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[v0.4] Probodobdyne Construction Kit


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I feel like it would brutally murder what the game originally was about...the small Kerbol system and it\'s mysteries being explored by Kerbal-kind.

However, extrasolar star systems that are user made? That\'s fine with me.

Just, if it does get implemented, expect dick planets.

Well that\'s what I meant, I wasn\'t meaning the core system, that WOULD be stupid.

And I would really love doughnut planets

/hide /duck /whimper

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One question: is it possible to activate a jettisoned engine? I\'d like to use your little engine/tank combo to make a space probe; to be jettisoned from the Command / Service Module assembly. The problem that I\'m having is that, when I activate the engine, it is immediately deactivated.

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Yes-just put

ActivatesEvenIfDisconnected = True

into the .cfg.

In 'standard part parameters' or in 'liquid engine parameters'?

Nevermind, I figured it out. Thanks, this did the trick.

Y\'know, there\'s something really amazing about watching this little probe (a SAS unit, two satellite dishes, two fuel tanks, and an engine) accelerate away from me.

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Hey Nova,

I\'ve found a bug; seemingly restricted to the long arm in the Probo Kit:



Parts aren\'t symmetrically rotating when attached, as seen. Haven\'t yet tried to replicate but will do so directly.

I\'m completely incapable of fixing that. It\'s a bug with KSP\'s symmetry, other people have encountered similar results when making struts like that.

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Its easy to work around, all thats required is that you create one arm and attach one \'whatever\' on the end, then remove the arm and place again with symmetry, you can usually use that to get around any symmetry bug.

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Something weird\'s going on with my KSP; I\'ve installed the entire probekit into the Parts folder, checked and double-checked, they don\'t appear anywhere in the parts lists! :(

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Guest ThatCrazyPilot

Something weird\'s going on with my KSP; I\'ve installed the entire probekit into the Parts folder, checked and double-checked, they don\'t appear anywhere in the parts lists! :(

It\'s in the 'Crew' section.
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Oh utter balls, my bad, I literally JUST checked that and found them, I was hoping nobody would have replied that fast. I mean jeez that was fast. Sorry about that!

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Oh, I think that we agree on this. The basic planets should be fixed, to allow for a good artistic direction: KSP will present itself through the whole of the Kerbol system. The mod star systems should certainly be other systems.

I\'d also agree with having to 'complete the game', at least in part, to unlock other systems (I don\'t mean 'discovering warp drive', which doesn\'t have a place in KSP as I see it...)

I fear you\'re right here too. But I think I\'d take the risk of giving the trolls another thing to play with (and soon get tired of), to allow the possibility of modeling the real-life extrasolar systems that are being discovered, for instance...

The day I see a 'warp drive' in the parts menu is the day I close down my KSP window for good. [/opinion, man]

Instead, I would be delighted to see realism-based future technologies implemented, such as Antimatter/Photon Sails:


Time compression has already been added, so even the furthest solar-systems should be within reach for an intrepid space explorer.

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