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Will someone ever make a movie in space?


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I know about the Space Oddity video and things like that, but what I mean is a major fictional motion picture or short film. No way to do zero G like actual zero G. Do you think we might someday see a film made on a space station, maybe even one brought up specially as a set. Sounds kind of crazy, but you never know, if some visionary director/producer gets the idea in his head in 30 or so years time and is willing to put effort in it. Maybe the set could be built to then be used as an actual station or ship so it is dual purposed. This is probably just silly, but a man can dream.

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One day, when there are civilians in space on a daily basis e.g. living there. Then yeah, movies will be made there. It´s too cool an environment not to. But the price and logistics need to allow for it. When it does, I fully believe it will happen. And for some strange reason, I also think the first proffesional movie made in space will be XXX rated. I may be wrong on that though.

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If you want "real" zero-G scene in Your movie You can hire vomit comet to do some more cheaply (Apollo 13 movie used vomit comet for zero-G scenes)

Vomit Comet is so temporary though..., what if want it for your whole movie?

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The main problem with zero G is that your body isn't designed for it. Spend to long in zero G and your entire body starts to degenerate. If you'd take acters, and put them in orbit for a month to film movie, they'd come back to weak to move.

If we ever do get to the point where space travel is so common you can take a weekend vacation to the moon (I don't doubt we'll reach that point some day), it would need to be in artificial gravity.

So for a scene in zero G, you'd need an complete extra module (shouldn't be to expencive at that point) outside of the artificial gravity

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