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Pre-Launch Sub-Orbital Maneuvering/Planning?

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I'm trying to do the K2 landing (as per the first Campaign in the wiki) and targeting the little island to the NE of the space centre.


I've learnt to use the maneuvre node and I think I've mastered it; however, in a way, it is designed to be used when one is comfortably orbiting thus removing a significant part of the time pressure.

However, noting that I am attempting a sub-orbital flight with not much fuel (my rocket is here), is there any way to actually setup a maneuvre node while sitting on the launchpad? Or perhaps calculating how to arrive at target x prior to launch?

Edited by BananaLee
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No but it should definitely be a planned feature. I would like to see, instead of mechjeb, a kind of "launch planner" where IF YOU WANT, you can program your launch, staging and direction on the map like manoevring, and an on-board flight unit carries it out.

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No but it should definitely be a planned feature. I would like to see, instead of mechjeb, a kind of "launch planner" where IF YOU WANT, you can program your launch, staging and direction on the map like manoevring, and an on-board flight unit carries it out.

So, like MechJeb?

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MechJeb is able to do that, yeah. Well, I've sort of figured out the best way to do the sub-orbital is to go straight up (ish) and coast to 70,000m. The coasting gives me about a minute or so to plan my maneuvre node accordingly.

Now I'm encountering another problem. I've aimed at the blue cross and fired up the required seconds (usually have about 5-10dv remaining before the blue cross runs off somewhere else and I spend 30s hunting it again). Without fail, I fall short of the target island - is that due to the planet's rotation (and I should therefore aim further) or am I just rubbish at maneuvering?

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Yep, aimed for an overshot and used the navball to make any adjustments from any deviations. It only took five attempts and some minor damage (loss of engine and one control winglet).. :D

Thanks for your help, everyone. Please enjoy the screenies below of my (humble) success





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