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Omni Korp Aerospace Division releases alpha version of Keagle parts


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UPDATE: Omni Korp Aerospace Division Director Tsu Suun Boom cites mounting cost overruns as the reason for today\'s early release of the Keagle project component parts. (Textures are lousy but uv maps are included for those who would like to redo them).



Director Tsu Suun Boom released a photo of the test vehicle used for testing project Keagle components as they are developed.

A passing tourist snapped this quick photo while driving by the Omni Korp Aerospace Division testing grounds today. Neddicus Kerman said, 'And I heard the loudest bang a few moments later!'. O.K.A.D. Director Tsu Suun Boom was unavailable for comment.

Still working on parts but took some time to play around with the Keagle command module. Still needs some remodeling and definately needs improved texturing.

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This is to help with cutting down on the amount of connections the PhysX will keep track of, I assume?

Yes, fewer connections, fewer objects for the same size/performance large rocket.

A good temporary solution, though I plan to make a double length 1m tank now :P

Thanks, that is exactly what I was aiming for (temporary solution) and I\'ll be quite happy to withdraw this part once you have your version in the mod :)

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Looks much better than mine :) I\'ve been playing around with assorted 3D modeling tools but in all honesty, doing much more than modifying a pre-existing part (and hoping that doesn\'t screw up the UV map) is beyond me. Which is kinda weird to me because I learned drafting back in the \'70s and did some early work with AutoCAD in the \'80s, had no problems really - but these modern tools are crazy complex, especially when it comes to UV mapping.

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This tank is cool but I just had to modify the texture and fuel capacity (capacity was only 400 when the stock is 500 this is twice as tall as the stock so I changed it to 1000).

The tank was designed for compatibility with Nova\'s KSP - Silisko Edition v0.7, that\'s why the capacity is low. For compatibility with stock you\'re probably better off looking to Wobbly Rockets (SundayPunch\'s mod) as well as the newer Down Under, KW Challenger, and other mod packages.

And, while you\'re at it, can we also have quadruple and hextuple (and, just for the Bertha, octuple) length 2m tanks? That would reduce the number of parts in my rockets quite dramatically.

The problem with longer than double length is I have absolutely no clue how to scale up some of the config parameters, especially given the \'rubbery\' state of many of the older mod package parts with the current version. I\'m also concerned that with longer than double length it could change the feel of the game too much - indestructible wobble-free extremely tall tanks. Also, the trouble I\'m having with using the 3D modeling tools and fighting the Collada dae format makes me leery of trying to do too much.

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Just goofing around a bit combining C7 wings and gear with KSP SE 0.7 parts and decided to make a missile body/engine that was more to scale with the result. (Yeah know this kinda thing isn\'t new - just a variation on an old idea.) The missile is a scaled down stock SRB with modified values, the \'warhead\' used is Captain Slug\'s signal flare, and tiny winglets are The_Duck\'s mini winglets. I still need a launch rail that is to the same scale and works with the C7 wings and then if there\'s any interest I\'ll put \'em in a pack.

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Just goofing around a bit combining C7 wings and gear with KSP SE 0.7 parts and decided to make a missile body/engine that was more to scale with the result. (Yeah know this kinda thing isn\'t new - just a variation on an old idea.) The missile is a scaled down stock SRB with modified values, the \'warhead\' used is Captain Slug\'s signal flare, and tiny winglets are The_Duck\'s mini winglets. I still need a launch rail that is to the same scale and works with the C7 wings and then if there\'s any interest I\'ll put \'em in a pack.

Looks like a need to do a remake of this

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Hehe that\'s a cool vid, haven\'t seen it before, did see some screenshots of another missile launching plane using Nova\'s mini missile though. The Blinder missile is roughly half the size of Nova\'s mini-missile. This missile body is really meant to be more of a \'sounding rocket\', trying to get it so the flares survive impact.

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Looks much better than mine :) I\'ve been playing around with assorted 3D modeling tools but in all honesty, doing much more than modifying a pre-existing part (and hoping that doesn\'t screw up the UV map) is beyond me. Which is kinda weird to me because I learned drafting back in the \'70s and did some early work with AutoCAD in the \'80s, had no problems really - but these modern tools are crazy complex, especially when it comes to UV mapping.

Some people just like re-inventing the wheel (looking at you MS office!). Others just start different. The likes of Blender are set up as 'artistic' method, with the axis being projected from the camera into the scene. Where as CAD software usually works with the axis projected from the page (floor of the scene). Then it gets more divergent from there. :P

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I\'ll try my hand at it. I would suggest another artist help out too, as I\'m not especially fast.

Great, I\'ve released the alpha version of the components including the uv maps for texturing (in file OKAD-keagle-v0x1alpha.zip attached to first post). Look forward to seeing what an artist can do with the command pod especially.

@Technical Ben: yeah that\'s the problem with the tools in a nutshell. I\'m slowly getting used to Blender though the inability to do what I consider to be simple tasks simply still drives me nuts.

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One problem with the body is all those girders - modeling them would drive the frame rate into the ground. Another problem is that it wouldn\'t allow for much customization/variation - it\'d be basically - use these parts, use this design. However... I am thinking about doing a front section and a rear section primarily as mount points for the vtol thrusters but also to allow the user to put different types of modules in between. What would be really nice with that would be a special strut that was somehow textured to resemble the backbone girders.

Anyhow I\'ll be scratching my head over body ideas and waiting to see what the artists can do with the texturing of the parts I\'ve released, also fixing any bugs that show up. There\'s one visual bug I\'m aware of with the belly thruster nozzles not being visible from underneath but not sure it is worth the extra poly count to fix.

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I do. But I fear what will happen when they get Kerbal Atomic Waste to the Mun... Now how much ASAS you gonna need for a moon?

PS Omni, you\'ll be surprised how many polys the game can handle. Else you can just use a texture on a cube for the girders. Really easy to do!

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