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Tylo. (Tylo Lander Certification)

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I'm developing a heavy 2-man lander that will be docked into an interplanetary ship for a Jool Conqueror mission. There will be 2 of them, one for Vall, and another for Tylo. I want to be sure that it can land at Tylo safely since I myself don't even know if it'll make it successfully there even if I've tested it many times already.

Here's the lander in question:


I've ground tested it already, and it sure can lift off in itself (and can probably even go to orbit around Kerbin). Now the question is: Can it land on Tylo and return safely?

Also, some tips on Tylo landing and other recommendations will be appreciated. :D

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100km<->Surface Tylo ~3100ms dV each way.

Tylo gravity 0.7G.

You will need a TWR exceeding 0.7 Kerbin normal, and for a land-and-return, you'd need around 6300ms of dV to do it safely.

Keep in mind Tylo has no atmophere.

You're probably overthinking the heavy lander there, keep in mind the EAS-1 seats, which allow you to carry Kerbs on your vessel very cheaply: Even manned, the seats only weigh about 0.15T, 1/4 of the mass of the next most efficient capsule (Mk1 Landercan).

Also, do you really need ALL that RCS?

Also: stats on the ship would be helpful (dV, wet and dry mass, what the shrouded engine is, etc)

Edited by kahlzun
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  kahlzun said:
100km<->Surface Tylo ~3100ms dV each way.

Tylo gravity 0.7G.

You will need a TWR exceeding 0.7 Kerbin normal, and for a land-and-return, you'd need around 6300ms of dV to do it safely.

Keep in mind Tylo has no atmophere.

You're probably overthinking the heavy lander there, keep in mind the EAS-1 seats, which allow you to carry Kerbs on your vessel very cheaply: Even manned, the seats only weigh about 0.15T, 1/4 of the mass of the next most efficient capsule (Mk1 Landercan).

Also, do you really need ALL that RCS?

Also: stats on the ship would be helpful (dV, wet and dry mass, what the shrouded engine is, etc)

The shrouded engine is a Poodle. Also, I might cut down some RCS because of that suggestion. :D

  astropapi1 said:
Is it SSTO on Kerbin?

It's a two-stage insanity. I found out that the return stage alone can get me from the launchpad to a significant height during testing.

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I found if you have a smaller ship with ASAS, and you don't need to dock, you don't need RCS at all! The sas gives plenty of torque even for landing.

But hay the best thing I got is a super small rover on eve and duna that's the best I have been able to do so far. ( off topic, but man that eve reentry was stunning) I actually had to aero-brake in to eve because my deep rocket did'ent have the DV to retro it to orbit:( the point of the story is when it comes to large deep space rockets just look the other way when I talk.:D

Edited by Tidus Klein
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  Giggleplex777 said:
What's the TWR of your lander?

If it's lower than 3, I recommend landing it like this:


I haven't found out yet, but it sure can lift off from the launchpad with no ease. And I think I'm not pro enough to pull of that kind of landing.

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I just ran the numbers (delta-V cost for landing vs TWR and Isp) for Tylo and all other atmosphere-less bodies using the constant-altitude trajectory in Mathematica, and posted the results here: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/showthread.php/39812-Landing-Delta-V-vs-TWR-and-specific-impulse

Edited by tavert
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