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Doing it Apollo style

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This is one of the first things I do every time there's a new version. It's become so blase that I don't even take screenshots anymore, but here's my standard craft on Minmus.

Mission 30

3-man mission 10

2-man lander 10

asparagus -10

escape tower 10

lander stored behind 20

lander fairing 5

flawless landing 10

CM-MM docking 10

flag 3

splashdown 5





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C'mon, it has to be a Mün-mission. Look at the awesome rockets and galleries the others have created explicitly for this challenge - and then please, fly a mission to the correct moon with a few screenshots for us :wink:

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First of all, thanks to Xeldrak for the inspiration. I had a bit of trouble modifying my normal lander, but 2 balanced rovers ended up doing the trick. For a little extra authenticity, my 3rd stage fired twice - once for Kerbin orbit insertion and then again for trans Munar injection. Having two rovers, i added two MSEPs to each of them and did 2 driving missions: the first out to 10km and the second out to 5km.

I did end up within 100m of the memorial, but only after running out of descent stage fuel 300m away, 40m high and still at 5 m/s horizontal. I invented a new landing maneuver which I call the bounce and roll, flipping the MM at least twice and ending up upside down. Pod torque & landing legs allowed me to right it, but I wont claim the 100m distance or the flawless landing points - no parts broke off though!

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Main Mission - 30 points

Everything has to be started with a single rocket (no building ships in orbit or refueling in orbit)

You have to fly a LOR mission (you need a Command Module [CM] and a specialized Münar Module [MM])

No mods! All stock, no Mechjeb. (Did Neil and Buzz land by auto pilot?)

BYOR (Bring your own rocket) - The rocket must be your own design


- 3-man Mission +10

- 2-man Lander +10

- 2-stage Lander (leave the decent-engine on the mün) +20

- Escape tower? +10

- Lander stored behind the CM during ascent +20

- Lander tucked away behind some fairing? +5

- Free return trajectory to the mün +10

- Got a Munar Roving Vehicle (MRV) on board? +15

- After succesfull Mün landing docked CM and MM in Orbit (no swapping ships without docking them first) +10

- MM disposed by crashing it into the Mün (remove Kerbal first!) +5

- Plant flag on the Mün (no cumulative, i.e. two flags don't get you 6 points) +3

- Spashing down on Kerbin (land on water) +5

Awesome new goals:

- Deploy münar sub-satellite before returning to Kerbin +10 Points

Landing accuracy (not cumulative)

- Land within 1 km of NAM +10 Points

I was roving on the Moon one day...

- Are we there yet? - 15 points - Drive beyond 10km of the lander

MSEP - Mün Surface Experimental Package

- Science extravaganza! - 15 points - Deploy four experimental packages 2.5km from the landing site (and at least 2.5km from eachother)

Total - 203 points

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Strap yourselves in, launch is go!

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Apollo style [single rocket, LOR mission, All stock, no Mechjeb, BYOR] +30


- 3-man Mission +10 [rt40]

- 2-man Lander +10 [rt50]

- 2-stage Lander (leave the decent-engine on the mün) +20 [rt70]

- Escape tower? +10 [rt80]

- Lander stored behind the CM during ascent +20 [rt100]

- Lander tucked away behind some fairing? +5 [rt105]

- Free return trajectory to the mün +10 [rt115]

- Flawless landing (no parts broke off, Neil Armstrong is watching you!) +10 [rt125]

- Got a Munar Roving Vehicle (MRV) on board? +15 [rt140]

- After succesfull Mün landing docked CM and MM in Orbit (no swapping ships without docking them first) +10 [rt150]

- MM disposed by crashing it into the Mün (remove Kerbal first!) +5 [rt155]

- Plant flag on the Mün (no cumulative, i.e. two flags don't get you 6 points) +3 [rt158]

- Spashing down on Kerbin (land on water) +5 [rt163]

Awesome new goals:

- Deploy münar sub-satellite before returning to Kerbin +10 Points [rt173] (I did two, but ain't going to double that up)

Landing accuracy (not cumulative)

- Land within 100 meters of the NAM +15 [86M; rt188]

I was roving on the Moon one day... (not cumulative)

- Proper shakedown -5 points - Drive beyond 2.5 km of the lander [rt193]

MSEP - Mün Surface Experimental Package (not cumulative)

- Science extravaganza! - 15 points - Deploy four experimental packages 2.5km from the landing site (and at least 2.5km from eachother) [rt208]

208, I think, should have gone for a longer drive and gone for the full 218 but I was late for the pub (forgive me Buzz)!

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Rather than writing up a separate story, I'm going to post my album, same as in the anniversary thread. I made it based it on a later mission to kill two birds with one stone.


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- 3-man Mission +10

- 2-stage Lander (leave the decent-engine on the mün) +20

- Lander stored behind the CM during ascent +20

- Free return trajectory to the mün +10

- Flawless landing (no parts broke off, Neil Armstrong is watching you!) +10

- Got a Munar Roving Vehicle (MRV) on board? +15

- MM disposed by crashing it into the Mün (remove Kerbal first!) +5

- Plant flag on the Mün (no cumulative, i.e. two flags don't get you 6 points) +3

- Spashing down on Kerbin (land on water) +5

- Kerbal dies -20 Though I kinda got him back...

- Deploy münar sub-satellite before returning to Kerbin +10 Points

- Land within 1 km of NAM +10 Points

- Are we there yet? + 15 points - Drive beyond 10km of the lander

And looks like my "Science packages" didn't qualify. Oops..


I did bring a few mod parts, like a mapsat dish and kerbal engineer and mechjeb packs, mainly for looks, but flying was manual, driving was manual*, landing and takeoffs were manual, and all engines and tanks were stock. (Apart from one KSPX part that's soon to be stock anyway.)

Pretty much the only thing I used MJ for was to measure the distance from the memorial. Crewmanifest did the transfer between modules, which is more realistic than Eva'ing them.

Could I still claim those points? +30?

*does not include boat driving, which was outside the scope of the challenge.

128 points. :D

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Collins was in the CSM while Neil and Buzz were on the moon. However, I allways forget his name because he was the one left behind, wich kinda annoys me.

Michael Collins, you will never be forgotten for accepting to stay in the CSM


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Here are my two attempts a few days ago form the KSP wiki campaign

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- 3-man Mission +10

- 2-man Lander +10

- Escape tower? +10

- Lander stored behind the CM during ascent +20

- Free return trajectory to the mün +10

- Flawless landing (no parts broke off, Neil Armstrong is watching you!) +10

- Got a Munar Roving Vehicle (MRV) on board? +15

- After succesfull Mün landing docked CM and MM in Orbit (no swapping ships without docking them first) +10

- MM disposed by crashing it into the Mün (remove Kerbal first!) +5

- Plant flag on the Mün (no cumulative, i.e. two flags don't get you 6 points) +3

- Spashing down on Kerbin (land on water) +5

I was roving on the Moon one day... (not cumulative)

- Test drive - drive beyond 100 meters of you lander +2 Points

MSEP - Mün Surface Experimental Package (not cumulative)

MSEP must have power, probecore and at least one science-thingy

- That'll do - 5 points - Deploy two experimental packages at the landing site

if my calculations are correct i have 115 points. i didn't land near the NAM but rather near another target i chose before reading this post. if this counts then i probably have 120 points . Please feel free to correct my score if i am wrong.

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Ah, nice - another entry ;) Well, you forgot your base 30 points - so you have 145 points

Talking about landing near a target: do you have a screenshot where we can see how close you landed to your target - and what it is?

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Here's my entry

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Not really going for a top score, so I didn't bother with the long distance driving or the science packages, but I had fun doing this

30: base

10: 3-man mission

10: 2-man lander

20: 2-stage lander

0 : No asparagus

10: Escape tower (even used it many times during rocket testing!)

20: Lander stored behind CM

5 : Lander inside a fairing

10: Free return trajectory

10: Flawless landing

15: Munar roving vehicle

10: Docked CM and MM ascent stage in orbit

5 : Crashed empty MM ascent stage on Mun

3 : Planted a flag

5 : Splashed down on Kerbin

2 : Drove 100m

0 : No deaths

Total: 165

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I did this without actually checking myself against the rules but here we go. I wanted to do it without reloading a quicksave so if you view the video that I gave you will see I mess up alot. I did some bad, inefficient burns, I run out of fuel and had to change the mission plans, I flip when I land on Mun, my staging screws up on ascent from the surface, so many things wrong. But it was fun, I kinda wanna make more videos now.

Edit: An important thing to note: I realize that I reversed how the docking should be between the lander and control pod. I am fixing the ship and gonna do the mission again some other time.


- 3-man Mission +10

- 2-man Lander +10

- 2-stage Lander (leave the descent-engine on the mün) +20 (Um maybe, I had a game glitch where I deactivated its engines but still decided to fire when I took off. Its still on Mun but its not all in one piece.)

- Flawless landing (no parts broke off, Neil Armstrong is watching you!) +10 (No parts broke off but I got a little distracted and flipped, but recovered)

- After successful Mün landing docked CM and MM in Orbit (no swapping ships without docking them first) +10

- Plant flag on the Mün (no cumulative, i.e. two flags don't get you 6 points) +3

- Splashing down on Kerbin (land on water) +5

Tota: 98? I need a judge, watch the video. I sped it up and added some spacy, feel good music.


EDIT: Was gonna go to bed but instead I did it again with a better designed ship.


- 3-man Mission +10

- 2-man Lander +10

- 2-stage Lander (leave the decent-engine on the mün) +20

- Main rocked aspargus'd? -10 (Wernher von Kerman does not like aspargus!)

- Escape tower? +10

- Lander stored behind the CM during ascent +20

- Flawless landing (no parts broke off, Neil Armstrong is watching you!) +10

- After succesfull Mün landing docked CM and MM in Orbit (no swapping ships without docking them first) +10

- MM disposed by crashing it into the Mün (remove Kerbal first!) +5

- Plant flag on the Mün (no cumulative, i.e. two flags don't get you 6 points) +3

- Splashing down on Kerbin (land on water) +5

Note: I initially thought I got points for asparagus staging so I used it on the basis I thought efficiency would be a point increase.

So 123 if I did my math correctly.



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After so many added goals for this challenge i redid the whole shebang, and here's what i got:

(insert video seems to be out of order..)

part 1 here :

part 2 here :

For score i got 213, 5 away from perfect score because i failed to land very close to the memorial. Anyway, thank you very much for a fun and educational challenge! Oh and by the way, my rocket does have the escape tower thingy, but unfortunately the part where i ejected it got discarded in the editing room by mistake but it is there to the observant viewer. And i have a craft file for download if anyone wants to see for themselves.

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Note: I initially thought I got points for asparagus staging so I used it on the basis I thought efficiency would be a point increase.

Yeah, but no - I give points for beeing apollo - not for beeing efficient ;)

@Kappa73 Well, thats a realy nice entry - although I would realy like if you guys would post some screenshots too. They are just that much faster consumed than 10 minutes of youtube :D

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@Kappa73 Well, thats a realy nice entry

Thank you very much! And i do apologize for the lack of screenies, i'll make sure to take plenty of those next time. It's just that i've just recently started videocapturing and making YT videos of those captures, so i'm very excited about that hehe =)

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although I would realy like if you guys would post some screenshots too. They are just that much faster consumed than 10 minutes of youtube :D

I got ya. I will go through my video and take some screenshots. I completely looked that over.

Edit: here we go. Hopefully its in the right order.

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I went for a 3rd go at this mission modifying my previous rocket design in order to fulfill all the objectives. Here is the album

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My points

Base +30


- 3-man Mission +10

- 2-man Lander +10

- 2-stage Lander (leave the decent-engine on the mün) +20

- Escape tower? +10

- Lander stored behind the CM during ascent +20

- Lander tucked away behind some fairing? +5

- Free return trajectory to the mün +10

- Flawless landing (no parts broke off, Neil Armstrong is watching you!) +10

- Got a Munar Roving Vehicle (MRV) on board? +15

- After succesfull Mün landing docked CM and MM in Orbit (no swapping ships without docking them first) +10

- MM disposed by crashing it into the Mün (remove Kerbal first!) +5

- Plant flag on the Mün (no cumulative, i.e. two flags don't get you 6 points) +3

- Spashing down on Kerbin (land on water) +5

Awesome new goals:

- Deploy münar sub-satellite before returning to Kerbin +10 Points

Landing accuracy (not cumulative)

- Land within 100 meters of the NAM +15

I was roving on the Moon one day... (not cumulative)

- Are we there yet? - 15 points - Drive beyond 10km of the lander

MSEP - Mün Surface Experimental Package (not cumulative)

MSEP must have power, probecore and at least one science-thingy

- Science extravaganza! - 15 points - Deploy four experimental packages 2.5km from the landing site (and at least 2.5km from eachother)

Total: 218

This was the mist fun mission i flew, kudos to the OP

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