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Kerbal Space Program Fan animation/trailer


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Very well done! I really enjoyed how you worked in the sounds from the VAB. The whole sequence of the door opening was just awesome. I'm guessing the flag took you a long time to get it so fluid like that? This is just too neat!

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  PCGeek said:
Can you do this in Autodesk Maya? I mean im trying (but failing) in maya. so yeah. but epic job!

I love the end.

Mission Control: 5 4 3 2 1 0

5 Seconds in flight: *expoltions*


if it was done in 3ds max, the objects can easily be ported over to maya, but im not sure about the animations and lighting and physics.

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Yes I am still alive. Its just that the project was allot of work, the holiday just started and I bought myself a Hotas Warthog joystick as a reward.

Because of that I spent the last week on playing anything that works with the thing. like: KSP, DCS warthog, DCS p51, DCS blackshark, Rise of flight, mechwarrior online, il2 1946, il2 clifs of dover, more ksp, battlefield 3, x3, freelancer, starsector, war thunder, more ksp, train simulator, planetside 2, miner wars, lunar flight, arma, farming sim 2013.(kind of ran out of ideas at the end...

anyway every time I checked here to see what happening I realize its 3 am and I really should go to bed.

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Right been having 120% fun over the last week and its about time I answer some questions.

  Aetherdyne said:
Good job. I am also a 3d artist, though mostly in my spare time, so I'm always interested to look at other's work. I especially liked that you got the Kerbal walk down pretty well.

Though I haven't gotten my own project (a teaser for a video series) very far along yet, I've nearly gotten my Kerbal modeled, at least.


If I may ask. Why is he naked?

And as I said in the making of portion. I was new to character rigging and I looked up a tutorial for it. My kerbal rig is based of of this one

Its a multi part tutorial that covers every step of the rigging process in a very clear and detailed manner. I looked at some more of his video's and I can really suggest watching them. I must say that I really laughed at the final part in which he said: now your rig is complete and you can give it to the animator.

And off course best of luck with your own project.

  Needles_10 said:
How did you...

  iBotz said:
Freaking awesome man! A little CC here, it looks like your assets are picking up color from the grass and giving it a greenish tint I'm not sure how 3DSmax handles it, but in the program I use (modo), I would make the grass material only visible to camera and not to reflections/refractions. But overall, the detail in your modeling and is sweet! 9/10!

Thanks for the advise. I'll look in to it.

  kerbo said:
I really hope it is okay that I save 2 of the pictures. They will make great desktop backgrounds.

Its totally fine. Although as a side note, some of the later renders are 720 instead of 1080 to save rendertime.

  Rareden said:
nicely done, i presume you used vray for the renderer judging by the sky, hdri lighting map would have worked well with that

depends on your machine and render settings.

Its standard mental ray with mr sun/sky. I did not have the time to research on vray so I took the method that I had experience with.

  SolarLiner said:
I always expect an explosion in a fan-trailer.

Job well done guy ! You're my new god.

Exelent you can pray to me at one of my fine churches.


(PS. I would like to clarify that the name MCWopper is not based of the burger king burger Whopper. Nor am I an Irish italian(thanks urban dictionary) I made up the name because its a shorter version of my real name that friends and relatives started to use. The MC part was added because it sounded nice. Also why are you still reading this?)

  esinohio said:
Very well done! I really enjoyed how you worked in the sounds from the VAB. The whole sequence of the door opening was just awesome. I'm guessing the flag took you a long time to get it so fluid like that? This is just too neat!

The flag was quite easy to create because its a simple cloth modifier. although it took some time to get it to behave correctly(it had a tendency to divide by 0).

Alright its 3.40 am. youtube comments can wait till tomorrow.

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  MCWopper said:
If I may ask. Why is he naked?

Oh, didn't I say that my project was the Kerbal Spaceship Pinups channel?


No, wait. That's not true. :)

Basically, it's a mesh I can use to make various differently-dressed Kerbals. Since I'll need several, I didn't want to model the clothing directly in (and will probably use cloth physics to do it anyway). I just haven't gotten around to making the specific clothed versions yet. (And the censor bar is just for my amusement; he's about as anatomically correct as a Ken doll.)

And as I said in the making of portion. I was new to character rigging and I looked up a tutorial for it. My kerbal rig is based of of this one
Its a multi part tutorial that covers every step of the rigging process in a very clear and detailed manner. I looked at some more of his video's and I can really suggest watching them.

I'll have a look, though I personally don't use Max. Previously I used Lightwave, and nowadays I use Blender. Still, a lot of it could transfer over.

I must say that I really laughed at the final part in which he said: now your rig is complete and you can give it to the animator.


And off course best of luck with your own project.


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  imBobertRobert said:
if it was done in 3ds max, the objects can easily be ported over to maya, but im not sure about the animations and lighting and physics.

Well, if the creator releases the assets, i will do that!

Though, being a student, I can get 3ds max free.:cool:

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