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[Request] Bring back some sort of preview stream or devstream


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Hey Squad,

I know you are very busy finishing 0.21 but I would really like to request a stream which could maybe preview some features of the new patch.

I like your new KSPTV but it is not the same like the devstream. We don't see new KSP related things only guys playing the game we already know.

We got only some pictures and thats not enough to satisfy the needs of an serious KSP-addict.

Personally I see things the way that such stream could even work to promote your brilliant game even further.

What is your thought of this request, community?

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Edit: Now that I think about it, I saw one of the last streams, how sad, they were cool and did a good job showcasing the versions. And no, I'm not talking about the skunky ones, I mean real showcases.

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There was a lot more excitement before 0.18 due to the dev streams each week and we got to hear more from the devs. Now it doesn't feel like there's much hype for this update and we're lucky if we hear about even small new features. It'd be great to have those streams back even if it was only for 20 minutes each week.

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I religiously watched the monday devstreams, at 2pm eastern every week! I would absolutely love for them to return, but after the explosion in reaction to something one of the devs said, I doubt that there will be another devstream. I have to say that KSPTV is OK, but Streams from Skunky and the Devs are what I really want to see. Consider this my vote in favor of a devstream return!

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I'm actually working on getting that back online. We're working on Devcasts, sort of a prerecorded gameplay session we can either live comentate on or simply hsow what we're working on, to keep the chaos of the streams down. This would all be done through KSPTV, which everyone should be watching already ;)

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I'm actually working on getting that back online. We're working on Devcasts, sort of a prerecorded gameplay session we can either live comentate on or simply hsow what we're working on, to keep the chaos of the streams down. This would all be done through KSPTV, which everyone should be watching already ;)

Well there we have it, hope everything goes well!

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KSPTV is a good concept, but it really needs some work. How much Time zones we are covering here? I don't know. At least it is a lot! It's hard to find a specific item back at the KSPTV stream. KSPTV is for me a weird stream because I almost never can watch "live". I have a different timezone, and there for; it middle in the night, or very, very early or something. My problem with Twitch is, is so focused to watch it live. To watch it right there, right now. With the live chat and all. You guys need to figure something out for the people who aren't live to have the same broadcast experience as the people who are live. If i DO find a specific stream back, as I said before -not easy to find- than I have a stream with multiple questions, explanations, interaction or whatever to the people who where their live right on the spot without a chat or anything on screen. The old setting was easy. Mondaynight, and Friday night. If you missed it, you could find it easily back. This, some sort of 24 hours live stream is a good thought, but you guys forgetting the time differents. Many people arn't live..

Edited by JSD
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I would love to see a scripted dev-stream. I asked about it on the chat before KSPTV launched and Skunky said it wasn't a bad idea.

Some kind ot KSP Weekly stream would be nice, maybe monthly to have more content each time.

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I'm actually working on getting that back online. We're working on Devcasts, sort of a prerecorded gameplay session we can either live comentate on or simply hsow what we're working on, to keep the chaos of the streams down. This would all be done through KSPTV, which everyone should be watching already ;)

is there a link to that somewhere? Only thing like it I have is the KerbalSP twitch bookmarked... and the last video on that was 2 months ago.

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It's really sad that current KSPTV is just user-only. I don't get why it was needed to gether all of them in a single channel, people could've watched KSP user streams freely long before that. I personally loved old KSPTV for the ability to listen to devs thinking out loud about game development, and how things should be. And sometimes showing us new stuff, which is also cool. But things have changed, and now they barely talk, and keep silent about future and their vision of the game, keeping it only to the current stuff. Makes me sad panda.

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It's really sad that current KSPTV is just user-only. I don't get why it was needed to gether all of them in a single channel, people could've watched KSP user streams freely long before that. I personally loved old KSPTV for the ability to listen to devs thinking out loud about game development, and how things should be. And sometimes showing us new stuff, which is also cool. But things have changed, and now they barely talk, and keep silent about future and their vision of the game, keeping it only to the current stuff. Makes me sad panda.

Thinking out loud is one thing, not processing and what you want to say and end up shoot your self on the leg is another . The internet is already filled with cheap bastard and lawyers alike that jumps on people who are not paying attention in their speech.

Anyway, just make sure the devs don't shoot themselves again and we're fine! Prerecorded streams is OK, but some live scripted streams that ignore chats from time to time will be great.

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