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Wazzup kerbals!


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I've been playing KSP for a long time but i only just joined the forums. (i bought KSP when it was like 5 dollars) i've got to the mun, minmus, duna and i'm orbiting Jool at the moment. im making some challenges if anyone wants to see them follow this link for my second challenge campaign


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it has progressed massively. god i remember the original vehicle assembly building structure! the parts were laid out very differently! the mechanics are very different aswell but that hasnt really changed the feel. i hope that the game will continue to progress at this rate

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Well it may slow down as the game gets larger, it becomes harder to make big changes when the game is already so large.

But we'll see how it goes, KSP's already my most played game and that's after over a year playing it :)

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