69466,1
node_stack_topstackPoint14 = 1.37168,-0.11384,-1.42042,0.69466,0,-0.71934,1
node_stack_topSize3LargeTank0 = 0,3.7491,0,0,1,0,3
node_stack_topdockingPortLarge5 = 0,-4.0209,0,0,-1,0,2
node_attach = 0,0,-1.89,0,0,1,1
CrewCapacity = 0
TechRequired = veryHeavyRocketry
entryCost = 91600
cost = 28780
category = Propulsion
subcategory = 0
title = SS Central Tank
manufacturer = UbioZur Welding Ltd
description = Warranty void during re-entry.
attachRules = 1,1,1,1,0,0,0
mass = 10.2
dragModelType = override
maximum_drag = 0
minimum_drag = 0
angularDrag = 0
crashTolerance = 6.33663
breakingForce = 386.7177
breakingTorque = 386.7177
maxTemp = 2900
fuelCrossFeed = True
model = NASAmission/Parts/Size3LargeTank/Size3LargeTank
position = 0,0.0091,0
scale = 1,1,1
rotation = 0,1,0
model = Squad/Parts/Utility/radialAttachmentPoint/model
position = -1.38669,-0.11384,-1.33911
scale = 1,1,1
rotation = 90,226,0
model = Squad/Parts/Utility/radialAttachmentPoint/model
position = -1.33911,-0.11384,1.38669
scale = 1,1,1
rotation = 90,316,0
model = Squad/Parts/Utility/radialAttachmentPoint/model
position = 1.38669,-0.11384,1.33911
scale = 1,1,1
rotation = 90,46,0
model = Squad/Parts/Utility/radialAttachmentPoint/model
position = 1.33911,-0.11384,-1.38669
scale = 1,1,1
rotation = 90,136,0
model = Squad/Parts/Utility/dockingPortSr/model
position = 0,-3.7309,0
scale = 1,1,1
rotation = 360,181,180
name = LiquidFuel
amount = 6480
maxAmount = 6480
name = Oxidizer
amount = 7920
maxAmount = 7920
name = ModuleDockingNode
referenceAttachNode = topdockingPortLarge5
nodeType = size2

Cool that looks ok

Me? I am too not a Linux expert... And not Linux experienced user unfortunately...

You managed to fix this within such a short time you are more capable of Linux than me :P

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Well, now you have a working version, and we will include these changes in the next release.

Yes, I even know the shutdown command! :cool:

:confused: wow that is too much for me, as a windows user, that is highly magical stuff you talk about there :D

I get the UI stuff done this weekend and then this can be tested and integrated, for a new version :)

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What kind of rotation bug?

Radially attached parts are rotated by 1 degree:



Also there is still rescale problem

I hope I can find some time tonight to deal with this.

Edited by girka2k
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Radially attached parts are rotated by 1 degree:

Is not only for radially attached parts, the welded object is rotated of 1 degree, is not a big problem for ship or station but can be very annoying when you build spacecraft.

Thanks again for the time you spent on this addon



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Is not only for radially attached parts, the welded object is rotated of 1 degree, is not a big problem for ship or station but can be very annoying when you build spacecraft.

Thanks again for the time you spent on this addon



We have to see whether it was a problem in previous builds... Fortunately I've got a lot of parts which are welded in different builds.

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Hmm that is strange, a new bug not a legacy one.

Will also look into it this evening.

We have to see whether it was a problem in previous builds... Fortunately I've got a lot of parts which are welded in different builds.

I have welded several times the SAS rings from KW with different degrees, and never noticed this, must be new.

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Well, here is a test build.

I fixed rotation bug and bug with "invisible" large truss adapter from NearFuture.

I hope, bug with wrong rescaling of MK1 Structural Fuselage was fixed too, but I don't sure. Please, if someone can find time - weld everything that comes to hand, especially non-stock parts. If some models will have incorrect scale - enable "Advanced Debug" in welder settings, repeat welding and upload ksp.log somewhere or (even may be better) just provide .craft file.

Edited by girka2k
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I don't use tweakscale and to me that build work really fine, some problem when i have try to merge over 220 parts in one, crews hatch, fuel tanks, science labs, lights and the result part have bugged the rightclick, other problem with usi_converter modules from Karbonite becouse the welded object import only the first module but is enought simple to fix by test-editing the result .cfg. Now i want try with spaceplanes for see how it work with wings.

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I must be doing something wrong. I am using this mod for the first time. Read about what part don't like to be welded and spent a few hours rebuilding some of my craft welding parts that should not be a problem to weld. With the default settings my craft just break apart. I assume I'm doing something wrong.

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