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Weird collision mesh issues


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I\'ve re exported this thing a dozen times and I can\'t figure out what\'s up with it. In game it acts like the collision mesh is shifted over to the left of the actual model, so when you go to surface attach a part, it end up either floating in the air or inside the mesh. I\'ve never had this problem before. No matter where I tell the nodes to go they seem to be stuck in the middle and slightly forward of the model as well. Is there some new variable I\'m forgetting to add or what?


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Hmm, I\'d first check the collision mesh pivot point in the 3D scene. It doesn\'t NEED to be, but it wouldn\'t hurt to place it at the scene origin (XYZ = 0,0,0).

Also, make sure you haven\'t linked the collision mesh to another object in your model. The part loader will find the collision mesh and move it to a different place in the hierarchy, so if it is parented to another object, it\'s possible it could be getting shifted at load time.

These are just some ideas off the top of my head. I hope they help.


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Had a look at the model using Maya.

First of all, may I know what software you use to model it? Your program looks like it has the nasty habit of appending _PIVOT to the end of all models.

Second of all, I think Harv was on the right track. Your model is off-center. That, however, is only the beginning of the problem. I tried setting the models back to the scene origin... turns out, both your parts are off-origin by default, even when all the translation parameters are at 0. Even worse, they\'re not even aligned; as it turns out, your collider mesh is, by default... halfway left and almost fully behind your physical model. I\'m not quite sure how to fix this... But at least now you know the problem. Try to make your collision mesh meet your physical model.

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Update: Re aligning both the pivots to the world, then aligning the objects to the pivots seemed to fix some of the problem. Also setting the scale to 1 instead of .1 helped. It\'s still not perfectly on target though. It\'s close enough I guess, if anyone else wants to try to make any sense of it, it\'s the same download as linked in the OP. Thanks for the help!

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