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Doing it Apollo style

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Also, I added some of my own requirements that were not listed:

  1. Accurate motor configuration, 5 on the first stage (F-1), 5 on the second stage (J-2), and the third stage also a J2, etc. etc.
  2. Center core engines on stage one and two gimblas locked
  3. Core motors on stage one and two cut off first
  4. Initial launch sequence accurate in order of engine ignitions and clamps(see images)
  5. No aparagus stage separation
  6. Crew escape accurate motor configuration
  7. The use of ullage and separation motors
  8. RCS Thrusters placed close to real life.

I used this as my building guide: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Saturn_v_schematic.jpg

And this for my staging: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturn_V#Stages

Points for accurate anatomy? :cool:

Edited by roosterr
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  • 2 weeks later...


[iframe class=imgur-album" width="100%" height="550" frameborder="0" src="http://imgur.com/a/wwTQj/embed][/iframe]

So, the full 218?

No crazy rover though. Sorry Gusturbo, but the rocket was way too unstable.

Edited by JonSpace_CEO
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  • 2 weeks later...

While waiting for 0.22 to be released, I decided to do my first challenge.

Played out pretty nice :)

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- Basics +30

- 3-man Mission +10

- 2-man Lander +10

- 2-stage Lander (leave the decent-engine on the mün) +20

- Escape tower? +10

- Lander stored behind the CM during ascent +20

- Lander tucked away behind some fairing? +5

- Free return trajectory to the mün +10

- Flawless landing (no parts broke off, Neil Armstrong is watching you!) +10

- Got a Munar Roving Vehicle (MRV) on board? +15 (although it didn't get very far...)

- After succesfull Mün landing docked CM and MM in Orbit (no swapping ships without docking them first) +10

- MM disposed by crashing it into the Mün (remove Kerbal first!) +5

- Plant flag on the Mün (no cumulative, i.e. two flags don't get you 6 points) +3

- Spashing down on Kerbin (land on water) +5

- Deploy münar sub-satellite before returning to Kerbin +10 Points

- Land within 100 meters of the NAM +15

- I was roving on the Moon one day... (no points for me here, since I crashed the Rover after a few meters...)

- MSEP: That'll do - Deploy two experimental packages at the landing site +5 points

Total: 193 points (if I calculated everything right :D)

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If you're still looking for extra points to add to this, maybe points for the MSEPs being deployed by the rover, rather than dropped from orbit? As far as I understand, the MSEPs were something the astronauts deployed by hand, so dropping them from the rover, or from the lander after it's landed (or maybe while it's below a certain surface velocity?) would be closer to an Apollo mission.

I'm working on my attempt for this right now. There are a few "stretch goals" I'm aiming for, some of which people on this thread have already done, but I'm not sure if anyone's done all of them:

Munar Subsatellite:

- RCS only, no liquid fueled engine. (As I understand, it was more or less just pushed out of the SIM bay.)

- Antenna, instruments, and power. (Able to perform SCIENCE in 0.22.)


- RTG powered only. (batteries allowed, but no solar)

- Antenna, instruments, and power. (Able to perform SCIENCE in 0.22.)

- No engine/RCS/SAS of any sort, must be positioned purely by the rover or lander.


- 2 seats.

- Battery power only.

Launch craft:

- 3 stages to orbit, and trans-munar injection.

- perform LM/COM swap on the way to the mun.

- leave the fairing that hides the lander attached to the 3rd stage after the lander is removed.


- Battery power only. (or a fuel cell, if I can figure out how to create one using opposed liquid fuel engines so they don't generate any net thrust.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I haven't had a chance to take screenshots from the video I recorded, but here's my entry:

Should be 218 points. :)


- 3-man Mission +10

- 2-man Lander +10

- 2-stage Lander (leave the decent-engine on the mün) +20

- Main rocked aspargus'd? -10 (Wernher von Kerman does not like aspargus!)

- Escape tower? +10

- Lander stored behind the CM during ascent +20

- Lander tucked away behind some fairing? +5

- Free return trajectory to the mün +10

- Flawless landing (no parts broke off, Neil Armstrong is watching you!) +10

- Got a Munar Roving Vehicle (MRV) on board? +15

- After succesfull Mün landing docked CM and MM in Orbit (no swapping ships without docking them first) +10

- MM disposed by crashing it into the Mün (remove Kerbal first!) +5

- Plant flag on the Mün (no cumulative, i.e. two flags don't get you 6 points) +3

- Spashing down on Kerbin (land on water) +5

- Kerbal dies -20

Awesome new goals:

- Deploy münar sub-satellite before returning to Kerbin +10 Points

Landing accuracy (not cumulative)

- Land within 100 meters of the NAM +15

I was roving on the Moon one day... (not cumulative)

- Are we there yet? - 15 points - Drive beyond 10km of the lander

MSEP - Mün Surface Experimental Package (not cumulative)

MSEP must have power, probecore and at least one science-thingy

- Science extravaganza! - 15 points - Deploy four experimental packages 2.5km from the landing site (and at least 2.5km from eachother)

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  • 1 month later...

Here is my attempt:

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Succesful mission +30


- 3-man Mission +10

- 2-man Lander +10

- 2-stage Lander (leave the decent-engine on the mün) +20

- Main rocked not aspargus'd -0

- Escape tower +10

- Lander stored behind the CM during ascent +20

- Lander tucked away behind some fairing? +5

- Free return trajectory to the Mün +10

- Flawless landing +10

- Got a Munar Roving Vehicle (MRV) on board? +15

- After succesfull Mün landing docked CM and MM in Orbit +10

- Plant flag on the Mün +3

- Spashing down on Kerbin (land on water) +5

Total: 158 points

Note: Some screenshots are taken during second, almost exactly the same mission due to lighting.

Edited by programagor
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Thanks for putting together such an awesome challenge. :) I had so much fun doing it. I did a lot of looking at photos and diagrams of a Saturn V, the LM, CM, etc, trying to make it as realistic as possible. The hardest part was sticking with the engine layout: 5 Mainsails (F-1) on the bottom, 5 Skippers (J-2) on the 2nd stage, and 1 Skipper (J-2) on the 3rd stage. Really limits how much the rest of it can weigh!

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Thanks for putting together such an awesome challenge. :) I had so much fun doing it. I did a lot of looking at photos and diagrams of a Saturn V, the LM, CM, etc, trying to make it as realistic as possible. The hardest part was sticking with the engine layout: 5 Mainsails (F-1) on the bottom, 5 Skippers (J-2) on the 2nd stage, and 1 Skipper (J-2) on the 3rd stage. Really limits how much the rest of it can weigh!

Very good attention to detail, especially with the 5x Mainsails -> 5x Skipper -> 1x Skipper configuration! :cool:

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I don`t know whether to thank you or curse you.

I think I`ll thank you for this thread which has basically been all I have been doing with KSP since. This thread saw my first Apollo style landing and I never stopped. The latest thing I have been doing is writing an autopilot for KerPollo in KOS. I can launch, get to a 10-12km orbit around Mun and then burn for Kerbin and land safely. Currently the actual landing is manual but I am working on that.

This is the current lander I am using.


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Hehe, inside the fairing...

Above the engine? Intriguing. :) Don't those fairing panels collide with the lander when you try to get it out? I tried doing something like that (launching my munar subs satellites though a panel) but it didn't work.

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Above the engine? Intriguing. :) Don't those fairing panels collide with the lander when you try to get it out? I tried doing something like that (launching my munar subs satellites though a panel) but it didn't work.

It`s sort of hung to the side of the engine with the fuel on the other side. It drops off the bottom onto its side then uses the righting mechanism to wriggle out from under the lander. It`s why the lander has to have so much ground clearance otherwise I would use different legs.

The latest version is a bit closer packed and has ALSEP which fills some gaps as well.


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Wow, that is certainly an unconventional design! How does it fly? Did you get the center of mass lined up with the thrust nicely? I'm looking forward to seeing screenshots/video of your mission :)

I used the `least damage` approach and put the rover in the only place it could go and put the fuel as close to the CoM as I could. It flies better the less fuel it has. Have a look at the link in my Sig if you want to see more images.

Edited by John FX
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  • 1 month later...

Updating some of my designs and thought an Apollo style mission might be in order.

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Base +30


- 3-man Mission +10

- 2-man Lander +10

- 2-stage Lander (leave the decent-engine on the mün) +20

- Escape tower? +10

- Lander stored behind the CM during ascent +20

- Lander tucked away behind some fairing? +5

- Free return trajectory to the mün +10

- Flawless landing +10

- Got a Munar Roving Vehicle (MRV) on board? +15

- After succesfull Mün landing docked CM and MM in Orbit +10

- MM disposed by crashing it into the Mün +5

- Plant flag on the Mün +3

- Spashing down on Kerbin +5

- Deploy münar sub-satellite before returning to Kerbin +10 Points

- Land within 100 meters of the NAM +15

- Are we there yet? +15 points

- For science! +10 points

Total 213 points

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Nowadays I love to experiment with very small ships so I made a tiny sized Mun Lander and Command Module: http://imgur.com/a/54KRy

(I also made a general mission but with MechJeb so I don't count that one as an entry here, but here are the pictures of that: http://imgur.com/a/uVzVq#0)

my points:

30 - basic points

20 - two-stage lander

20 - Lander stored behind the CM during ascent

10 - Free return trajectory to the mün

10 - Flawless landing

10 - CM+MM docking

3 - Flag planted

5 - Splashing down


108 (+1000 points in the minimal category :D )



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