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[WIP] KerbTown v0.13 Beta - Place static buildings, cities, launch sites & more!


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  Mekan1k said:
Of course, the markers will be as inflexible as the rest of the planet.

Fine by me.

I actually had the thought to make them look like modern day air-race pylons, but I like the look of these better. Plus the cones would be kinda pointless in KSP since they wont pop anyway.

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Creating a nice initial user experience is not as easy as I'd like it to be lol. I should hopefully have a release out in a few hours for everyone to play with and give feedback on.

@Nutt007; I did see that - I'm sure it's going to look great in-game! :D


Take advantage of the fact that these objects don't use physics (apart from collisions) you can afford a few thousand extra tri's on each model. ;)

Just don't make your colliders too expensive. If you make a really complex model consider using a primitive collider in unity.

Or making an outline of your model as a second mesh then creating a mesh collider on that (set the mesh renderer to disabled in unity).

Saying that.. If your model is only a couple of thousand tri's it wont hurt performance too bad.

For example: That house model in the screen, 912 tri's. Instantiated and placed randomly 1,000 times using a mesh collider without the convex parameter didn't hurt performance a hell of a lot for me.

http://docs.unity3d.com/Documentation/Components/class-MeshCollider.html is a good read.

Although it can be advantageous, note that you do not need to use the Convex parameter for static objects in KSP.


Find what works for your system and base it on that once the release is here and you've played with the plugin a bit.

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Hey Raz, nice work... I made a Kerbin in the Woods cottage not long ago, it has an animated door that you can open and close I was going to make a fireplace and IVA for it as well... can you confirm if there is something that can't be done with these placed objects?

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Awesome, thanks for link...I know very little about colliders. So far i make everything with convex mesh collider, unless it touches ground then i use box (all in unity).

Cant wait to start playing with this plugin and seeing what all is possible!!

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Can you be more specific InfiniteDice? :)

The core rule is that if it would work as a part, it will work as a static object (the objects brought into game are to be exported out of Unity3d as a normal KSP Part would be).

You can modify them with animations, particles, and as soon as I put it in - component scripts (part plugins).

I have a semi-working model for getting plugins to work with these static objects through the regular "part config" file way.

Docking worked to a point (until undock - I know why and will fix that) but I will snip these from the plugin and code until I'm happy with the way they work.

This does not mean by any means that every plugin is going to work with these, for obvious reasons.

MechJeb isn't going to provide flight support for a casino - unless you emulate the static part as a vessel through a plugin.. you strange person - build a rocket lol.

The possibilities are endless once plugins work properly.

You could make an AI plugin and have a bunch of minions running around in circles in their local space for example.

Or have a door animation play when another object collides with a floor panel or invisible collider..

I'll stop talking and let you all invent those. ;) I should get back to finishing the code.

Like always I just want to support the ability to have that feature.

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  Razchek said:
Can you be more specific InfiniteDice? :)

The core rule is that if it would work as a part, it will work as a static object (the objects brought into game are to be exported out of Unity3d as a normal KSP Part would be).

You can modify them with animations, particles, and as soon as I put it in - component scripts (part plugins).

Sounds good. If I write a plugin I'll stay away from referencing any vessel parameters.

When you release this I'll update the cabin and re-release it to be compatible with your mod, just so everyone has a getaway cabin by a lake someplace.

Maybe I'll make some other items to go with it.

How are we to choose the locations? can you capture the location real time in the game and save the coordinate like hyper-edit? or are you making an alternate solution?

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  KhaosCorp said:
Can Attach/stack nodes be added to these objects so parts can be added to em in VAB/SHP before they are placed?

Hey Khaos, I think if they leave the spaceport with other parts attached, they'd then become vessels. But I think if something were designed all in one, like a building with doors that open, windows that open, fire escapes that extend, radar dishes that rotate... etc... then they will all work as they are still considered one part.

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  InfiniteDice said:
Hey Khaos, I think if they leave the spaceport with other parts attached, they'd then become vessels. But I think if something were designed all in one, like a building with doors that open, windows that open, fire escapes that extend, radar dishes that rotate... etc... then they will all work as they are still considered one part.

Actually I was thinking of static AA towers if you got your weapons/damage mod working with this =P But I have a nice pine tree I would like to add once objects are ingame.

Don't know why I didnt think of this before....Im starting work now on a small naval base, someplace for the Narwhal to tie up.

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  InfiniteDice said:
.. How are we to choose the locations? can you capture the location real time in the game and save the coordinate like hyper-edit? or are you making an alternate solution?

I actually have never seen HyperEdit - I'll definitely have to take a look at some point. At this stage it is real-time on the current body during flight.

So right now, you either have to know the relative radial vector position to place an object (hah!) or you have to get close by with a vessel in flight and place them using the GUI interface.

GUI is opened with CTRL+K then you can instantiate or modify existing static objects through this interface.

The placement at this stage is primitive (buttons / text field coordinates), but as I am able to translate position to lat/long I will (in maybe the second or third update) have place-at-mouse controls.

I have ideas for placement in map view, but that will be another day for sure. (:

  KhaosCorp said:
Can Attach/stack nodes be added to these objects so parts can be added to em in VAB/SHP before they are placed?

Oh, these objects will not be available in the SPH/VAB. Sorry.

Any docking nodes you place at the moment will be place-holders. They won't function until I fix the module parsing code.

Although I love the idea of putting a building together in the VAB/SPH - it would introduce problems that I'm not prepared to deal with at this stage lol.

The easiest way to implement a house with furniture is to design your entire scene (in Unity3d) and place it under an empty GameObject with a KSP Part Tools component.

Then when you're done, export it and bring it into the KSP system.

You could also create multiple objects and place them one by one in-game, but the time it would take using the current primitive interface would not be ideal lol.

The expected scenario:

- You fly to a nice beach, instantiate your beach house that you made. Place it using the current coordinate system in the KerbTown GUI.

- Instantiate your chair, get your Kerbal inside the house (so you can see) risking collision-death when moving your chair around.

- So-forth.

I was thinking about disabling colliders during edit - but that will require some thought at a time other than 6:20 a.m. on a Friday morning haha.

Time to get some rest, I'll post the release sometime today - there are a few more things I need to tweak before I publish. Thank goodness for no meetings today. Phone is off and I'm sleeping until lunch time haha.

Edited by Razchek
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  InfiniteDice said:
Hey Khaos, I think if they leave the spaceport with other parts attached, they'd then become vessels. But I think if something were designed all in one, like a building with doors that open, windows that open, fire escapes that extend, radar dishes that rotate... etc... then they will all work as they are still considered one part.

Actually I was thinking of static AA towers if you got your weapons/damage mod working with this =P But I have a nice pine tree I would like to add once objects are ingame. Its something i happened upon in a random forum, so only have it as a part, not the model.

Don't know why I didnt think of this before....Im starting work now on a small naval base, someplace for the Narwhal to tie up.

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  Razchek said:
I actually have never seen HyperEdit - I'll definitely have to take a look at some point. At this stage it is real-time on the current body during flight.

He basically writes the coordinate to a text file, then reloads that text file when you recall the location in the gui. Simple really.

I really like your approach, anything that makes it simple to do will be the best solution. I'll see if I can get that cottage together so when you release this there will be at least one more location people can use.

Actually I was thinking of static AA towers if you got your weapons/damage mod working with this =P

haha! yes, I'd have to check the code, I think for the auto aim it does need to look at and compare vessel info at times. So this could be an issue. We'll have to wait and see. What excites me more is that if this works well... we could have permanent targets for missions and use mobile AA to defend them if needed.

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Now, the first privately released pack for this new mod should be a set of new Eastereggs on all the planets and moons!!

After the obligatory sprucing up of the KSC :)

I'm envisioning a massive factory with big nuclear chilling towers and smoke stacks, and smog. Lots of smog. Why else is the only business on Kerbin focused solely on getting off the planet and colonizing other planets?

Sadly I'm also among the group of people that don't know how to model or texture squat, so ill just hope someone takes up the challenge :)

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  HoY said:

Now, the first privately released pack for this new mod should be a set of new Eastereggs on all the planets and moons!!

After the obligatory sprucing up of the KSC :)

I'm envisioning a massive factory with big nuclear chilling towers and smoke stacks, and smog. Lots of smog. Why else is the only business on Kerbin focused solely on getting off the planet and colonizing other planets?

Sadly I'm also among the group of people that don't know how to model or texture squat, so ill just hope someone takes up the challenge :)

I have always kept part of my focus on Kerbin, and always thought it kinda odd no one else seems to. Honestly I spend as much time on kerbin as i do in space or on other planets.

Only now instead of crap towns and facilitys made of parts that lag I can have awesome ones that dont lag.

I am thinking of ways to make things more functional. It seems like storing fuel will eventualy happen. But I was thinking of other things too.

Maybe if the building were made in such away to allow small modules made of parts to be droped in place. For instance a research outpost could be made with gaps to allow Hab modules to be droped in place, allowing the facility to house kerbals. I think alot of other functionality could be added in the same manner. Plus it best of both worlds...Main structure (in fact most everything) will be static, but little bits of parts to make the building functional from gameplay standpoint.

Just an idea Im kicking around

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Here is what I got ready so far...I know they are horrible =P been moddin 2 1/2 weeks....anyway

The Start/Finish line and Course Marker pylons for the First annual KC Keno AirRaces:


This is a tank farm I made for testing. If has LF/O in it and crossfeed capable.


First test will be trying to use KAS plug to get at the fuel.

Still working on my naval base....its big, but low poly as its all simple shapes. Maybe I have that done in a day or so.

And yes, I am aware that I cant texture things good at all...even when using good textures =P

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Apologies for the delay on release, I've encountered placement issues on other celestial bodies (positioning).

Fixing that up now then hopefully I wont find any other critical bugs so I can give you all something to play with while I fix all the other minor bugs. :)

Some nice models Khaos! Not bad at all, especially for only a couple weeks' worth of blending. ;)

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  Razchek said:
Apologies for the delay on release, I've encountered placement issues on other celestial bodies (positioning).

Fixing that up now then hopefully I wont find any other critical bugs so I can give you all something to play with while I fix all the other minor bugs. :)

Some nice models Khaos! Not bad at all, especially for only a couple weeks' worth of blending. ;)

Why thank you sir!!

What I lack in skill I make up for in spirit =P

If you want any of them for testing (or to giggle at) shoot me your e-mail in PM and ill pack em up and send em your way.

Question: Placement includes height/altitude? I have been putting the sand bases on everything just assuming I could sink it into terrain a bit.

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  KhaosCorp said:
Why thank you sir!!

What I lack in skill I make up for in spirit =P

If you want any of them for testing (or to giggle at) shoot me your e-mail in PM and ill pack em up and send em your way.

Question: Placement includes height/altitude? I have been putting the sand bases on everything just assuming I could sink it into terrain a bit.

Thank you! I will have to send you a PM at some point to test that fuel tank out. :D

Answer: Placement does include height offset. Which is the problem I have encountered haha - I'm trying to translate the surface height position to a radial height offset at the moment for instantiating objects in view (rather than below surface).

You will definitely be able to bury part of the object in the ground.


The plugin is more or less ready, just need to fix the save/write function and there should be no more critical bugs at this point that I know of lol.

Hopefully I can push out the release when I wake up. :)

Until then.. here's an example of what the editor UI currently looks like:


Edit: there are text fields to specify values as well they're hidden in this screenshot lol.

Leave me some feedback on the visuals young Kerbals! :D

Improvements, questions, comments and all that..

Please remember, I will be eventually adding a 'click-to-place' control scheme so that the placement is a bit more intuitive.

But for a little while after release (while I get the core features implemented) you will be stuck with this UI. So make your suggestions now. :P

Edited by Razchek
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I have a question. You said that it might support animations, will the animations be something which constantly goes, or will you be able to right click an object which is static and open up a menu for animations?

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  nubeees said:
I have a question. You said that it might support animations, will the animations be something which constantly goes, or will you be able to right click an object which is static and open up a menu for animations?

Not sure if you can make a context menu for static object. But I do know that you can have a looped or ongoing animation in both Unity and KSP. I assume this is how the radar dish on the tracking station is done. Hope these items can have context menus, would open up alot more useful anims.

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