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The Space Centre Reborn!


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Author's note: This was initially written in anticipation of version 0.21, and as a possible backstory to the new space center.

With the next version breaking saves, many space programs will be ending, to start anew.

Here is a little tale, about what might have happened in one such space program, to bring about such a restart.

I hope you enjoy.

It was 4:00 am. Still several hours to the morning sunrise. The first of several in a Kerbin day.

For some reason, former astronaut Bob Kerman was struggling to stay asleep. His mind just wouldn't still itself.

A light flashed on a computer on the opposite wall.


New infomation from the Jool System probe! Carefully, Bob climbed from the bed, careful not to disturb his wife, who was asleep, unlike him.

He waited, as the system loaded.


New Data: Surface probe 5


[images] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 12

[Magnetic survey data] 1

[chemical spectroscope data.] 1 2 3


'Surface probe 5, that'll be from Pol!' Thought Bob, as he loaded up the images. Hopefully they would not be blurry this time.

The images were fantastic! The colours so awesome, the mountains so strange.


"Such strange geology. If only I could go there," though Bob, with sadness. "If only there was a way."


For many years, the Kerbal Space Centre represented the dreams of all kerbalkind.

Join the space program! You could be sent anywhere, from a distant planet, to the mountains a few kilometres away, in whatever the engineers came up with.

It was a place of wild experimentation, and great adventure.


It is now closed. Kerbals have not been to space for years.


A few rooms away, Bill Kerman was also awake. But he had a reason.

Jebediah had asked him to do him a favour.

It turns out that the toy solid rocket boosters now sold by Jeb's Junkyard and Spaceship Parts were being used by children in misguided attempts to get into orbit.

Lauching your sister's Karbie doll into space was one thing, but the dangers of launching yourself was quite another.

Many parents of Jeb's young customers were a little less than impressed when they heard Jeb's plans to solve the problem.

Jeb: "One free parachute with every three boosters sold!"


So there was Bill, making sure the new model of boosters would just sparkle a bit, and fly around the room.

Completely sure.

He sat on the computer, crunching the numbers. 'Maybe if I use another twenty, I might just clear the atmosphere....'

As far as anyone can remember, young kerbals have been obsessed with shooting things into the sky. And Jeb, still very much a public figure, longed for the days when kerbals would jump into rockets, and go flying of to places unknown, without even looking first.

Bill was confident that one day, Kerbals would go to space once more.

The space program had been very successful. There had been losses, sure, but in just a few years, kerbals had vistied the Mun, Minmus, Duna, Dres, and Moho. There had been stations, Mun bases, shuttles, even SSTO stunt planes.

But there was still so much planed, so much yet to acomplish.

But one tiny little problem put a stop to it all. Something so small, and trivial.


The funds ran out.

You see, the King of all Kerbals had died.

This was not your ordinary kerbal death, where the body goes 'poof' but the spirit lives on, and they're back and happy after a few weeks.

The king had been a father figure to the race for several hundred years. His spirit was exhausted.

In the search for a new monarch, (Jeb wasn't interested.) all the space program's sponsors got distracted.

And there was a "Been there, done that" additute to the whole thing. We put men on Duna. We landed a Rover on Eeloo. We've even got probes that have left the solar system. What more is there to do?

In his will, the King had included funds and a site for a special palace, for the heroes of the space program.


(Gene Kerman had insisted it be equipped as a second mission control.)


So that's where Jeb, Bob, and Bill were now, with several others.

Krackentoa island, half a planet away from the former space centre, monitoring probes.

Bob finished entering in instructions to the surface probe. They were simple, drive here, do some tests there, the built in AI would take care of the rest.

Then it was time to try and get some sleep.

Bob crawled back under the covers, and closed his eyes.



"Bob! Wake up! I can't believe it! Wake up!"

It was Jeb!

He burst through the door.

Bob sat bold upright.

Bob: " Jeb? What's happend?"

Jeb: "I was just on the phone to Gene, and they are going to reopen the space centre!!!"

Jeb does a double fistpump.

"We're getting a new VAB and everything. It's so awesome. I've got to go tell Bill!"

And with that, he dashed of down the hall.

All this commotion awoke Bob's wife.

Milly (more than half asleep): "What did Jeb want? Wait, did I just hear something about a new space centre?"

Bob doesn't say anything, but a faint smile crept over his face.


As he remembers. The first spaceflight. Deploying the first Mun satellite network. His time with Milly on Space Station One. His voyage to Moho..."

Finally asleep, he begins to dream. He sees himself on Pol, jumping over the mountains...

Menwhile, a few rooms away:

Jeb: "Bill! Bill! You gotta hear! They're re-opening the space centre!!" .....


Part two will be here after 0.21 is released.

P.S. Suggestions, criticisms, comments welcome. I'd love to improve!

Part Two is on the next page! So turn it over!

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Nice story! I enjoyed reading it. It kind of points out the goo thing about the save files breaking. Yeah, we'll lose all our epic stuff, but it will be a new beginning, a new space program as you said in the story!

Great story!

Jacob :)

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Glad you guys liked it.

I've got some ideas for the second part cooking, but might not be posting them too soon after 0.21, as uni starts again for me in a few weeks, and I probably should get some non-kerbal stuff done before that.

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So, as you may have read in the weekly, there is a chance Harvester may pull of a save file converter, that may save some craft from peoples' saves. But there is still a new space centre that needs a story, so this will continue as planned. When 0.21 comes out.

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The next part is almost fully imagined, however there will be a slight delay, as the release of 0.21 has coincided with the start of my uni term, and I have a few things to sort out to do with that.

There are a few shots I want to illustrate it, and that may a little time, (but they should be awesome.) (Jeb and I are exploring as I type.)

But, it will be here before too long.

You'll see the [WIP] returned to the title, that's when I'll be writing, when it goes, the next part is here.

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Seeing as I did say Part two would be there within a few days, and it isn't, I feel I owe you guys a bit of an apology.

I intended to finish it then, but issues in my life have prevented me from being in the frame of mind to write, and I want to make sure this story will be good, and worth your time to read, and mine to write.

That said, I do have a half finished draft on my computer, so it's still coming.

Photo taking and in game activity are now complete. We're on the home stretch now.

If there's anyone looking at this, perchance.

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  • 1 month later...

So. It took a lot longer than initially planned, there were plot holes, and other things I needed to do, but I finally have a part two. I broke it up into two parts, rather than trying to finish of the whole thing at once.

As it has now been quite a while since the new space centre arrived, the rest of this story is going to be looking towards 0.22, to a certain extent, to keep things interesting. Kerbals and craft are from my main save.

So without further ado,

Here's part one, of part two.

I hope you enjoy.

Preparations for the new space centre progressed at a rapid pace.

Jeb, Bob, and Bill, as well as many other figures from the old space program were consulted on designs for several new buildings.

Plans were made public, and approved. Details of funding arrangements were made final.

Jebediah's Junkyard, Rockomax, Kerlington and many other manufacturers readied themselves for the huge demands soon to be placed on them.

The corroded remains of the old buildings were towed away, and two of Werner Kerman's former staff were found doing sums in the VAB basement, apparently unaware that the space program ever had ended...

As progress was made, the KSC community- that is, the former astronauts, technicians, and other associates, were

kept in the loop through regular electronic messages.

Then one day, this message arrived:


From: KerbalSpaceCenter.org.

To: KSPnetwork, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],.....

Subject: Visit!


Dear KSC Crew

The construction of phase one is nearly complete! Soon we will be on to detailing, and finishing interior fit outs.

Soon, we will have a fully operational space centre.

At this stage our construction team is willing let in with a limited mount of visitors.

To Bill, Bob, and Jebediah: As our most experienced, and well known astronauts, I'd greatly appreciate it if you could come to inspect the center first hand, to get your thoughts, test things, and perhaps generate some promotional material.

Are you free in the next few days? I will send a plane over.

At the moment, the center is not ready enough to let everyone see, but rest assured, you are all expected at The Grand Opening.

More details to come soon, if everything goes to plan.

Sincerely, Gene Kerman.

Flight director, and acting head of KSP.



Sure enough..


Jeb: "Bill! You ready?! I can see the plane arriving!"

Bill: "Almost. I will be with you in a minute."

For some reason, the pilot from KSC had insisted they wore pressure suits.

Bill was already suited up, but there was something he intended to take with him, something that he had yet to find.

Carefully, Bill searched his files.

He found it. He pulled out a long, sturdy tube.

Inside this particular file, were the technical drawings, part lists, and all the details needed to create one particular spacecraft.

The W Planet Explorer.

Now an outdated and inefficient design, but as the ship that made him the first man on Duna, Bill had a sentimental attachment to this craft, and was sure KSC could use the plans somehow.

Tucking the craft's file under his arm, Bill proceeded down the corridor-

"Oh! Bill! I thought you had gone already. "

It was Milly Kerman!

She was also carrying something under her arm.

Milly: "I have a small favour to ask you. I was going send it will Bob, but he's out already. Would you mind taking this to KSC?"

Milly passed a long tube to Bill.

Inspecting the tube, Bill found a label.

KSC Craft File:

Dash Wing Starfighter MK V

Bill: "I'm sure this will be in the archives somewhere. That craft was pretty advanced."

Milly: "I Know, but it was my favourite one, and I've got good memories from my time in them."

Bill's own memories from that craft were...mixed, but-

Bill: "Alright then, I'll take it."

Milly: "Thank you so much. Have a good time today!"

Now with two files under his arm, Bill continued on his way-

"Um, Bill? Could I get you to do something for me?"

Bill turned around and there was Melmy Kerman, holding another craft file.

Melmy:"I, Um, would like you to take this to KSC. It's the ship that first put me the Mun."

Bill inspected the file.

Bill: "I remember this. Not sure we still use all these parts"

Melmy: "It would still be good to make sure it's archived properly, you know, for historic purposes."

Bill: "Sure. Why not."

Jeb and Bob were probably already at the plane.

Taking this third craft file, Bill began an awkward jog, hurrying down the corridor...

Duney Kerman: "Hey! Bill! I need ya to do something for me!


Several kerbals and several craft files later, Bill finally made it out the door. He could see what looked like an Albatross 3 down by the landing strip. And Bob and Jeb were definitely there.

Bob: "I can't believe they still haven't come up with a plane that can seat more than three on the inside. Why couldn't you have arranged a commercial flight to take us there.?"

Jeb: "Come on Bob! The view will be great! And this keeps everything in the hands of KSC."

Bob: "But-"

On closer inspection, it was pretty clear what Bob was worried about:


Bill was not overly concerned, those things had held up to the forces of reentry- not that that would be needed on this flight. Probably.

Bill: "Hey, have you got room in the hold for these?"

He showed the pilot all the craft files he was carrying.

Pilot:" "Probably, but that's a lot of tubes. What have you got in there?"

Bill: "These are old craft designs, to be taken to the archives. The guys wanted to make sure they were on record."

Pilot: "Sure, I'll take care of that, but why don't they just bring them along on opening day?"

Oh. Yeah.

I guess nobody thought of that.....


The flight plan would have them landing at the Space Center while the morning was still quite young. This being Kerbin, the sun would be right overhead.

Kerbin is a strange planet.

It may not look it, but it is unstable, with a lithosphere prone to sudden periods of change.

One such era of geological change had happened in between the ending of the last space program, and the beginning of the next, resulting in some significant changes to the landscape surrounding KSC. As our friends are just about to notice-

Jeb: "Wow! Those mountains are magnificent!"

Bill: "Sure are. Chad (The pilot), have there been any problems at KSC? I know some places have had substantial uplift.."

Chad: "Nup, not at KSC. We had a few problems with the old island airstrip, but a solution was found. It's not perfect, but it works."


Jeb eyed the mountains with excitement. He'd got lost there testing rovers, back when they were flatter, but man, now they had potential! He couldn't wait to get his hands on a plane, and go dodge some peaks!

Bob was still a little nervous. What if the funds weren't as good as they claimed? What if the new buildings had been built on the cheap, or the space around them been sold off for shops and apartments to get the money? That wouldn't suit a space center at all. Sure, he'd seen the pictures, and read all the updates, but it wasn't the same as seeing it for yourself.

Wouldn't be long now...


Chad: "And there it is!"

Bill: "Wow. That looks... really good. It looks professional."

Jeb "Is... Is that a bigger VAB? YES! AWESOME! WOO HOO!"

Bob: "Jeb! Don't let go of your seat like that!"

Chad took the plane downwards and set it down... next to the runway.

Chad: "It's just been surfaced, I don't want to damage it. Also, you might want to keep those helmets on for a bit, lots of fumes about."

Yeah. Sure, Chad.



Jeb: "New Space center! Woo hoo!"

Bob: "The pad looks the same."

Bill: "Probably the only thing that didn't corrode away. "

A large rover rolled over to where the guys had landed.

Out hopped two media kerbals, one member of the admin team, as well as one Gene Kerman himself.

Gene: "Welcome! It's good to see you all here!

Bill: "It's good to be back!"

Gene: "Come this way! I've got to show you the new place!"

First stop:

The Space Plane Hangar.


The old hanger was built to provide an alternative to the VAB, after Kerbals discovered wing based flight.

The home of aircraft development for many years, its successor had many improved features, ready to take space plane technology even further.

And it was also much bigger.

Inside, aircraft, rovers, and other pieces of technology can be made for testing.


Jeb: "I'm loving the new tower,"

Said Jeb, with a curious grin on his face.

With his remote, Gene triggered the giant sliding doors, and they stepped inside.

While Bob and Bill were inspecting scaffolding on the walls, Jeb noticed a modified Aeris 3A over in the corner, surrounded by engineers.

He headed over.

Jeb: "What's happening?"

Jack Kerman (An engineer): We've got a new reaction wheel system, that should be better than the old SAS. It has been installed in this plane, for testing."

Jeb looked to the left, then to the right.

A big, cheesy smile came over his face.

Jeb: "Has it been tested with manned flight yet?"

Jack: "Uh....."

Truth be told, not a single member of the testing team had been willing to step inside even a rover with the new SAS equipped.

Gene: "Now, there is something I'd like to show you guys in the underground parts depot. If we go this way.."

Jeb: "Can I catch you guys up? There's something I'd love to do first" he said, making a sideways nod towards the plane.

Gene half-frowned for a half second, making a very quick judgement call...

Gene: "Alright! See you soon."

He reached for his pocket communicator. Someone should be sent to man the control tower, just in case. And checking if that what that media group was up to wouldn't hurt either.

There would be plenty of other opportunities for Jebediah to see the rest of the new space center.

He'd seen all the plans and photos, anyway.

Turning back to the plane, Jeb saw that all the engineers had mysteriously disappeared.

Jeb's smile became a full on grin.

He fired up that basic jet engine right there and then, before he'd even left the hangar.


SAS held him steady, as he turned and flew... Towards the mountains!

To be continued!

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, as those of you who read the weekly have seen, there will be further modifications to the space center in the next update.

I considered changing the plans a little, and doing the final parts with the 0.22 version of the space center. As it is, there wouldn't be too much that needs to be retconed to make it work. But, as the story already was planned to accommodate some future changes, and I like the pics I took, I'm going to stay with the current plan.

I will tweak things a bit in the existing parts though. I might cover them in a story I write after this one, maybe.

There will be two more parts, part 2.2 and an epilogue, hopefully both will be done before 0.22 is out.

Words are coming nicely.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Part two.2 is almost ready! Depending on the other things I've got to do in the meantime, It should be here in a couple of days. Hopefully, before 0.22 is released.

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Now, where did we stop last time? Oh, that's right.

Jeb has flown off towards the mountains, and Gene, Bill and Bob are touring the space center.

The underground parts depot hadn't really changed. It was still a huge, cavernous space stretching from the SPH to the VAB.

The giant racks sat empty, waiting to be filled with new parts.

But Gene had something else to show them.

Down at the bottom of the chamber, beneath the storage racks, was an architectural model. It portrayed a complex of buildings in a very similar style to the new KSC.

Gene: "This has not yet been seen by anyone, apart from myself, and a few others. We've consulted the other major science institutes, gathered some ideas from the architectural team, and we are working, to design our very own Scientific Research facility!!"


Bob: :0.0::0.0: *thud*

Bill: "Bob? Are you ok?"


Once Bob had been revived, and they had properly inspected the proposed research center, Gene directed their attention towards a diagram on the cavern wall.


(This is not it, this is a version Bob drew, when he got back home. The real one is top secret.)

The diagram depicted a crane like mechanism, similar to what was used for transporting parts from the depot, into the construction buildings. But this one was bigger. Much bigger. And it was depicted as moving between the SPH, the parts depot, and the VAB.

Gene: "You know how somethings are easier to make with the SPH's horizontal layout, yet much more difficult to replicate in the vertical set up of the VAB?"

Bill: "Oh yes. That's for sure."

Gene: "Well, this new system should go a fair way to resolving that. Hopefully, we'll be able to move something made in the SPH into storage, then load it into the VAB. Or vice versa. It will make craft construction much simpler. We may even be able to store prefabricated sections within the depot, and load them when needed. It should be much more practical."

Bill looked closely at the diagram.

Bill: "Yes. That could be handy..."

Gene, Bill and Bob climbed up a long ladder, through a narrow, vertical passageway. At the end of that passage, Gene pushed open a manhole cover, and the stepped out, in front of...

...an entirely new building.


The astronaut complex!

Inside, they found everything needed to prepare an astronaut for spaceflight. It also featured a small visitors center, testing and training facilities, and a reception area for new recruits.

Previously, recruitment and initial testing was done from a small office in downtown Kerbin City.

The rest of the training was completed out the back of the VAB. EVA practice was done by tying weights to a space suit, putting a recruit in that space suit, then dropping them in Booster Bay. Crude, but better then nothing.

The new building was a big step up. Bill could imagine himself and the guys hanging out in the new astronauts' lounge, relaxing after a mission. Bob recognised the snack machine from the old KSC. Still had the same dents. Don't ask how they got there.

Gene: "Now, If you'll excuse me, I've got to leave you at this point. Meet me in the Mission Control building, at 9:45, for our media event. The KBC is coming, and will want to film some things with us. But first, have a good look at the other buildings, I want to know what you think!"


A few minutes later, Gene had made it to the new KSC aircraft control tower. As the KSC predated the age of commercial air traffic, they hadn't needed one at first. Now, they did- not that this was a problem. The tower definitely had its uses.

Gene: "How's Jeb doing, are we getting good data?"

Bobak Kerman: "Yeah, SAS 0.2 is doin' well, not quite as well as we hoped, but Jeb's doin fine."


Jeb put the new SAS through its paces! Rolls, loops, sharp turns, and lots of other manoeuvres I don't even have names for. He even caused the plane to spin out at one point.

Jeb: "You're awesome, new SAS, but you're still no match for Kerbal skill.", said Jeb, as he pulled the plane out of the tumble.

Flying the nimble craft was always fun, but Jeb had had one thing on his mind since he arrived at KSC that day. The mountains!

Rapid uplift, faulting, and then erosion had shaped the mountains in a manner that only happens on Kerbin-

they were now a lunatic pilot's dream


Jeb buzzed the peaks, skimmed through canyons, almost clipping the wings several times. Before long, he had flown by the entire range.

Jeb: "Again!"

He turned around for a second pass...

Meanwhile, Bill and Bob discovered a memorial to an old friend.


Bill: "It's good to see that this is still here."

The Vehicle Assembly Building!.

The centerpiece of Kerbal space center, the old VAB was one of its very first structures.

It began as a childhood sketch- in crayon, drawn by the legendary founder of the space program.

In that sketch, he added everything he thought a rocket maker's building would need.


That very same sketch was eventually presented to an architect, along with a few other specifications.

He was very surprised when the architect basically took the size requirement, took the shapes in the drawing, and made a building out of it.

After all, no spacecraft making facilities had ever been made before, so there was nothing else to base it on. And ended up with the odd looking building that stood there for so many years.

That building had almost completely corroded away. The buildings at KSC are made with an insanely strong material called Nokianite.

It's also terribly heavy, becomes brittle with long exposure to radiation, and requires constant electric protection to prevent corrosion.

Being so close to the sea, the old building didn't stand much of a chance when the electrical system failed.

(In contrast, the VAB's twin at KSC2, still stands to this day, thanks to its sheltered position in a valley.)


The roof of the new VAB towered above them. Construction on the higher levels was so loud, they didn't hear one crash, which had happened outside.

Outside, colours of 9am sunset slowly filled the sky. Bob and Bill knew they'd better move on.

Bob: "Jeb would've liked to see that. Where is he?"

Jeb: "Ahh, guys! I'm over here!"


Bill: "Hello again. How was your flight?"

Jeb: " Great! Those are awesome mountains! But I, ah... um... new SAS leaves a little to be desired..."



Despite its proximity, they bypassed Mission Control. There was something else to see first.


Or perhaps, you could call it four somethings.



The Tracking Station!

Originally just the one dish, now three, the tracking station forms the center of a Kerbin-wide network, used to track the position of objects in space.

Without a tracking system, communication and control of unmanned spacecraft is almost impossible. In the past, a few vessels had been completely lost, bringing those missions to a sudden end. Nothing from any of these "Ended flights" was ever found again.

Jeb. "Dishes! These look nice and sturdy."

Bob: "I Wonder...... I wonder if I could get up there"

Jeb: "Yes! We'll get you up there! Here Bob, climb on my helmet! Bill! I need you to stand there!"




Bob: "Wooooah, careful guys!"


Jeb loves it when Bob shows his adventurous side. He'll do anything to encourage it.

Bob: "Wow."

Bob: "How Do I get down?"


After Bob's little escapade, the three walked over to investigate the building itself. The inside was far from complete. Pearing inside, they saw several technicians, installing and checking everything. Fortunately, one technician looked up from his lagometer long enough to let them in. Eventually finding the stairs, they made their way on to the roof.



Where they could see and admire the whole space center, now brilliantly lit up.

Bill: "This place gets my approval."

Jeb: "Yeah!"

Bob. "Agreed."




Mission control.

Previously, this, and the VAB were one. Lanches could be watched from the big red window- it had quite the view, if you didn't mind the tint. While it doesn't have quite the same vantage, the brand new mission control has much better, non-coloured windows. Lots of very clever kerbals work in here, which could have something to do with why it's built like a bunker. Debris noise distracting a kerbal programming an important maneuver could prove disastrous.

On the side, they found a large staircase, that was just asking to be climbed.


But before long, it was time to head in, the media was waiting.

A film crew had set up inside mission control, opposite the main window. They'd have a great shot of the launchpad, Mun, and Minmus, as well as all the high tech looking equipment installed so far. Walt Kerman, KSC's new head of PR, had set this up to be a live event.

David Kerman, host of many prestigious documentaries, stood before the cameras, opening the event.

David: "Shortly, we will meet some of these men, brave explorers who have crossed the ocean of space, to set foot on alien worlds..."

Jeb (muttering): "What's this guy on about, space is no ocean!"

David: "Brave Kerbals, who have sailed into the unknown to.."

Jeb: "Whoa! It's not like that."

Jeb walked on to the set, in front of the presenter. He paused suddenly, as it clicked exactly what he'd done, but then..

Jeb: "Uh, Hi. I'm Jeb. And, uh, space isn't an ocean. It's a vacuum. And space travel is not like salling. It's more like throwing yourself. Except it's more complicated than that 'cause.."

Jeb accompanied his impromptu lecture with hand gestures, awkwardly using his fingers to represent the motions of planets and space craft.

The camera man muttered to the Boom operator: "Is this in the script?"

"Don't think so. Let's just go with it."

Jeb: "Soo.. yeah. Space is no ocean."

Finished with his spiel, Jeb stood there, grinning. Kind of awkwardly. Saying nothing.

Gene (whispered to Walt): "He never read the script!"

Walt(whispering): "We can make something of this!"

And he shoved Bill and Bob into the shot.

Jeb "Oh! These are Bill and Bob! These guys are the best!"

"This, is Bob. Launches terrify him, but his passion for space is so strong, he goes through them anyway! And Bill! This guy, you want him with you in space, he knows what he's doing. Though he did believe us when we told him Minmus was a lump of green cheese."

Bill: "Nope!"

Jeb: " Remember the cheese mining lander?"

Bill: "Never happened!"

Regaining his composure, and with the utmost professionalism, David Kerman stepped forward once more:

David: "These Kerbals, and the other men, and women, from the old space program represent our first steps towards becoming a true, spacefaring species. Now, as we continue the journey, they will once again be our representatives, venturing on to the last frontier.

Great discovery awaits."

There will be one final chapter, to wrap up the story. We will celebrate, and christen, our new space center.

See you next time!

Edit: Scroll down a bit...

Edited by Tw1
Refinements. And then months old typos.
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  • 4 weeks later...
When is the next one?

Yes, I ought to finish this, shouldn't I? I've got all the photos, and the plot for the next part, just some dialogue to write, and then editing. I might get it done in a bit over a week, or in the next few days.

When you see the thread name updated, you'll know it is here.

The new clouds mod makes shots of KSC extra awesome. Except I'm sticking with the 0.21 version of the space center for this.


I might cover the latest modifications as part of another story in the future.

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