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X-13 VTOL replica

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I was reading about this and noticed no one has made one of these on the forums yet so I thought I'd slap one together. Can anyone actually "land" this thing? This is my challenge to all of you, cuz this whole entire design concept just seems kerbal as @#$% to me to start with. Those dudes from 1957 wuz crayzay. I've tried landing it a few times and failed horribly lol.



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ooh... i watched a YouTube movie about early VTOLs and this was one of the most stupid, by far. really far. seriously? docking with a ramp? a whole lot of crashes happened during the testing of this absolutely crazy design.

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Yeah and thank god it was cancelled because that ramp was necessary for 'vertical' landing. And how can you even see it from the cockpit?

From looking at videos, there appears to be a hole through the bottom of the cockpit.

Edit: nevermind, there's no hole.


Edited by Giggleplex777
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