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Gimballing Engines?

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The part display lists that the gimbal is 1 degree. It\'s incredibly slight, but factors in for incredibly slight corrections, like when your ship lists 1 deg over, your gimbals will make that 1 deg correction and keep you flying straight. It\'s more stability than anything else.

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except it actually waves around the exhaust like crazy and makes your ship oscillate, then makes it even worse when trying to correct it....

be very careful when using gimballed engines and ASAS on large craft,it tends to destabilize them

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Dumb question, but did you turn the ASAS on? It\'s the T key by default, and it will light an indicator on the upper right of your NavBall.

Absolutely! I\'m no noob (I can do almost any orbit)

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except it actually waves around the exhaust like crazy and makes your ship oscillate, then makes it even worse when trying to correct it....

be very careful when using gimballed engines and ASAS on large craft,it tends to destabilize them

Kinda odd because I\'ve found the exact opposite with the lower stages, I use gimballed engines in a 1:3 ratio to non-gimballed up to about 25k altitude and find that while the ship speed is low the gimballed engines stabilize large craft quite well. After speed picks up the winglets are far more effective and the thrust/weight ratio of the gimballed engines makes them less desireable. Of course once exiting atmosphere RCS takes over, so I\'m really only using gimballed engines on large craft during the few minutes of ascent.

PS: The above is with all stock ships - don\'t really know about with mods.

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my personal history with gimbaling engines is generally bad news with large ships. i find using gimbaling engines while in the atmosphere with the lower stages generates a deathly wobble.

so what i end up doing is saving my gambaling engines for the upper space flight stages :)

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That is odd, perhaps it has to do with the height vs width of the rocket itself? My largest stock rocket to date


used 6 gimballed and 18 non-gimballed LFE\'s in the boost stage and given the way my comp was crawling at 16 seconds real time per second of game time, that was with ASAS all the way. As you can see in the picture, with only 6 winglets on a rocket that size, the gimballed engines were doing most of the stabilization work early on.

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