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Now THIS is how you draw a kerbal REALLY good.


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As you can see here, this student artist has done an amazing job with this picture, using professional techniques from a professional artist, Oliver Age 24. This is definitely the best kerbal picture I've ever seen. I can't even draw that good. He even incorporates the amazing Oliver patented 3D effects! It looks like it pops out of the screen!

Edited by Piv
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Indeed, this is a fantastic recreation of a kerbal. I admit it took me quite a few minutes before I could assure myself that the creation was not simply an in-game screenshot. I am quite astonished of the fantastic use of colour throughout the entire picture. The stars very much show the need for discovery and science that the kerbal so desperately needs. I find the textures used upon the munner surface to be quite extrodanary, as the craters fit the surface in great detail. I do wish to see more amazing art like this in the future due to the extraordanary detail that must have taken so much effort to do.

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It's wonderful.

I like how he has succinctly captured the emotions of wonder and awe of this lone Kerbal on the Mun. The magnificent desolation just leaps out at you. The composition is also a standout, with interesting use of colour too.

This artist is clearly a genius.

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Wow, this is pretty crazy. I wondered for a second, am I looking at the menu screen? but no, it is in fact an original piece. This is truly astounding. I simply cannot bring to words how much effort must have been put into this drawing.

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Maybe I just need coffee, but this scared the krap out of me when I first saw it, but then I saw the reviews and realized this will probably end up in some posh New York art gallery, where it will sell for thousands. Now THAT'S talent! :D

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I looked at the amazing 'Oliver patented 3D effects' and was in awe. But then I was outrageous enough to think to myself, '"I think I can do better".

So grab some red cyan glasses, a cold smoothie with a crazy straw, and sit back and admire the results of my labours:


It's just... so... beautiful *tears up*

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You sure that is not in-game? Your computer should be a bomb to run with all these details. For a moment I though that was a photo... Asking myself Kerbals are real?!

Artist should be hired for KSP CG movie. Such realism. I'm impressed.

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I dunno, I think it looks pretty bad to me, I'm sure a 5 year old could do better ...

Oh wait, we're being sarcastic?

MARVELOUS!! ABSOLUTELY OUTSTANDING! Give that man ... err... something nice, for such incredible artistic skill. Maybe a trophy? YES! A TROPHY! A trophy that says this guy knows his art!

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