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[Part] Advanced SRB [WIP v0.7] by Kerbal Science Foundation


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these are - or would be great, if they had better documentation - IE some kind of mass flow calculations available in VAB, and you CAN generate resource gages in the staging tree. also, if there was a better indication for how long they'd continue burning after primary burnout

also they're wiggly as snot, and ill-suited to being used as a "core booster"

u have to do the math yourself but u only have to do the math if u miss tanks. if u use all 50sec tanks it will onlo last 50sec. if u mix it wiwth 100sec then it will last 100sec

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u have to do the math yourself but u only have to do the math if u miss tanks. if u use all 50sec tanks it will onlo last 50sec. if u mix it wiwth 100sec then it will last 100sec

yeah and if I wanted something simple to figure like that I'd use the stock SRBs. I want something that'll give a consistently useful amount of thrust throughout the entire burn period (for ex) in order to launch a payload without causing reentry burn damage

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yeah and if I wanted something simple to figure like that I'd use the stock SRBs. I want something that'll give a consistently useful amount of thrust throughout the entire burn period (for ex) in order to launch a payload without causing reentry burn damage

this is he way this mod works. thrust is depends on how much fuel u give it. so if u stack 10 50sec tanks together u get twice the thrust of using 5 but u still lasts 50sec. the only bad thing about this mod is he needs to strenghen the joints between tanks. right now if u use more than 6 u have to start struting it together.

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There is a way to do longer burn times with solid rockets. Make an end burner instead of a core burner. In model rockets those are the two main styles of engines. Core burners have a molded in hole that goes almost all the way through the fuel. End burners don't, they light at the bottom and burn towards the top.

Core burners are used in booster stages for their powerful and fast burn. End burners are used for upper stages to gain altitude with their lower thrust and slower burn.

What'd be a problem with large end burning solid fuel rockets is the casing would have to withstand high temperatures for a longer time while the fuel burns. Not much of a problem with core burners because the unburned fuel shields the casing and once the fire reaches the casing it goes out. Another issue with large end burners would be the constantly changing balance as the fuel burns up the rocket. Having your center of gravity rapidly moving towards the nose as the fuel burns, then moving backwards at some point during the burn would cause some interesting issues.

'Course in KSP the CG changes with staging never seem to bother things.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry for Wall of text. won't accept return carriages for some reason: ----------Just did some testing with stock install of game, found this mod to be something of GREAT value!I would like to see this mod updated soon with more features. I will be using it in place of stock for my SLV. I am seeing some odd behavior when doing symmetry in the VAB. But i haven't been able to isolate the cause to the KSP bug or this add-on. However your Original Post is daunting. To explain this better:Stock mod:adds 3 "fuel" tanks, gimbaling nozzle and 2 nose cones (useful!!)You stack the Fuel tanks adding to the Thrust, there are 3 variants A, B, CA = 50 seconds of burn (constant)B = 100 seconds of burn (constant) C = ≈50 seconds of burn High thrust, then a reduction in thrust, then high again, The C is great for getting the Terminal Velocity, and with traditional LF engines, and a good TWR gets this second burst of thrust around gravity turn time!! great for making smaller LF stages.The nose cone as two. A and B.A will give a small thrust at 50 seconds from when the SRB's fire. The B is 100. This allows the Thrusters to "Move away" from the core, sadly 5/8 times they crossed each others paths (50 second burn time) probably because of the decoupler used. i did manage get a constant slow separation by putting the decoupler in the DRY COM (of as close as i could) but they still tend to move toward the core without the decoupler. i thought about adding a fin the the outside to offset the mass, but didn't get to it. (This is a KSP thing mostly) the parachute deployment is the same as stock, however it's a different model (no transparencies) but as i don't plan on following them down its fine. This is good because this allows them to be "recycled" and the KSP mission pack should be able to utilize this (add-on and hopefully stock!) but have not tested that as i did a vanilla test for this.There is also a different type of launch clamp that bolths the bottom of the SRB nozzel perfectly! ad just on of the stock ones to the top and you have a great looking "Real life feel" now, to get them in 2.5 size with longer burn timesI recommend this mod as a goof Alpha SRB replacment. to the DEV of the mod;keep up the work, i would love to see it more procedural for the burn pattern, i know it's planned.

Edited by Ignamious
Keeps deleting return carages
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I keep having part clipping issues in 0.21.1. I can use symmetry to attach two or more tanks to two or more decouplers but when it try to add tanks above or below those it reds out and will not place. I have to turn on the parts clipping cheat to build my srb stacks. Is this a bug in 0.21.1 or in ASRB?

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I keep having part clipping issues in 0.21.1. I can use symmetry to attach two or more tanks to two or more decouplers but when it try to add tanks above or below those it reds out and will not place. I have to turn on the parts clipping cheat to build my srb stacks. Is this a bug in 0.21.1 or in ASRB?
Ive been doing more testing, with just ASRB installed. i think it is a ASRB problem. i have not been able to fully replicate it with other addons or stock. it's and old issue, i remember it from .19 but non of the old tricks work. my work around is to build one stack then add it to the symmetry.how ever i am getting spontaneous explosions even with struts.I Really want this add-on to develop. i love the idea!!-Iggy
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Just want to commend you on this. We've lost a lot of great mods because of the creator leaving and this addition is a great way to prevent that. Great job!

Indeed. Looking at a lot of the 'top' mods now, many are without clear direction and a few of them are locked down entirely. While the game is still in development, meaning mods can break easily, I think this would be very good as a 'standard' forum mod license. If there were a simple name for it - The Addon Forum License 1 or something, it would make it easy for modders to remember to stick it into the first post. Majiir's been doing a good job of reminding people about licenses but perhaps even can be proactive towards pushing them towards 'which' license. Obviously it's the developer's decision at the end of the day but, for example, given a choice of two similar mods I would be far more likely to choose the one that can't go into dev lock.

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I was wondering how to calculate the DV for these modules...

so I got home from school and started nerding out xD so correct me if I'm wrong.


ISP=total impulse/weight of fuel

total impulse= Thrust*time

adv srb type A

Thrust = .150T = 300lb

Time = 50 seconds

total impulse = 300*50 = 15000 lb-sec

ISP = 15000 / 3.75 = 4000

11K DV? = 4000 * LN(4/.25)

that is only for the rocket the smallest you can get it is the mass to be 5 and dry to be 1 so

6300 = 4000 * LN(5.04/1) that is a probe rocket and nozzle

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Hi everyone, just checking in again after an unexpectedly busy month. The part clipping/bad symmetry is due to the ASRB models. I'm not a great modeler but I can get the basics done. I am thinking about getting another person on board to help with models (remaking them and also adding new sizes).

Also I'm still thinking about the best way to help with calculating delta-V in the editor/making it accessible for other mods. Additionally I'd like to make a graph of the predicted thrust/time available in the editor, but I have no experience working on GUIs nor coding for the editors.

So these are a ways off, but I am still thinking about this mod off and on.

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A quick question about the other diameters planned - will you try to make a special nozzle to transform the smallers srb's into an launch escape srb ? (Ex, 4 ways angled nozzles to fit below your srb stack, with an attachment strut below the nozzles ?) this, combined with your asrb system would allow to make much better escape towers :)

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A quick question about the other diameters planned - will you try to make a special nozzle to transform the smallers srb's into an launch escape srb ? (Ex, 4 ways angled nozzles to fit below your srb stack, with an attachment strut below the nozzles ?) this, combined with your asrb system would allow to make much better escape towers :)

I hadn't though about that, but it would be quite doable without any code changes.

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Can you make half length versions of both sizes A-B? I'm trying to make a 2.5 segment RSRB for my recreation of the Athena III.

I'm planning on having 1/2 and 2x lengths for each booster, yes. I am also planning on adding additional thrust profiles which should help to smooth the acceleration of rockets with a pure SRB 1st stage (ie, the Ares I).

Additionally I want to open up some of the graph settings in the .cfg, mostly the colors of the graphs. So I want to do both of these things in one update.

You might want to check back here in a few hours...

Edited by kujuman
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Small progress update. I'm reworking the textures on the A size boosters, but I have the modeling done for the other sizes. I've also changed some things in the plugin to make the graphs a little easier to read.

I'm not sure I'll make 2.5m parts (Rockomax), as there are already 2m parts. I might rescale some of the 2m parts to be 2.5m though.

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